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Text Talk?


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It's especially annoying on a forum, where you are wasting a lot of people's time. If you are on MSN, you're only wasting your friend's time trying to read it, and it might be slightly quicker to type, so it balances out. But the milliseconds you save typing in text on the forum wastes time for everyone who read it. I know it isn't much, but it's f**king annoying.

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I'm all for starting a group of 'Anti Text Talkers'

I absolutely refuse to use any form of Text Talk (with the exception of 'lol' and 'lmao' since these have almost become words instead of an acronym)

When I text it is ALWAYS written in sentences and with full words. This is the way it should be in my opinion.

Does anyone else feel offended by Text talk? I know I do. To me when somebody puts "elo ow r u?" I think to myself, does this person really care? Are they really that bothered how I am?

Bullshit they are, because if they really were bothered they would have spent the time to type the word out properly.

Join the revolution? Say it load and say it proud - ANTI-TEXT POWER!

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I hardly use 'txt talk' at all to be honest. Sometimes on MSN I will use U, N, and 2moz, but thats about it, and theyre hardly hard to read, here's an extract of a conversation im in at the moment...



so u didnt want a taxi?



cos you said you were getting a taxt




n didnt ask if i wanted to get one with you


and i didnt want to barge in knowing i had no money on me



i assumed u would think u were welcome, as you live next door

as you can see, I'm not too bad.

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I'm almost certain I can type a properly written sentence faster than some 'tard can write it in text speak.  They'll understand mine before I understand their's

I'm not a spelling nazi or anything, but text speak is just so shit!

And me, I find it a lot quicker to type the whole word not the supposed "quick" way to type it. I talk normal on msn, forums and in text messages. Can't actually type in text talk. People who write mi instead of my and other words like that really piss me off......It is actually so much easier to type "my" instead of "mi" and understood so much quicker.

Oh my god! How is it babyish? People might want to use it to talk to people, its their life let them live it how the fukking like! For god sake! Everyone has a right on how to type, let them do what they want!!! My mum does text talk on msn and she is 36, are you still going to complain? What about your friends? Your parents/cousins/brothers/sisters etc, are they perfect too? Some might be but some arent! How about I say trials is a teenage/kids thing, so anyone 20+ is childish.

Meh! Let people do what they want.

EDIT: I understand masses of text talk is annoying/bad but they odd bits like "ows u" and "or8" and "c you" etc what the hells wrong with it?


I'm not really going to see that and suddenly think, oh my god, Corish's mum writes in text talk, I better stop my complaining? >_<" :turned:


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u al knw txt tlk is da shiz because rplcng s with a z makez u propa kl nd not typn da wrds propa mks fings ezier 2 reed


if you want to use text talk go to the mbuk forum and you'll fit right in

That took me about 5 mins to read you git! (Y)

Text talk is shit and annoys the hell out of me >_<

If someone on msn does it then I get abit pissed and usually block them (N)"

Even in text messages, I use normal English and use punctuation.

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I have to say that I'm sorry for acting like that, must have been pissed off last night about several things.

Python rider, I never meant "Are you going to say somethig about my mum?" I was just trying to point out that even my mum does it and at her age would you still complain? You probably would... But not everyone wants to type in English on msn, or texts. Maybe they have difficulty spelling? Who knows?

Tomm, "or8" is my way of saying alright, ok "or8" isnt how I say it, I say "orate" its just my accent.

Simon, I see where your coming from, as I've already said, I'm sorry I ranted like I did but to be fair, whats a bit of text talk going to do? But on the other hand it can build up and build up until you really get annoyed of it, so in a way I don't blame you for being annoyed about it.

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I have to say that I'm sorry for acting like that, must have been pissed off last night about several things.

Don't be sorry for your opinion. (Y)

I'm not really annoyed about it, given, it does annoy me when i see it used, but i just find it utterly pointless in a medium where it is totally unnecessary.

Does anyone else feel offended by Text talk? I know I do. To me when somebody puts "elo ow r u?" I think to myself, does this person really care? Are they really that bothered how I am?

I'm not quite offended it, but the last bit i can equate with.

There's also the "if you can't be bothered to type properly, i can't be bothered to string a reply together for you" take of the situation, which im using often :lol:

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