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Super Size Me


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Is anyone watching Super size me on channel 4? If not, then whack it on, its truely scary. Its basically aboot a guy who is eating mcdonalds every meal for a month.

Just shows why all americans are fat. Seems like fatness will be the downfall of the great "superpower", hah, they deserve it. (Y)"

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We had this discussion before, I think it was OnzaBoyMark who summed it up best;

Don't eat Mcdonalds every day or you will get fat, or something along the lines of that.

Either way its pretty self explanatory and I thought it was mostly just overhyped bullshit, who cares?

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Well you will get fat if you eat food that is crap for you and dont excercise anyway, i thought that was pretty obvious (Y)

I suppose him doing it is just proving to the people that these things 'are' bad for you and you shouldnt eat them regularly as they will make you fat and could make you ill later in life and even affect your children.

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Its a bit like drinking coke all day, everyday, for a month without brushing your teeth, its fairly obvious your teeth would ache like balls and proberly fall out.

it amazes me how people watch that and say 'oh my god i cant eat MCdonalds ever again', plus all american arnt fat, walk around a town centre in britain and i bet 3 out of every 5 people you see are either obeese or overweight.

stop being so mean to americans fil you scumbag (Y)

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i cant believe anyone goes and east that shit at all! i've not been into a fast food shit hole for nearly 4 years and the more healthy the food i eat, the better i feel (Y)

try cutting all the shit out of your life for a month and you'll notice the difference, films like this and jamie olivers programme school dinners could help to change the thick obese world we live in. fat people should be alowed into Mcdonalds, they cost us so much money on the health care system that McShit should have the same huge amount of tax that fags have (Y)

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  Sam@SouthTrials said:
Film is kinda shit I saw it when it came out.

It makes a good point though

Thats one thing but it wont mean change we all should know that.

I dont eat maccy d's once every month or so i do eat my fait share of shit food.

The jamiy oliver thing is the way things should be done, good on the bloke he has a genine desire to get rid of shit food and blame the parents aswell

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