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G/f Just Dumped Me

Nick Garland

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Well we decided to be best mates as we know each other too well just to be friends.  Better than not talking to her ever again.  Thanks for the help.

HAH Unlucky, now you get to be introduced to all the new guys she go's out with, and then she can tell you all that they get up to ;) Way to put yourself in the shitter!

James :blink: ( a very single pessimistic young man )

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HAH Unlucky, now you get to be introduced to all the new guys she go's out with, and then she can tell you all that they get up to :P Way to put yourself in the shitter!

James ;) ( a very single pessimistic young man )

Exactly what happend/happens to me. :blink:

I ain't to botherd by it now, but I was when we first split up and were best mates.

It's up to you, you can put up with bein down and knowing who shes with and who she's doing, and after a while, you will just be best mates with no feelings like that for each other at all.

Or you can forget about her, and not have her in you life at all......


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Unlucky mate, but oh well, i never bother with girls in the first place, too much hasle, money, time.... >_< Mat

....No, it's because you're nine (Y) only joking!

Being best friends with her is a bad idea in my books, had that happen to me once but it was enough, knowing what she's getting up to with people you know very well, makes you either want to kill whatever best mate she's doing or it just rapes your head thinking about what she must be doing, but that all goes away when you find a new "perfect girl".

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That always happens to me i get really close with to girl then they dump me. I was like gutted by it all now i just say when they dump me "ok lets just be mates means i can get more riding in now". That makes them feel either happy cos you don't care or sad cos you don't care.

chin up ride more have some fun and find another girl.


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Plenty more fish in the sea.....

but when you love/loved someone soo much its hard to ever let go..

i even think now if i lost my b/f i have now, i would serisouly kill my self.. i love him that much (Y)

but just take time out to think about it and over time you'll be ok

like some of the others said just get another g/f.. its not as simple as that though is it (Y) just take your time

i know how your feeling :D


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Hey mate,

Same situation, ive been dumped 10 times by my g/f, but i always go back because i really love her, whats wrong with me? Plus one time after she dumped me, she went with my best mate :P (Y)

Nick :D (Y)

what the hell are you doing.....? love shmuv....bet your still mates with the one she went bonking with?

Plenty more fish in the sea.....

but when you love/loved someone soo much its hard to ever let go..

i even think now if i lost my b/f i have now, i would serisouly kill my self.. i love him that much :P

but just take time out to think about it and over time you'll be ok

like some of the others said just get another g/f.. its not as simple as that though is it :P  just take your time

i know how your feeling :)


life is far too precious, dont waste it over someone else :D

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yo dude, i know exactly how your feeling.

after 4months with the love of my life.... she wanted to be single, so it would'nt hurt me to pull around.... at this point we kinda just ended up being *uck buddies. Which to me seemed the same as going out, but she was allowed to play with other guys aswell. I loved her soooo much i let her have her way. Thinking eventually she'd turn back to me, and be all mine once again. But it never happened. After 2months of this "break" type stuff, i brought up the corouage (sp?) to call it a day. Many times i had talked about it with her, our arguements got bigger and bigger, but i really didnt wanna be enemies, but this time i just had to block her completely out! it hurt me more than anything. But i didnt see any other way out! That was about a month ago, 1 or 2 times a week i see her, phone her. Shes got someone else, and it still kills me to see her with someone else. I can still make myself really depressed just thinking about it.

But overall, shes gone, and its much better than sort of being with her.

Before her, i just rode my bike to get rid of all problems, to be in my own world. But this girl was special. She occupied my mind EVEN, yes, even whilst i was riding! Something i had never encountered before! (Y)

I still think of her all the time, i'm getting better, i WILL get over it all eventually i think (Y)

as i said, i'm in the same boat at the mo, just a month on, all i can suggest is spend all your free time doing something, with your mates / bikes. I hate being on my own, i always end up thinking of her soo much i have to pick up that phone.

we're mates now, flirty mates though, and it still hurts me. I want revenge on her new guy, but whats the point!? i want to pull around and get over her, but after trying it just reminds me more of her, (and the way she used to do it!), so i think it'll be a while till i find another loverly lady.....

sorry for this comment as it probly wont help much, but, ::: Theres not much you can do, just try not to think about it too much, occupy your time with mates and your bike and very load music!

make the most of your life, you've only got one chance, you HAVE to move on, no matter how hard it hurts.

Shes not the one, otherwise you'd still be there, there will always be one better, thats the hope that keeps me going.

good luck, and sorry for the essay.... :D

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