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Frankenbike Mk1


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After being a uci rider for some time now, and generally being fed up of not being able to bunnyhop my bt anywhere near as monsrously as my echo, and being inspired by ali c's "triamx" i set about recycling my echo :)"

made entirely of old bits and bobs, and rides like a beast :)

red rear maggie and hosing is on the way.... whoop!

my summer cruiser is sorted :)

Cant see myself entering many comps on it mind, but it makes a lovely dirt/singletrack/cruiser

Any comments appreciated. :)




ps. its gonna go SNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!

Edited by rathergoodpie
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Lower the saddle a bit and you have a frickin awesome street machine :)

Nice one, sus for trials is good too, so you'll still be able to do trials on it :)

I like.

hehe, due to the long seat post the saddle will not go any further, lol, oh well, also i don't think the wheels would stand up to alot, they are abit, um, shite.

Oh well, good to see it is actualy rideale now, will have a blast soon.


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Thats sweet  :)  in that second picture, them cranks look like middleburn's don't they?  :)"




Look more like Shimano XT's to me?

Nice bike, my Azonic's kinda like that but a bit less trialsy - Great for crusin' :)

Good work :)

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thats fookin loverly. nice one mate buit yeah maybe puill the seatpost ouit and cuit and inch off it so youi can stop it from removing your balls if youi do any trialsy moves  >_<

he is not wrong

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