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Feeling Philosophical?

Sam Nichols

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We all get those days where we wonder... what’s it all about? Why bother? Why's life so hard? Things like that.

So I thought it would be nice to post about what inspires you. If there's a gap that you want to try but you’re a bit scared, is there something you think about?

What gives you the strength to triumph over evil in your everyday lives?

Here is mine.

It's a little bit of scientific theory based around the humble Bumble Bee. Many of you probably already know this, but for those who don't... Here comes the little fact about this insect.

According to scientific research into Bumble Bees, they shouldn't be able to fly. This theory goes as follows; firstly the shape of the Bumble Bee is such that it has very very poor aerodynamics resulting in massive drag when travelling through the air. Secondly, the Bumble Bee is a very large, heavy insect (when you put things into perspective) meaning that it requires great lift to be able to take off. Now comes the most important factor - Wingspan & Power. The size of a Bumble Bees wings are far to small to be able to support the weight of the Bumble Bee and the Power to Weight ratio of the Bumble Bee is such that it is (in theory) physically impossible for the Bumble Bee to be able to fly. This has been proved through the usage of wind tunnels and tests carried out in labs.

Now, we all know that a Bumble Bee DOES in fact fly... But how?

This is the part that gives me inspiration... Is the Bumble Bee able to fly because it doesn't know it shouldn't be able to fly?

I suppose this is a lot like the Placebo Effect (the theory that we are capable of doing anything if we focus our mind)

So when I think to myself 'I can't do this' I stop for a second and wonder - If the Bumble Bee thought like that... Could he fly?

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Hmmm something inspiring.....not sure really, why are we here? and what is the point, we live to die and thats everyones future.

Also to put your theory on a larger scale i suppose you could say the same about humans, in this rather mahusive place which is our universe so far we are the only living breathing thinking organisms around, and look what we have created, a world such as it is today and we just take it for granted as though its nothing special, such as the bee takes it flight for granted and doesnt see it as special its just its way of life, we've made a complex and technological world isnt that quite well.....amazing, by using the resources we have on this planet we've manage to make things like there is today.

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I have no idea what inspires me really, just other top trials riders and just how they make it look so easy!

Most of the time if i'm worried about trying something then I know that I could actually do it, just the worry of it, like hoping to a rail or something!

I mainly just wanted to say what a bloody fantastic post!

I love posts like this, well done!

Rob :) :)

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It may sound horrendously corny but laying down in a back garden at night and staring at the stars (blocking out all of the bloody orange street lights and such) just makes me think about things i would never think about in every day normal life, I just feel really calm and....tame :)

It's even better if you do the exact above whilst being plastered and/or mashed though :)

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I could rant for literally hours about this kind of stuff. As for what inspires me, things like the blind, deaf, disabled and mentally challenged people living their lives with smiles on their faces. If at any time I think my life is shit (don't even remember the last time that was) or feel like crap I just wonder how there are people much worse off than me and don't let it get them down. Those people are the real heroes, the single mothers with 3 kids who work 2 jobs and still find the time to take their kids to the park, the husband or wife of someone who's been seriously hurt or in a coma staying at their side until the end.

I am here to learn a lesson, and when I'm done learning, I will die. Until then I'll enjoy my life to the fullest and nothing is going to stop me, not some willy who thinks he can get away with calling me names, not a workmate who thinks he's better than me, nobody.

Edit: After thinking about it some more, I can't imagine a greater inspirational act than self sacrifice... those people you see on the news who died to save the life of someone else. I can't imagine the love that person must have felt to make the penultimate decision to take their lives in the greatest sacrifice there is. It's the most unselfish thing anyone could ever do...

Edited by Smo
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Those people are the real heroes, the single mothers with 3 kids who work 2 jobs and still find the time to take their kids to the park,

I agree with this, but the single mother who has 3 kids claims benefits and has two jobs then spends all her money on booze should be rifled. K98 mmmm, "What's that love?..... You're Dead?.... Sorry that was my intention."

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When i'm doing a gap or something the thing that goes through my head is if someone else can do it so can i. Anyway, i'm off to tell a few bumblebees that they can't actualy fly, and wath them drop from the air.

