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I Have Been Hired!


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Hello chaps,

My mum has come home from work today and told me some one she knows will pay me how ever much i want to built them a good website!

Does anybody know a simple site to build and design a website on? It doesn't have to be cheap as they will pay what it costs!

How much do you think i should ask to be payed? I don't want to sound cheeky but it will take up my time and things!


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Hello chaps,

My mum has come home from work today and told me some one she knows will pay me how ever much i want to built them a good website!

Does anybody know a simple site to build and design a website on? It doesn't have to be cheap as they will pay what it costs!

How much do you think i should ask to be payed?  I don't want to sound cheeky but it will take up my time and things!


By the sounds of it you dont have a clue what your doing :blink:

Tell her to pay someone who can build a decent site or you can take the money and find a tutorial and follow that through

Youll be needing dreamweaver ;)

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Yes thank you i have been on courses and have made one for my cricket club!

Fair enough, it's just the way you were talking it sounded like you never made one befor. Just use what you used befor, as then your familiar with it.


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Well why do you need "a simple site to build a website on"?

She doesn't need a complicated website, She only wants a simple one and easy to use when i pass it over after i have finished it!

I do know what im doing i have made my own website for my team and i sorted it all out on my own!

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Yes thank you i have been on courses and have made one for my cricket club!

How much should i realisticly ask for?  it will probably take atleast 10 hours if i do it properly!

Why did you ask for a site to build one on ?

I dont know how much people would normally charge but I would take a tenner :blink:

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Oh who gives a f**k if he can or can't build sites, just answer the poor boy's question!

If you want to be cool, use Dreamweaver (MX 2004), you can get a free months trial from the Macromedia website. Otherwise just go to FreeWebs, where you can build and host a site for free.

If you build it in Dreamweaver, you can then also host it free on Freewebs. So either way, FreeWebs may be a good starting point.

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But you would only be able to charge that if it is really good.

You'd get £10 an hour if you were a GOOD coder, someone who works in xhtml to w3c standards etc, with real slick design skills.

If you know them just give them a random price, if they take it, more fool them, lol. You get cash *shrugs*.

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If I'm honest buddy, you sound like a bit of a tool - if you REALLY had gone on courses and you actually COULD do web design you would be able to make a simple site for them no problems.

However, if I was you I'd just go for a simple simple basic clean neat looking site...

Two frames - main on left, sidebar frame on right with navigation buttons

Nav buttons open content in the main frame.

Nice logo at the top (even better if they have their own).

Pastel colours usually look nicer and more professional.

Jobs a goodun.

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Agreed about it being pretty obvious you have no idea what you're on about.

Sub contract the job, 70/30% split me and you, and the site will be fantastic.

This idea rocks.

As i can't design for shit, and brendan can't code for shit, he normally will get hired to make a site, then i jump in to do the code.

10 hours? Really won't be that good then :blink:

You've said she doesn't want anything complicated, so just between 30/50 quid, and make sure she's pays for the domain and hosting. Also make sure if you get a proper domain to register it in her name/address, not yours.

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