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Oi I'm a girlie on the forum, do I ming too ?  :) 

Certainly not.

My saying "I'd hit it" applies, along with most other girls thus far. Except charlotte ofcourse, as she's taken. I'd hit Andy though. :)

We need more man pictures heh. No i'm not gay, but present me with the right offer, and i may sway. :D

PS: If you don't get my saying "I'd hit it", then its probably best not to ask. Those coming portsmouth saturday will more then likely be acquainted with it, and then understand it. (N)

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It might jsut be me... but if you look really really closely a Charlotte Ps arm pit... has somebody been photoshopping?  :S"

Maybe :P

Nah. I think it's your eyes playing tricks on you.

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I actually meant the blurred bit that looks like it's been edited!  :lol:"

Yeah, probably is.

Its Charlotte P on andys account. Nothing has been edited on that picture. Why are you even looking at my arm pit anyway? you got some kind of fetish for arm pits? :P lol.

ALSO... I don't wear fake tan lol. The sun never gets under your arm pits anyway unless you sunbathe with your arms over your head or walk around like that lol :S

Stop picking on my picture :lol:

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Its Charlotte P on andys account. Nothing has been edited on that picture. Why are you even looking at my arm pit anyway? you got some kind of fetish for arm pits?  :lollol.

ALSO... I don't wear fake tan lol. The sun never gets under your arm pits anyway unless you sunbathe with your arms over your head or walk around like that lol  :S

Stop picking on my picture  :lol:

Awww ickle Charlotte!! I think your photo is loverly! :lol: Don't mind those mean old boys! lol, They mean well really..... :P

Kerrie! xXx

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My saying "I'd hit it" applies, along with most other girls thus far. Except charlotte ofcourse, as she's taken. I'd hit Andy though. :P


I don't think McDonalds quite understood that little piece of youth vernacular...

edit Damnit, image path has a swear-filtered word in it, my server's down and TF galleries convert gifs to jpg :o/

This strip illustrates the point quite well though. What I was trying to post above was the actual ad using said phrase.

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I don't think McDonalds quite understood that little piece of youth vernacular...

Hahahaha. I always use the saying jokingly, but over a cheeseburger, nah. :S

By the way, the picture wont show as it has fu/ck in address, and it star's it out.

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Hahahaha. I always use the saying jokingly, but over a cheeseburger, nah. :lol:

By the way, the picture wont show as it has fu/ck in address, and it star's it out.

Yeah, it took me a minute to work out what was going wrong there :)

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what to say about the ladies on this forum hmmm .

(i know i have some catching up to do)

look i knew i was ugly but you didn't have to tell everyone else that i think they my be able to work that out for themselves.

i suppose you think you clever posting that!

was there actually any point in that post?

i think not!

now leave all the sexy ladies alone.

i'm shure they could say the same about you!!!

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(i know i have some catching up to do)

look i knew i was ugly but you didn't have to tell everyone else that i think they my be able to work that out for themselves.

i suppose you think you clever posting that!

was there actually any point in that post?

i think not!

now leave all the sexy ladies alone.

i'm shure they could say the same about you!!!

Don't worry about him! Hes just arrogant and can't keep his rude opinions to himself like he needs to! We all know we are pretty, and we are better than him, hes just an ugly f**k! And we know we didn't post our pictured to be oggled at our drooled over, we put them up in a TRIALS forum because we enjoy or do TRIALS not because we are girls looking for boys in a forum! So like i said, we know whats important don't worry about sad little individuals who try to put you down, they aren't worth your time in life!

Kerrie. XXXX

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go on steve!!!  post ur pic, u big sexy bear  :P

and here's me.  aren't i the coolest?  :S


this is how the clive booth halls W-Block massive be holdin it down, BOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!


hmmm ^_^"

Is it just me or is that glass almost as big as your head (Y)

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(i know i have some catching up to do)

look i knew i was ugly but you didn't have to tell everyone else that i think they my be able to work that out for themselves.

i suppose you think you clever posting that!

was there actually any point in that post?

i think not!

now leave all the sexy ladies alone.

i'm shure they could say the same about you!!!

Who are you talking about?

Don't worry about him! Hes just arrogant and can't keep his rude opinions to himself like he needs to! We all know we are pretty, and we are better than him, hes just an ugly f**k! And we know we didn't post our pictured to be oggled at our drooled over, we put them up in a TRIALS forum because we enjoy or do TRIALS not because we are girls looking for boys in a forum! So like i said, we know whats important don't worry about sad little individuals who try to put you down, they aren't worth your time in life!

Kerrie. XXXX

Next time don't show your picture/s. They will get looked at, people will say things. Like Ali C and his Lurvly beard. Don't complain when someone says something about you, it obviously upset you before you say you don't care, or else you wouldn't of been on the defensive then the offensive. So remember, don't give what you can't take. And don't post pictures if you're afraid of criticism. I would post mine but I... well I dunno so I'll post it now.


Shazamm. Sideburns for the win.

Edited by MrMonkey
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Who are you talking about?

Next time don't show your picture/s. They will get looked at, people will say things. Like Ali C and his Lurvly beard. Don't complain when someone says something about you, it obviously upset you before you say you don't care, or else you wouldn't of been on the defensive then the offensive. So remember, don't give what you can't take. And don't post pictures if you're afraid of criticism. I would post mine but I... well I dunno so I'll post it now.


Shazamm. Sideburns for the win.

I wasn't saying i didn't want people to look at my photo, i do, i want people to know who i am. I'm just saying we don't need small minded individuals saying how ugly we are. (Y)


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