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Bike Nearly Robbed!


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I'm going to put some  PU foam in there exhaust pipe! That should do the trick! 



yer your right you should do it cause you started it and your so hard you cant let them have the last word and they wont beat you again. :P :P :o :-

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I wont come crying next week, and anyway it wasnt me who started it, it was my mates, which are going to get beaten up by them, thats why im doing all this, we're all gonna stand up to them, i aint gonna let a bunch of asian dick heds ruin my life!


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I wont come crying next week, and anyway it wasnt me who started it, it was my mates, which are going to get beaten up by them, thats why im doing all this, we're all gonna stand up to them, i aint gonna let a bunch of asian dick heds ruin my life!


Sounds like you've got an attitude problem

Have fun getting beaten up

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Leave him to it. Before long Apollo13 will be running the UK underground.

In Britain, first you (shove something up someone's exhaust, then you) get the power, then you get the money, then you get the women :P

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got to give it to you, you are f**king thick.  :P

so now your draggging your mates into a beating aswell,

go for it big shot  :-

Now what, they dragged there self into it you idiot! ive been the one trying to get them out, even so, they started it, so theres nothing i can really do except, REVENGE!


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Now what, they dragged there self into it you idiot! ive been the one trying to get them out, even so, they started it, so theres nothing i can really do except, REVENGE!


bollox you could be the far bigger man and leave it. it takes a much bigger man to take a beating and leave it than to get 'revenge'

anyway its up to you.

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Well aren't you really cool. I wish I was cool enough to scratch the hell out of peoples cars because they were a little confused about my sexuality!

Firstly, did i say it was cool? No.

Do i have other history with her abusing me and my family? Yes.

She thoroughly deserved it.

I wanted to keep out of this but that's just frickin' stupid. Talk about Chav logic? Grow up mate.

Secondly, FYI i am not a chav (and if that was meant to be and insult then 'chav' obviously isn't a very effective word). I was simply telling him what happened in my past experience, when i was in a similar (not the same, just similar, a scaled down) situation.

The fact that you would rather blurt out an insult, instead of ask me if i keyed the car solely due to the information given, is a bit sad really. I admit, i could have given more info but i was in a rush, sorry, i didn't realise someone would feel the need to insult me. I was brought up, in the knowledge that if someone hits you, don't just take it, hit them back etc etc.

No comments on my upbringing / opinions / actions will be appreciated, and most of all if you are going to reply saying blah blah blah, 2 wrongs don't make a right blah blah, then don't bother.

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Firstly, did i say it was cool? No.

Do i have other history with her abusing me and my family? Yes.

She thoroughly deserved it.

Secondly, FYI i am not a chav (and if that was meant to be and insult then 'chav' obviously isn't a very effective word). I was simply telling him what happened in my past experience, when i was in a similar (not the same, just similar, a scaled down) situation.

The fact that you would rather blurt out an insult, instead of ask me if i keyed the car solely due to the information given, is a bit sad really. I admit, i could have given more info but i was in a rush, sorry, i didn't realise someone would feel the need to insult me. I was brought up, in the knowledge that if someone hits you, don't just take it, hit them back etc etc.

No comments on my upbringing / opinions / actions will be appreciated, and most of all if you are going to reply saying blah blah blah, 2 wrongs don't make a right blah blah, then don't bother.

Well perhaps if you gave the full picture in your first post everyone wouldn't have come to that conclusion. If you dont tell us about the 'other history' how exactly is anyone going to know about it?

This thread is cram-packed with stupidity. Apollo13, you shouold stop acting like an immiture kid and plotting revenge when it was your own fault for being a tool and walk away, violence and retaliation wont solve anything.

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Well perhaps if you gave the full picture in your first post everyone wouldn't have come to that conclusion. If you dont tell us about the 'other history' how exactly

I would have given the full picture, but i was in a rush and i thought that no-one would come to any major conclusions anyway, especially not enough to try and insult me (Y) But whatever, it's all done now anyway (Y)

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Id go for revenge if i were him, hes not exactly gonn engrave his name in the car is he so how they gonna know its him?

I know how you feel though ive been jumped when i was totally wasted it was fun while it lasted lol, i woul;dnt of enjoyed it as much if i was sober however.

I couldnt plot revenge as i didnt kno who it was but got given names but had no way of telling if it was them or not, but supposedly because they were pilled up it makes it alright f**k Off. The main lad got cracked anyway by the sober ladswho was with me (cousin) and i felt good about it.

I dont understand why revenge is such a bad thing to do especially if they dont know if its youif it makes you feel better without causing too much harm go for it imo. and good on you nick for scratching the car :D" .

This will sound racist however why is it in asian cultures etc they find it perfectly "cool" to talk about "whitee2 girls as dirty as thered like and want to date them etc however when the situation is reversed its a different story :D .

Also black comedy i find it hillarious and better than any other form ive seen and they always take the piss out of whites , but its usually un harmful stuff and very funny. But i severely doubt peoples of the black race would find it funny if the tables were turned (Y)

I would put up a really funny video which would cheer everyone up but that dam google uploader makes you wait a fair time before they verify it for you (Y)

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Not being funny but erm... but this apollo 13 is well 13 years old (Y)

I'm sorry but youre still a little kid, and your talking as though youre going to go around killing people....grow up matey (Y)

Edited by Bondy
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Not being funny but erm... but this apollo 13 is well 13 years old  (Y)

I'm sorry but youre still a little kid, and your talking as though youre going to go around killing people....grow up matey  (Y)

lmao, im 14 you idiot, not 13! Im nearly 15!


Edited by Apollo13
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lmao, im 14 you idiot, not 13! Im nearly 15!


f**king hell, how silly of him. Now you're 14 you're invincible aren't you. That extra year makes all the difference. You're stupid. Go home.

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Haha i dont feel sorry for you one bit now (Y) , you deserved it, racial abuse wasnt called for in that situation, just look away and say sorry bud (Y) But NOOO u had to be 'ruud', i bet you wear an anti racism wrist livestrong style band aswell, to be 'kool'


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Can i ask why you have to tell everyone what your doing "I'm gonna stick expanding foam up his pipe"

Does it make you feel big ?

And if you do go round and do it tell us what time you get back from A+E (Y) .

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