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New Members Chat (NMC)


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Right, I was reading in NMC as usual, came across this topic >>>admin needed

Now as you can see it's been locked, the guy who started it got a load of abuse for raising a valid point. That abuse included: "this shouldn't be in here", well that made me think, maybe new members need a chit chat type place??

The guy who started it got told he was moaning, he wasn't he had a serious point and was pretty much shouted down, that is a serious problem, he has as much of a right to express an opinion as anyone else, new member or no.

Also it confirmed my fears, new members are viewed as inferior this is wrong, they are human like everyone else, and higher standards of posting should not be required of them.

I'm not trying to cause a fight, but I would like some opinions, as I feel this is a problem that needs serious thought.

P.S. Sorry to raise the topic so soon after Sam's one.

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i spent ages reading all that, all fired up to reply, only to find its been closed.

as a full member, and one whos been here sinse the beginning when trials forum was the message board of tenby trials all those years ago....

i think its disgraceful how members have had a go at synergy.

the guy has a VERY valid point and i think its one of the best topics ive seen posted in nmc.

it is very true that we shouldnt be allowed to get away with these things.... im a senior member, so i dont even have a warning bar. if im honest, as u will notice, i dont always type properly, and ive gotten into my fair share of arguements and made my fair share of totally pointless posts... who hasnt?

that said, i dont think a new member, (who is obviously far more concerned about his typing, and the way he comes across in this most inpersonal of places) should be put down for raising such a valid point!!

we all know dave spams :P but thats just dave, hes never going to go away, hes a complete retart to talk to on msn, seemingly imcapable of more than 6 words at a time... but infact, hes actually a bloody nice chap (Y)

corish: if ur reading this, i think u were BANG OUT of line with your attack


Please close the thread someone, he can read through them and realise what an idiot he is making of him self, and he can learn by the things we've tried helping him on.

that, was totally unnecassary!

who really cares if other people are posting shite? does it affect you? I doubt so, get on with what your doing and get validated, Oh and to top it off this is a shite topic to be honest with you.

as was that!!!!

give him a break!!!

hes obviously an intelligent chap to bring up the subject in the first place, and as soon as i click 'add reply' in this topic ill be going striaght into SM chat to nominate him to be validated!

rant over

*runs off to sm chat for a bit if nomination*

EDIT: done

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i was actually quite afraid when i reard that post, i thought christ that lad puts more effort into his posts than i do, i hope they don't swap me and him and send me back to the NMC. personally i think he's spot on too and needs validating imediately, some of the other people who've been validated recently have never put that much effort into their posts and yet they've been moved up...

(awaits a sending back to NMC)

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Ahh, them were the days, no NMC, no real rules, as long as you were all noce to each other it was all good.

Anyway, ta for doing the validation stuff prawny and monkey boy I doubt they'll send you back, they haven't sent Dave back yet. (Y)

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Good post prawn. I totally agree. Couldn't of said it better myself to be honest!

Corish, you were out of line!

And I think the dude should get validated :P.

Prawn. You want some poptarts in exchange for a SM nomination? :P

I still need to send Mark his (Y)

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some of the other people who've been validated recently have never put that much effort into their posts and yet they've been moved up...

spot on.

I noticed that as-well. Recently there was a topic about having more admins specifically for NMC then magically within the next week a lot of the VERY WORST new members were made full members.

Where's the logic in that? It was as-if they were validated for the hell of it.

That guy had a very valid point, you can't have one set of rules for new members and one set for full members. All rules should be followed by everyone. If this means making them a little less strict in order to keep some level of 'chill' then so be it.

IMO if someone in new members contributes to the forum in a way that fits with the rest of the forum then they should be validated no questions asked. If they then consistently post utter shite then they can always be moved back.

People deffinatly have a superiority complex on here. Fair enough if the new member is being a knob on purpose, but that guy had a valid point, had thought it through and used examples. he didn't get touchy or rude towards anyone yet he recived a lot of abuse from other members. (two of which were previously the worst new members ever - they don't even ride trials)

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I agree with a chit-chat section for new members...well at least give it a trial :P . It could turn out to be just a load of spam being posted...and stuff for sale, but at least it'll make a change and give them something to talk about- reading through some NMC topics, it is quite clear that alot of them don't (alot do too :S" ) really have a clue about "bikes", that's why they ask how high one can hop... (Y)

i didn't really get into synergy's topic but i see both sides of the argument- it was a fair point, but perhaps it doesn't belong in the forum- an email might have been better...(it's up the admin- eveytime)

anyways...there's been loads of topics about NMC lately- we've all seen the suggestions for changes but it seems that the current system is about as good as it is gonna get...i'm sure it'll die down soon, there just seems to be LOADS of new members lately...

and everyone..be nice- like div said :P


Edited by ad101
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For some reason, people think being a member is to slag off pre-members. (Y)

It's a fact that the validation system works, and is needed, but now that people can't sell/buy, there’s a real need to get validated. There are pre-members who maybe come on once a week, and post better than most members, but never get noticed, so they are forced to make topics, just to get noticed.

