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What To Do With Donated Tar Money.


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Well i have had enough of faffing with tar now, so i counted up the donated money and it came to £15. ^_^" Thats more than i though it would come to.

Anyway, like i said it would goto a good cause, maby back into the trials community? Has anyone got any ideas of what to do with it, who to donate it to?

Open to any suggestions, the more creative the better.


Thanks to all who donated by the way, especially the two who sent paper money. :P

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Give it to the World round being held in Britain this year/next year. They need funding for that. I don't know much about it but I'm sure there's info on Biketrial UK. Either that or you could buy a Big Issue for a few months.

Edit: It's happening this summer, 9 weeks time apparently. They seem to be desperate for money, and if it goes well then there could be more UK rounds. Not that I care...

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Edit: It's happening this summer, 9 weeks time apparently. They seem to be desperate for money, and if it goes well then there could be more UK rounds. Not that I care...

Thats a bit harsh (Y)

even if you don't like natural trials atleast they are surpporting trials in the UK and really doing something for the sport :P

JT buy £15 worth of raffel tickets at least you may have tha chance of winning something ^_^

Edited by Xdream
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It's not harsh. I don't really care if there are any more world rounds in the UK. I don't care if trials gets no coverage. I don't really care if trials dries up and there's only me in the country riding. It'll still be fun ^_^"

To be fair, there are loads of people who need the money more than all the trials competition boys in their lycra suits (Y) So seeing as neither thing really affects me, I'd probably give the money to some charity :P

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It's not harsh.  I don't really care if there are any more world rounds in the UK.  I don't care if trials gets no coverage.  I don't really care if trials dries up and there's only me in the country riding.  It'll still be fun  ^_^"

To be fair, there are loads of people who need the money more than all the trials competition boys in their lycra suits (Y)  So seeing as neither thing really affects me, I'd probably give the money to some charity :P

lol, i totally agree.. infact, i would probally prefer it that way! reason being... i can rember many years ago when it seemed like only i rode doing tricks and stuff and all the public used to enjoy watching and they found it impressive. now you cant ride anywhere without getin in trouble and everyone thinks you are criminals.

i dont like natural comps. just looks to me like a bunch of people trying to get out of some mud that they were silly enough to get stuck in, in the 1st place. -skills impressive, but its not an extreme sport, on the other hand, Street IS!

id spend the 15 on beer, or something like, hair dye. or a big pizza

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Thats a bit harsh (Y)

even if you don't like natural trials atleast they are surpporting trials in the UK and really doing something for the sport :P

JT buy £15 worth of raffel tickets at least you may have tha chance of winning something ^_^

How can it be harsh, I suggested the charity in the first place.... tard.

Anyway, natural trials is ok. I gave it a go last year, did about five comps, but will only do one or two more if any. Yes they're doing something for the sport in the UK, but I'm of the opinion that natural and street are pretty much two different sports.

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ok (Y)

So any other ideas, DJ :P memorial garden? (Just been beaten to it ^ ) Could buy something with it and have a little comp or something? Charity?

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i dont like natural comps. just looks to me like a bunch of people trying to get out of some mud that they were silly enough to get stuck in, in the 1st place. -skills impressive, but its not an extreme sport, on the other hand, Street IS!

youve gotta be kidding!

The only "extreme" street I have seen is craig and neil doing their big gap drops and things, most people seem to be into the spins and manuals, that reminds me of sycronised ballet cycling (it really exists) <those guys are doing waay more impressive things than every "wanna be bmxer" I have seen.

You may have been unfortunate to have only seen muddy comps, but you should see the uci comps, they are nuts, and I call riding on an uneven slippy rock 20ft up more extreme than street.

sorry for the rant, it just really get on my tits when people say street is more extreme than natural.

I agree with the buying lots of raffle tickets to rais funds for the brit round of the world champs.

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Although I don't really want to start the whole "shit BMX" thing again, I do think that, to the average person watching at home, street is more dangerous, exciting, cool et (I.e. More extreme). Obviously natural is harder and probably more dangerous, but in terms of what looks coolest, it's gotta be street.

I vote pay your town council back for the benches you've destroyed through riding (Y)

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I vote pay your town council back for the benches you've destroyed through riding  (Y)

Too many rocks to be playing about on benches :) , I think FBM (DJ memorial garden) seems the best idea. Unless i get any strong objections as to why not (which i doubt) i will send it to sue.

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buy 150 rainbow dust tubes and have a rainbow dust bath  :P

I thought they were a penny each... :)

PORNO, or mod661's idea.

You always have a valuable contribution to every thread MrMonkey and I respect you for that (Y)

I'd go for the FBM fund myself, especially with the 1year anniversary and everything B)

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I'd rather not spilt it up, makes less of an impact that way. Isn't there a way you can add a poll? Sure you can somehow, then i could have a poll between, DJ garden / ride, and the worlds.

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