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Come Ride Some Natural On Dartmoor


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So I was trying to convince some people last night that Dartmoor has some of the best natural in the Uk so in my quest to get more people to ride the rocks I stumbled over this website that has pictures of a large percentage on the tors on Dartmoor :o

some very good looking places there :(" although it doesn't have all of them (does in steve :( )

So yeah if you thinking of riding trials on Dartmoor you won't have to look far infact you don't even need to open your eyes (Y)

Edit- ha you know your either a trials rider or a geologist when you start posting picture or large rocks (Y)

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Hound Tor and Hey Tor are both amazing for riding and climbing, but they've missed out my favourite one; Sheeps Tor, above Sheeps Tor resevoir (source of most of Plymouths water). Sheeps is amazing because its one of the only ones I've found which is sheilded from the wind, and the wind on dartmoor could literally pick up a small child and throw them around (I learnt this the hard way age six climbing at hey tor...) And yeah, Dartmoor is in my opinion, the best place to ride in the whole of england.


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ahhh my holiday place. we used to go there loads but we havent been able to go on holiday for like 4 years so havent been there in ages. we used to stay at a campsite called bickington, think thats how you spell it anyway (Y)

should be down soon as in this summer though. allways wanted to actually ride trials there :(

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