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such as the bee takes it flight for granted and doesnt see it as special its just its way of life

Word. Amazing when you think about how something so difficult and seemingly impossible can be taken for granted >_<

I mainly just wanted to say what a bloody fantastic post!

I love posts like this, well done!

Rob  :turned:  (Y)

Thanks. I guessed that if something like this inspired me... a very uninspirable person - it might do something for other people (N)

I don't know why, but it just makes me laugh imagining scientists chucking bees into a wind tunnel...

hehe, I'm guessing they made a model Bee... If not that may be infringing on some Animal Rights laws :D

Anyway, i'm off to tell a few bumblebees that they can't actualy fly, and wath them drop from the air.


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According to scientific research into Bumble Bees, they shouldn't be able to fly.

Now, we all know that a Bumble Bee DOES in fact fly...  But how?

This is the part that gives me inspiration... Is the Bumble Bee able to fly because it doesn't know it shouldn't be able to fly?

>_< :turned: Thats just straight off the 'gizmondo' advert on TV.

That bumble bee strapped down then that speach about it not knowing it shouldn't be able to fly acording to science, then it bursts out of it's chains and flys off.

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Depending on the mood, and the people im with.

I try and find inspiration in everything.

Like JT says, if someone else can do it, why cant I?

Look at whats within your boundries, and try something thats just outside.

Push the envolope.

Music is a great help aswell..

Friends who help push you beyond your limits are good aswell, not just twats who sit there and take the piss.

It is better the be silent, and thought a fool, then open your mouth, and remove all dout.................

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:shifty:  :lol:  Thats just straight off the 'gizmondo' advert on TV.

That bumble bee strapped down then that speach about it not knowing it shouldn't be able to fly acording to science, then it bursts out of it's chains and flys off.

I haven't actually seen that advert... I stole it from 'The Calcium Kid".

I didn't believe it at first though so I did some research (Y)

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Those people are the real heroes, the single mothers with 3 kids who work 2 jobs and still find the time to take their kids to the park, the husband or wife of someone who's been seriously hurt or in a coma staying at their side until the end.

I swear thats in bruce almighty!

It is true though that is a miricle.

What I find inspriational is people with the drive to carry on even though they have been knocked down again and again.



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I find TRA's mentality post very inspirational for trials .....especially the part about mothers lifting whole cars because there child were underneath, just shows you what were actually capable of

Here for the sake of people who havnt read it

MENTALITY -The use of the brain, it's a forgotten subject. The placebo effect.

It's the brain that controls everything, and very few people do really know how strong the brain really is. I say that if you convince the brain enough, you can see a pink dragon if you like to, its just all about being strong enough mentally a guy told me. That was when i was doing moto trials. He said "If I have a pain in my back. I don't think if there's something wrong with it. I think of my life, if something isn't the way it should be, what is stressing me, that is most likely the problem" The brain makes it into a pain. That is child stuff for the brain. There are so many hidden powers in there that you should try to use. People use far from all their strength normally. There have been mothers who have lifted cars because the children were laying under it. If you set your brain to it 110% you will get a lot more out of it then normally (anything really). I guess you use like 70% of your true strength, even though you try to use em all! The use of the brain is also like 12% or summit ridiculous low like that.

So when your going at stuff in trials you should concentrate on using ALL of your hidden powers in you to get that little extra. Maybe you can even like sidehop 10" higher! Mental blocks... If you don't trust in yourself you will never make it. Sometimes I can see that in the eyes of other rider's if they are going to make it up or not. When you're going at something you can't think, "I don't think I'll make it up". You have to commit 110% and think "I'm making it up here!!!" No matter WHAT! ABSOLUTELY committed is what you have to be! You will see this everywhere, for example in weight lifting, do you think the guy going for 600 pounds in bench press thinks "This is so heavy I'm not going to make it!" No, he is thinking more like: "aaargh this is going up no matter what! I'm giving it ALL, I got ARGHH!" AND he gets it up, you think it stops there? No! Then when he have gotten it up he shouts/thinks, "that was easy!" Why? Because if you have the right attitude, the right way of thinking, if you convince the brain enough you can do anything!

