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Hey all - i need to make some small thumbnails of images for my site - im wondering if theres a way to do this via a program or whatever? automatically resize images?

Anyone know of anything?



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Hey all - i need to make some small thumbnails of images for my site - im wondering if theres a way to do this via a program or whatever? automatically resize images?

Anyone know of anything?

Do you mean to create thumbnails programmatically on the site, or do you want to create them locally and then upload them as thumbnails?

If it's the former, take a look at ImageMagick via PHP. For the latter I think you can do batch jobs in programs like potato-shop quite easily... someone else will be able to fill you in on the details better than me though.

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i just want to add in on this for you mate, IF? and im guessing you are making a website make dynamic drive your new friend, on there it has some pretty amazing Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Languages

In turn meaning DHTML all the scripts are pretty written source codes that it tells you were to put them in the website how to use them and how to configure them to your liking. I must say i have found this site very usefull for making some snazzy things with websites like navigation bars, fading effect news tickers, fading pictures, effects on opening links in "new window"

just give em a look it shows all examples on the site, and will hopefully get you to understand the way scripts work etc. who knows you could make a job out of it if you like it.

Christ i should get paid for advertising here! :lol:

stu ;)

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