If a member post something stupid like...

I have a few silly warnings, don't I mark  (joke before you take it serious like usual)

...which did get accused of not being 'in-topic'. In any other situation, that would be read and nothing would be said about it, as he is a member. If he was a pre-member he would get absolutely slated for it, with replays like 'cheers for that' or more like 'you'll never get validated like that'. Making it seem like a pre-members sonly goal in life is to get validated!

Before the buying and selling rule was put to practice, there’s was no urgency to get validated, and pre-members would be themselves rather than just typing what the mods/admin want to hear. I can see the point of this rule, sort of, but imagine if you wanted to sell something and had to wait until you get validated, which, even if you are a really good poster, can take months! I know there was that Santa-clause thing a while back, but that was because they made gigantic posts just to get noticed, which at the moment every pre-member has to do.

There are some members on here that if they got de-moted back to pre-members, they would never get validated again unless they started typing out essays.

So, to sum up

The validating system is based on learning to drive. Do it perfect at first, then you can slack of and break the rules when you’re driving, but if you brake the rules on your test, you don’t stand a chance in hell of passing.

Look at this post for example, a member and a pre-member have made the same topic, and only this one is been taken seriously! Something’s not right...

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He doesn't got a warning bar any more (Y)

Synergy totally has a point, and a cool name.  I think he and Corish should swap places :P

he should do quitters should be punished

I bet theres quite a few quitters in the elite club I mean senior members

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he should do quitters should be punished

I bet theres quite a few quitters in the elite club I mean senior members

Yeah but the elite club ( :P ) is mainly just people who have been around longer. Therefore likely to have quit, over the years. And you can't exactly blame Ognob. If I could be a great BMX rider instead of an average trials rider, I probably wouldn't give it a second thought. Actually, that's not true, I love trials. But you see the point (Y)

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Yeah but the elite club ( :P ) is mainly just people who have been around longer.  Therefore likely to have quit, over the years.  And you can't exactly blame Ognob.  If I could be a great BMX rider instead of an average trials rider, I probably wouldn't give it a second thought.  Actually, that's not true, I love trials.  But you see the point (Y)

yeah but look at my member number :P" :S

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Yeh, but I been about forever (read since glasgow amalgamated) and I doubt I have even ever been suggested for a senior member. (Y)

Also I only made this post cos Mike was chatting to me on MSN. :P"

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Right, I was reading in NMC as usual, came across this topic >>>admin needed

Now as you can see it's been locked, the guy who started it got a load of abuse for raising a valid point. That abuse included: "this shouldn't be in here", well that made me think, maybe new members need a chit chat type place??

The guy who started it got told he was moaning, he wasn't he had a serious point and was pretty much shouted down, that is a serious problem, he has as much of a right to express an opinion as anyone else, new member or no.

Also it confirmed my fears, new members are viewed as inferior this is wrong, they are human like everyone else, and higher standards of posting should not be required of them.

I'm not trying to cause a fight, but I would like some opinions, as I feel this is a problem that needs serious thought.

P.S.  Sorry to raise the topic so soon after Sam's one.

There'd be no point though? Seriously, if people put effort in they get validated quickly. If they don't, they won't. We're not really in the business or rewarding people for doing shite stuff, 'cos they're not really contributing to the forum, so if they're here or they're not - it's irrelevant to the forum, isn't it? If people do decent posts it's fine, and they'll be allowed to use THIS Chit-Chat.

Also, with regards the "Worst pre-members getting validated" thing - it's not always our fault (Y)

I can't remember who it was, but Ad put a post on here somewhere else - he validated someone who's 4 or 5 NMC posts were all decently written, well thought out - i.e. they'd put in some effort. As SOON as he was allowed to post in the main forum, they went properly shit. No decent spelling/grammar, badly worded posts; he was basically not bothering to put effort in 'cos he knew he was validated. I *think* he was put back in NMC and that's about as far I know it went. Fifty_Pence got validated 'cos his posts weren't too bad, but again, he got into the forum and spammed like a trooper - so he too was moved back. We have to validate people based on a few posts we've seen, and we can't do anything other than send people back to NMC if they don't keep on posting worthwhile stuff, so if someone seems to be shit then it's probably 'cos they're being a f**ktard. In the same way that it's not Ad's fault that that guy he validated become a tool as soon as he was validated, it's not any of the mod's/admin's fault if new members who are validated just don't bother putting effort in afterwards.

