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New Pedals


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orite guys and girls!

some new pedals being designed at the moment, supposebley the best pedals ever! never wear down, never break. there meant to be unbreakable! made out of air craft titanium. a guy that makes motorbike footrests is doing them. the first few sets are being made now! me and waynio will be testing some out so just ask for a look when i get them if you want! i will get pics asap!

there abit on the pricey side though, about 200 pound a pair, but if they never break it may be worth a shot! thats all i know so far!


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200 pounds!!! i dont think they will be popular who would pay that much for pedals? i certainly wouldnt! (N)

Say you pay 50 quid for a set of pedals thats still 4 pairs to get through until you reach the equvelant of one set of these new ones. And i dont think many people pay 50 pounds any way, i spose it would save the hastle of changing your pedals.

The only people that will buy these pedals will be the people who have perfect bikes and nothing to do with there money but to buy new parts! :)

well thats my opinion anyway i may be totally wrong but hey!

I found it extremly hard to write that i hope you can understand what im trying to put across :)


Edited by club_card
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waynio mentioned this to me a while ago but i was told to keep quiet.

i just argued with him that until they are proven then i doubt anybody with any sense would buy some at that price.

say you use 3 pairs of VP(or similar £10 pedals) a year. you can get over six years from them.

who says they will definatly last that long and still be doing trials then........

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Are you sure they are going to be £200? That seems unrealistic, even for indestructable titanium pedals. I find any more then £30 expensive, they get mashed up every time you ride so why bother? Anyways when you do get them be sure to post a pic (N)

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You can't make something indestructible.

£200 sounds a bit heavy for a pair of pedals...

Fully agreed.

£200 is just way OTT, no one will buy them. (N) Nice idea though, can't beat a bit of ti. :)"

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pedals sounds ace, price doesnt.

why dont you ask him to make ti cages to fit current pedals, like vp and club roost? Arans steel cages on his vps have lasted years, and are still grippy.

wernt you on about global making these cages? (N)

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look guy dont rant at me, i aint making them, they may not be this expensive but that is something like what i have been told! i will not be paying that, i think it is stupid to, but to never have to change a pair of pedals again, could be good! ( think how much harrier jump jets have to go through, it is the same metal as used on them!) no ideas on weight, sorry guys, but i know that they will be ridiculously light!!!!! nice idea ali, might have to speak to him about that, like cages for vp's but ti? :)

joE! p.s sorry to go on! (N)

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look guy dont rant at me, i aint making them, they may not be this expensive but that is something like what i have been told! i will not be paying that, i think it is stupid to, but to never have to change a pair of pedals again, could be good! ( think how much harrier jump jets have to go through, it is the same metal as used on them!) no ideas on weight, sorry guys, but i know that they will be ridiculously light!!!!! nice idea ali, might have to speak to him about that, like cages for vp's but ti? :P

joE! p.s sorry to go on! :S

If there indestructible. What about the bearings :lol:"

Ti VP Cages sound good. But its getting a body that will last the lenth of the cages.

And £200 is abit steep, around 100/150 sounds OK! Might be an option for DH'ers?


Edited by Echo_Scotty
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think how much harrier jump jets have to go through, it is the same metal as used on them!

You can't compare them like that. I'm not sure Harriers are bashed against walls and rocks, and it's more important how something is constructed, rather than the material it is made out of.

Saab JAS 39 Gripen (Swedish fighter jet) is constructed out of carbon fibre and aluminium mostly, and I've seen plenty of carbon fibre and aluminium products (frames, handlebars, etc.) broken. It's all about how you design it.

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Joe you dont need all this shit so the following applies!

if someone walks upto you and says is it a good idea to make something that wont break like normal things and are alot nicer and stronger?

"err no mister its not worth doing just fforget about it and go home!"

i dont think so, the chap had a word with Joe's dad who does motor bike parts and then said good idea you should make em for bikes, pedal bikes, he called into where i work and i gave him 3-4 different pairs of pedals VP club roost etc etc. and he knows just how SH!T those pedals are. the titanium cages WILL be replaceable (if produced) and should be on a sealed cartridge (bearing) system.

magnifique. but if your pedals was to weigh like 200/300grams and your a weight freak i think you would actually buy a pair weather it be £200 or even £1000!!!!

people have to be different! and have different things that not many people have.

if people dont want them they wont buy them but we have to get a rough price to start with and the guy said maybe around £200. the foot rests are worse they are like £100 n odd quid and are tiny! at least ours will be more significant.


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to be honest, i dont see the need for a titanium pedal!

i have heat treated alu pedals and they aint gunna snap in half or anything!

plus 200 quid is over the top! i bought some outland pedals ages ago for 35 quid, the bearings are ace, you get an extra set of pins and they are solid! not too heavy either!

thats my view,


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I'll have to tell you about my pedals, i bought the magnesium/titanium dmr v12 pedals here in Sweden for 3 years ago now, i never thought they would last more than a year or so but ive been bashing them for 3 years now and they're still going strong, at a weight of 350 g and considering they still work as new i would say they are worth the 160£ that i paid for them.. If these pedals are even better they are probably worth the money.

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thanks alot mate, atleast someone agrees with me that they will be good! and maybe a new idea of an axle is going to be used instead of the standard one, but can't tell you too much, should be good though!!

joE! (Y)

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