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Very Upset!

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  Davetrials said:
Uve seriosly killed your self but continue to post on the forum

Combat issue forum phantom.

No no no ive took the overdose, and im scared of whats going to happen, ive got a big stitch type thing in my side (Y) But the fact is, she told me that she still loves me, and that its just om getting to attached, and that we may get together again in the future :)

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  Combat_Issue said:
No no no ive took the overdose, and im scared of whats going to happen, ive got a big stitch type thing in my side  (Y) But the fact is, she told me that she still loves me, and that its just om getting to attached, and that we may get together again in the future :)

if you have od'd i suggest you go and wake your mum up and tell her your sorry....

if you do survive, then get back with her....im sure you'll be real happy knowing your mates have had a go.

what exactly have you took? knowing your a kid, you'll have a bad tummy and be fine tomorrow....deal with it

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For god sake nick, your so emotionaly unstable, the fact is i know you haven't took an overdose and tell me are your a puff or something. Man up a bit shes just a normal girl you thought you were in love with that other girl then you dumped her for this harley you weren't taking so called overdoses. your just a stone cold attenion seeker always grabbing the attenion grow up a bit get a hobby or something (Y) .


snowy :)

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Listen mate,some of the replies have been a little harsh but you sound like you really need to be dealt with like this.

If you truly have taken something then call 999 and get an Ambulance to take you to the hospital and get your stomach pumped.Life is precious and you are only a young pup,there is so much that you've got to look forward to/go through,I mean come on,you haven't even had your 16th yet,then theres your 18th,21st ,1st car,1st home of your own,finding the RIGHT girl!,getting married,having children,i think you get the picture.Come on,be a man or you'll have people talk to you like this all your life!

One word of advice,when you break up with someone,you NEVER go back,because when you do,your telling them that their isn't any boundaries in your relationship and they will do whatever they want to you,knowing that you will have them back no matter what.When it's OVER it's OVER!! you'll get over it.Try to have some standards man!!!


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I am going to sound very harsh so I apologize in advance.

You're 14 years old and had a girlfriend for 8 months, holding hands and kissing isn't love. You don't know what love is (don't go telling me about you two fornicating because I really don't give a shit. Having sex doesn't mean you love each other). Only the weak and pathetic take their own lives, you're a child and have so much to live for. Don't be so god damn stupid.

Once again, sorry for sounding a bit harsh but for christ sake get over it, it's a girl.

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Listen mate,some of the replies have been a little harsh but you sound like you

One word of advice,when you break up with someone,you NEVER go back,because when you do,your telling them that their isn't any boundaries in your relationship and they will do whatever they want to you,knowing that you will have them back no matter what.When it's OVER it's OVER!! you'll get over it.Try to have some standards man!!!

Mate well said, but i know he hasn't he lied in the past about this, hes abit silly like that, he wants his girlfriend to see it, so he fools her back that what he always does.

Even if he did take an overdose, YOU TAKE AN OVERDOSE TO KILL YOUR SELF YOU FOOL. your an idiot thats what you are you try to make everyone feel sorry for you, but this person right here ain't feeling sorry for you you keep running back to her. You think you love everyone every girlfriend you have doesn't matter if its for 1 day to a week you on about marrying them. lol he even tryed to get one of them pregnant at the age of 14 come on thats just %100 stupidity i once said "what if you get aids or something" he said "i wont have to worry about getting it then will i" how stupid is that

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  Smo said:
I am going to sound very harsh so I apologize in advance.

You're 14 years old and had a girlfriend for 8 months, holding hands and kissing isn't love. You don't know what love is (don't go telling me about you two fornicating because I really don't give a shit. Having sex doesn't mean you love each other). Only the weak and pathetic take their own lives, you're a child and have so much to live for. Don't be so god damn stupid.

Once again, sorry for sounding a bit harsh but for christ sake get over it, it's a girl.

Mate well said, that dont work i tryed it on him he just keeps going back. (Y)

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  Dawg said:


  suffolk trials said:
do you think that helpfull he has just been  dumped and you are making jokes

shaun  :)

  Dawg said:

That was f**king hilarious

  picki said:
This bird seems to be a big of a whore, going out with your mates.

1: get some new mates....if they are doing that to you, they aint your friends.

2: when your at the legal age, bone her mates, or her sister, mum, aunt.... just to get back youll feel much better.

Dont be a tard and take her back. Shell be using you like most women do.

and last but not least:

3: dont bother taking your life. A hell of alot of people would love the chance to still be alive, make the most of it while you still have it.

3a: just in case dont use life-taking as an attention getter...it dont work


Dont forget her grandmother!



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i've just split up with my girl after a year and its was the first time we had EVER argued. by the looks of what you have said you and this girl were destined (sp) to piss eachother of really.

so get over her go find someone else and move on i have!

if you still have feelings (not love) for her stay mates thats what i've done and its made life so much easier

taking your own life in a way is pathetic! i'm only 17 and i've had a fair few friends die and i'm pretty sure that if they could they would want to see out the rest of their days!

even if you did take your own life who would it hurt most think of your own family ect that it will take to a whole new meaning of depression! anyone that decides to kill themself is only really being selfish because its the easy route out that takes alot of others down with them!

rant over (Y)


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nick you are just so perfetic you are 14 and you think you are in love, you went out with a another girl and you thought you was in love with her, all you think about is girls girls girls and more girls.just forget about harley and move on.

ben (Y)

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  Gears said:
nick you are just so perfetic you are 14 and you think you are in love, you went out with a another girl and you thought you was in love with her, all you think about is girls girls girls and more girls.just forget about harley and move on.

ben (Y)

Yeah hes right, You should start thinking boys!

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Case of the attention seeker. The one who seems to top himself and cut his main arterys numerous times but he still lives. Most attention seekers are amazing at staying alive even after serious injury.

I'm in love with a girl, been going out over a year. But if she dumped me for my best mate, would I top myself? No It is pathetic and selfish. If your going to harm something harm your mate.

If you really are seeking attention and just say things, GROW UP

If you really are thinking about killing yourself then, WAKE UP

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  Gears said:
nick you are just so perfetic you are 14 and you think you are in love, you went out with a another girl and you thought you was in love with her, all you think about is girls girls girls and more girls.just forget about harley and move on.

ben (Y)

For gods sake, shut the f**k up, or i swear the next time i come down ill floor you like i did the other week! Im fed up of you going on and on and on, just shut the F**k up! W@nker, there aint an age limit for being in love you pr*ck, you wouldnt even be a member if i hadnt have given you that account, you would be stuck with your geary account! And yes i am fine now, just had a bad sticth all night and had S*its all this morning!


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  Combat_Issue said:
For gods sake, shut the f**k up, or i swear the next time i come down ill floor you like i did the other week! Im fed up of you going on and on and on, just shut the F**k up! W@nker, there aint an age limit for being in love you pr*ck, you wouldnt even be a member if i hadnt have given you that account, you would be stuck with your geary account! And yes i am fine now, just had a bad sticth all night and had S*its all this morning!


I think you need to take your own advice, yes thats right Shut the f**k up. end of

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