Anyway, yeah, Synergy did get raped in that thread to be fair. No doubt you'll probably get all uppity with me again Corish and call me gay and all that crap, but you did get a little loose when you were talking to him pretty needlessly. Like the stickied topic in NMC says - let mods deal with shit instead of wading in and fagging about...


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just a little response from synergy given to me through msn-he added me to say thanks for my support-what a nice validation worthy chap.

mike_****@hotmail.com says:

hey its synergy just like to say thanks for your post 

honestly thanks a lot m8

mike_****@hotmail.com says:

could u put a post saying i appreciate all the post people have said about me?

mike_****@hotmail.com says:

if you want you dont have to

mike_****@hotmail.com says:

just i appreciate them all

nice bloke

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Aye Mike's a good guy, why it was a bit gay he hadn't been validated.

Mark I understand, but Mike puts more effort into his posts than alot of the members, why wasn't he validated? It's an injustice.

Also about chit chat, back in the day we had one forum. It contained everything, it worked fine, and then we got chit chat as an idea. Also it is relevant to that forum as it's new member's chat not new member's trials chat. Get me poit yet? (Y)"

Night lads see you lot tomorow

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Aye Mike's a good guy, why it was a bit gay he hadn't been validated.

Mark I understand, but Mike puts more effort into his posts than alot of the members, why wasn't he validated? It's an injustice.

Also about chit chat, back in the day we had one forum. It contained everything, it worked fine, and then we got chit chat as an idea. Also it is relevant to that forum as it's new member's chat not new member's trials chat. Get me poit yet? (Y)"

Night lads see you lot tomorow

Not enough hours in the day? :P I hadn't read any of his posts before, and I was in the middle of trying to pass some time in a D&T lesson, trying to work out why none of the last film I did with my Fujica for my art exam on Friday had come out.

So I was a little preoccupied...

Anyway, I don't really get what the poop you're talking about in the last bit.

We got the Chit Chat, For Sale, Sites Vids 'n' Pics sections before 'cos the forum was getting huge. Think about it - there's about 5,000+ registered users of the forum, the VAST majority being in Trials Chat. This means there's a lot of shit going on in here, whereas there's a lot less in NMC. Also, again, NMC isn't supposed to be a forum - it's basically a filter so we can stop twats from getting into the main forums and causing trouble. If people do decent posts 'n' stuff they get validated quickly, so it DOESN'T MATTER that there's no "NMC Chit Chat". It's Trials Chat, Sites, Rides and Chit-Chat all rolled into one anyway, so people can talk about whatever they want. None of the mods are going to delete a thread 'cos it's in NMC and not specifically about trials - if you notice, it's just twats who are trying to f**k new members around who get uppity about that sorta stuff.

Anyway, like I said, it's a stop-gap, so there's no sense in messing about giving more forums. Equally, it could be argued it gives people more incentive to actually post decently so they get to use For Sale, the real Chit Chat, PM's and so on?

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I think I'm #91 or summat, mainly 'cos I wasn't around for a few days when it went down before so I didn't sign up early...

Anyway, I'm just glad we've got the validation system to stop shit like this from going around the actual forum itself. Links have been changed now too, so don't worry...

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He doesn't got a warning bar any more ;)

Synergy totally has a point, and a cool name.  I think he and Corish should swap places :lol:

thanks mate, thankyou everyone for your help ( i know it was posted me saying thankyou already but i feel i wanted to do it myself) (Y) and as for my name its meant to be to forces combining to make one even more powerful source :-

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You wouldnt see it the same way if you just joined the site wanting to get involved in the online trials scene and were blocked by a bunch of egotistical wankers wanting to exclude you...

Bit harsh. You should try modding sometime.

thanks m8


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I closed the thread, in error (admittedly), there have been about 5 threads in the past week all going 'why arent I validated' - usually the thread started gets validated and it seems to encourage other members to make their own similar threads. I've been closing these on sight as its not the way to go about getting validated. Synergys posts became better in that thread, but the ones before that thread werent too great (but I guess nobody looked at them) hence I did not validate him.

The thing is, you (everyone complaining) dont realise the 5 or so members who were validated yesterday, and every day (by me alone (EDIT: as in moderators probably validated more ontop of that)) and the hours of work that we put into TF every day. But people are very quick to pick up on mistakes... so thanks for that.

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