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The Cycle Show 2004


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I was just remebering how good the cycle show 2004 was. The show that had the coustelliers and Dani Comas competing in London. It was some of the best riding I have ever seen in the flesh.

I used the search to see if I had missed any video's, but couldn't find any.

In the topic about the show people were saying they were going to make a vid so I wondered if there were any knocking about.?

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Word on the street is that I made a vid :P

But its 8mins long and im on 56K so it never got seen :P

Was footage of the comp on the final day as that was when i went


care to burn it to cd and post it to me so i can get it uploaded for you???

i wana see the vid and i'm sure alot of other people would like to too :-

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care to burn it to cd and post it to me so i can get it uploaded for you???

i wana see the vid and i'm sure alot of other people would like to too  (Y)

Il try to find it for you from what i remember though it wasent that great as it was only filmed from 2 angles (Y)

but it will give you an idea of the riding.

il post back when i get any progress :D

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