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Ymsa Round 2


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that fense was dengerous shit.. jon evans and a few others cut it in the end.. because it could of killed someone!

Nah, I fell through it and broke it (Y)

I was on about the large fade/rolldown/drop on section... err... i dunno. But basically I went head first over it :)

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just got back :)

t'was a lot of fun. got 44 in novice though (Y) . was doing really well until my chain snapped B) so i fannied around with that for while and had to rush round all the other sections. it was a really fun day and can't wait for the next one ^_^

thanks to adam, dave and someone who's name i didn't get (really sorry!!!!) for helping me with my chain problems :P

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yer was a good day, some sections were rather difficult though but good fun. Section 2 was a killer for red and elite I think i saw everyone fall off going through it.

Massive thanks to adam for lending me a quick release to bodge my hub into the frame, seeings as i'm fat and snapped the axle in my rear hub before we started. I owe you a pint (Y)

anyway was a great trial cant wait for the next one.

Edit: ooo yer stans crash was rather nasty, snapped his leverblade, puncture in the front and a buckled rim :)

Edited by grantham
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Sort of enjoyed it. Went over the bars on my 5th section snapping my lever blade and puncturing (Y) and twatting my ankle. Observed from then on, got to meet some new people which was good and watch others. Yellow and Black route were definatly harder! but i didnt mind it...just wish i could of rode the rest of the day :) Knabb is a really good place!


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awsome trial and very nice weather the sections where rather hard in places section 2 was a killer managed to 1 it first go but 5 the rest.

i ended up on 39 in so it wasnt to bad for my first bosh at expert.

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Yay, im in that pic, lol

Today was awesome, had a phat day, (even those i rode like a right mong).

Was good to meet loads of new faces from the forum, andy hill, tick, dave , everyone, and llil joe baster .heheh aint he a cutie :lol:

Some of the riding today was awesome, well definatly be going to the next one,

Cheers tarty for having us saturday night...and having to put up with scottpitcher talking till half 1 B)

Cya all on the 12th may :P

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Cheers tarty for having us saturday night...and having to put up with scottpitcher talking till half 1 :lol:

Cya all on the 12th may B)

Hehehe yeah wasn't that fun :lol:

Big thanks to the tart for the use of his lounge, my ride was rubbish and got steadily worse as the day wen't on, so I took the hint and retired, Scotts riding was shit hot as ever though. See you at the next one then Joe, better get practicing, I know I need too!

Think I picked up a few FBM points on the day though :P

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thanks to adam, dave and someone who's name i didn't get (really sorry!!!!) for helping me with my chain problems  B)

the mysetery person would be me then :lol: Glad i could be of assistance :P

Yay, im in that pic, lol

Was good to meet loads of new faces from the forum, andy hill, tick, dave , everyone, and llil joe baster .heheh aint he a cutie :lol:

Cya all on the 12th may :)

I'm in the pic too, and me bike YaY

Was nice to meet and chat to a few more people too.

I rode ok for the first part, poorly for the middle part and pretty well at the end :P when i should have been getting tired!!

41 for the day for me in 26" inter, not bad but not great, only my second trial though so its all a steep learning curve for me.

Cheers to the organisers and observers for doing such a good job.

P.S if anyone needs a roof over their head before a comp, just give me a shout, i'm in luf same as Ad.

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the mysetery person would be me then :lol:  Glad i could be of assistance :P

I'm in the pic too, and me bike YaY

Was nice to meet and chat to a few more people too.

I rode ok for the first part, poorly for the middle part and pretty well at the end :P when i should have been getting tired!!

41 for the day for me in 26" inter, not bad but not great, only my second trial though so its all a steep learning curve for me.

Cheers to the organisers and observers for doing such a good job.

P.S if anyone needs a roof over their head before a comp, just give me a shout, i'm in luf same as Ad.

You could of said andy was abit squeezed in ads :lol:

Meh, i had the sofa B)

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wow i feel like this comps brought all the people that went to it a little closer to each other (not in a gay way). lol it's wierd. it was really cool to meet people though. people are loads different in real life to what you think they're gonna be from judging on the forum.

Yer geeza , totally agree B)

I LOVEEEED today, and the best thing about it was talking to other new people . i.e mr baxter, me and him had a giggle :lol:

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wow i feel like this comps brought all the people that went to it a little closer to each other (not in a gay way). lol it's wierd. it was really cool to meet people though. people are loads different in real life to what you think they're gonna be from judging on the forum.

Spot on, very true :lol:

Was really good to chat to loads of different people. I enjoyed that more than the riding I think! (Retired after 8 sections, was never gonna finish on time, and was doing pretty crap, so thought id give more people a chance of finishing)

Thanks to all the observers, as usual B)

No probs about the use of the living room, any time gentlemen (apart from you Scotty :P)

See you all at the next one!

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Yeah, comps are good for making friends at :lol: Just cool to have a group of people with a shared interest, and very few people are knobs just 'cos it's all face to face stuff so it's all friendly B)

I'll hopefully be there, but knowing me some shit will probably go down and I won't be able too...

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Now, I could've been devious and Edited and Deleted, but then I thought - if Tricks and Stunts 2 taught me anything, it was:

You can't always be the best at everything.


Meh, I'm super tired, ill, and I'm doing work. Shurrup B)

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I rode intermediate, did really bad. It was my second time riding natural ever and

I managed to 5 all the sections first time round.


I had such a good time, its really chilled out and i'm definitely coming to the next one cuz it was awesome. Meeting new people and just talking was really good and it was far more relaxed than i thought it'd be!

I learnt more in one day than i have learnt from the last two months of riding street everyday.

I got a few cleans after I worked out what I was doing.

And most of all it made me realize how much fun natural can be. So ill be getting in some practice before the next one!

Can't wait!

EDIT: I was on the black bt (the only bt there to my knowledge)! :lol:

Edited by killbobuk
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