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Chopper Bikes


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Me and my Dad made it from two scrap bikes (kindly donated by cycleworld) we cut off the front stem of one bike and the rear from the other, then all you have to do is wield!

It took us ages to make and spray as we couldn't get the right handle bars for the cool Chopper look.

It's still not finished yet because we are going to paint on the side 'Crapper', so show that it used to be a rusted piece of steel!

Also it really hurts your back when you ride it because you, well I do, have to lean so far forward to reach the handle bars. (Y)


Heres me on it.


I will have a vid coming soon once my mum lets me use her laptop ;)

Hope you like it, please leave comments about it.

Thanks Tom

Edited by trialsboytom
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craaaaaaaazy david!

thats cool. i wanna do that!!!!

i bet its one of them bikes where id bet my entire life savings on the fact you cant ride it in a straight line or steer without falling off!

lookin forward to vids (Y)

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my fork was standard 26" with two sun umbrella tubes from the dump hammered on to the legs after i cut the dropous off,, then i welded then up and welded the dropouts back on at the bottom.


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We made it from two scrap bikes (kindly donated by cycleworld) we cut off the front stem of one bike and the rear from the other, then all you have to do is wield!

It took us ages to make and spray as we couldn't get the right handle bars for the cool Chopper look.

It's still not finished yet because we are going to paint on the side 'Crapper', so show that it used to be a rusted piece of steel!

Also it really hurts your back when you ride it because you, well I do, have to lean so far forward to reach the handle bars. (Y)


Heres me on it.


I will have a vid coming soon once my mum lets me use her laptop  (Y)

Hope you like it, please leave comments about it.

Thanks Tom

haha yeahh megaa tom!!

the top pic.. how on earth is it standing up :P hahaa

bet its a beast to do wheelies on :-

Edited by crazy_gap girl
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Can you put some pics of that beastly matt black Chevy you come to the comps in up on here please Tom?!?! I can just about see its bumper in one of the pics but I think you need to post full pics of that beast! :- (Y)

Make sure you bring this concraption (Sorry I couldnt help myself) to the next Hampshire comp so I can steal it for a ride round (Y)

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Can you put some pics of that beastly matt black Chevy you come to the comps in up on here please Tom?!?! I can just about see its bumper in one of the pics but I think you need to post full pics of that beast!  :S  (Y)

Make sure you bring this concraption (Sorry I couldnt help myself) to the next Hampshire comp so I can steal it for a ride round  :D

Well i might be able to arrange bringing it to the next comp but we havnt tryed to fit it in the back of the truck yet!! it might not fit!!

Here's the pics of the 'Beastly truck'

Thanks Tom

Edited by trialsboytom
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