Some have mental blocks in like "oh I can't ride in rain, I can't ride when it's slippery" or something like that. If you think that you will automatically stink in it even though you might actually be good at it. What you should do is to try to get rid of all your mental blocks, instead of saying to yourself "I suck when it's slippery". You say "I'm actually quite good when it's slippery". Of course "slippery" is just an example; it can be about everything really, gaps, side hops, braking.

Fear is a mental block, if your afraid when your doing something you can't concentrate properly, you have to eliminate all fear! You should be aware of the danger but you should not be afraid. How to do it? Well that's mostly for you to find out, the best thing is not to think at all! Don't think of the danger, just do it! I have another saying that is "Gravity? No respect!" This have helped me a lot, I don't want to do 40 inches side hop and 7 feet drops, what is that? That is nearly flat! I want to do 70inch side hops and 30 feet drops! Therefore I train and have a dream of getting unmanly springiness and physique (I wear a superman bracelet on my arm). I love to fly! Jumping down 15 feet to legs on grass is just a laugh for me. Some times I wonder what would have happened if I didn't believe in myself falling the 15 feet. It would probably turn out ugly! "20 feet you might think "That is a super human!" But it may only be that he has belief in himself and knows what he`s doing, nothing else" He knows it will turn out well, that is nothing!! The human body is capable of so much more than you actually think.

So what to do while riding a section (or whatever)? You should not think at all, don't think at the consequences, the danger, if your gonna make it or not, just ride. When coming to hard parts like a big side hop or gap, concentrate a bit more to use all those extra powers to get up, maybe a bit more on techniques but they should come automatically. But the thing that is really vital and have sooo much to say is how much you struggle to get up, one dab is one point so you should NOT dab! Give it some real effort, jump around like a freaking monkey if you have to, but do not put that foot down! Here is no point of being lazy, do WHATEVER you can to not set that foot down (THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT). Giving that little extra effort (or huge) to not put a foot down could have everything to say, you might end up at 20th place instead of first! But it isn't just in competitions you do this. It's whenever! If you put down a foot in training, you will probably put a foot down when it counts as well, because that's what you're used to.

Bruce Lee once said "You should do it with real effort, not anger, but with feelings"

But what should you have in mind in general when riding trials? A lot of guys have the wrong thoughts when riding, thinking stuff like "I'm gonna show em", And when failing at stuff (they could never do at first place) they say "OH oh my god! THIS IS SO F***ING BAD ¤#%#%"#"#%#" ARGH DAMMIT WHY THE F*** ?=!! ! THIS SUCK!!" This is a very bad thing. You make yourself angry/unstable and not capable of riding. When riding you should only have one thought and that is to ride! Keeping in mind from before, always struggle hard to NOT put that foot down. If you do fail do a little "dammit" or nothing at all, you failed, it isn't lethal. Just think of what you did wrong and leave it behind you. There's nothing more to do, it have happened and you just have to forget it. JUST RIDE AND GIVE IT EFFORT!

Remember that if you want to be good, you really have to work for it. You didn't come out of your mom with a trials bike in your hands! (Even then you would most likely suck without training) When I'm training on touch hops, I may be doing 5 touch hops in a row with ease and still not be happy with the result. I maybe didn't get the height I want.

So I hope you understand how the brain works now.. Remember, I do not say thinking right away it will make you do 60" side hops. Fitness is a huge part of it. But that will be in another article. But it will help you to become a better rider. Not just bike trials, but it can help you in everything you do.

In short:

- Be sure you make it!

- 110% dedicated!

- Reach out for all those hidden powers and use them!!

- Get rid of any mental blocks. Be positive!!

- Get a goal to work towards. You have to have an ambition, this is REALLY important!!

- You should not think while riding a section (or whatever), if you get into trouble, then stop and think (keeping in mind you do from before always struggle hard to NOT put that foot down)

- Just ride and give it effort!

- The placebo effect, if you just believe it enough, the mind makes it real.

You have probably had a dream that you were so sure were real. The brain is capable of so much. I have dreamt that I was flying across mountains. I have made up a landscape in my mind, a landscape with millions of trees; there are rivers, snow, little branches, waves, and different unknown people. It's just so strong.

- Thomas Remvik Aasen

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