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Front Hooks, 2 Quick Questions


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Hi i made a similar post in new members but u've now been validated and i get a lot more feedback in here, right so i've used the search and found nothing on these two things:

Do You Find Front Hooks Easier Or Harder On A Long Bike

Do You Find Pausehop Ups (or sidehops to backwheel) Easier On A Long Bike

please add why you find it easier / harder

oh i am aiming this at mod riders' and vertical walls but i dont mind stocck riders answering or if you can only hook a slanted wall

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It's really a case of swings and roundabouts. Seems like most people on here love longer and lower bikes, but I way prefer higher front ends, and not being so stretched out. It's just down to personal feel, really. Although a lot of people here think longer's the way to go, the wb of the majority of the top 20 riders in the world says otherwise :-


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it is your personal opinion but advice can always help! i have an 05 ti, and iwant a bit of a longer bike but am not thinkin 1060 (cls). about 1030 would be right for ma i think so i would say go longer but it depends on what you ride like and what you prefer/used to! :- hope this helps!


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I think both moves are probably slightly easier on shorter bikes. A short bike for front hooks means you can bunny hop into it which gives more scope for faster run ups and therefore higher walls, plus once you've hooked the front wheel it should be less effort to get the rest of the bike up.

Same goes for 'pause hops' as you call them. A shorter bike requires less effort to throw the bike up and onto the back wheel.

Good question actually! I can't really remember how my old Monty used to feel... I know I prefer longer bikes at the moment, but not because it makes those two mentioned moves any easier.


Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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I could imagine that front hooks could be slightly harder on a long bike, but im not really sure. It could make it harder having to pull the bike up from the hook position. As for sidehops to backwheel, then a long bike should be easier to them on, less twitchy and as someone said, more room to move.

However, these tricks are just like any other trials move, its personal prefence on whether you prefer shorter or longer bikes...

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BB height is also one factor to think of when talking about which bike is best forr certain moves.

Logically, without any personal experience from long mods with BB rise , i'd say a good BB rise will help you when doing hook-ups.

You will get your feet further away from the wall and another body angle, which should feel more like doing the same move on a sloped wall.

and yes, im riding a monty 221 and i find hooks to both wheels hard on vertical walls.

anyone riding a python, koxx or something else thats long could help more on this topic though

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i went from a long pitbull to a 1000 t-mag, i love the t-mag and feel i'm alot better on it.

Length of the t-mag worried me, but I got used to it straight away.

Edited by towler trials
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Don't like front hucks. For the main reason i carnt do them, and cannot be bothered to learn. Can do them, on Slanted walls but not vertical.

I ride an Echo Team 05 1040 wheel base. rides so much nicer then the old Monty R.I.P.

Gaps were funny at first but no problem now. Sidehops Easyer, Bunnyhops are weird but Don't taker long to ajust to. Also Tapping is awsome.


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