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The Aa


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Wednesday night i was driving home when i hit a dirty great pot hole in the road. unfortunatly this gave me a flat tyre being as they are low profile tyres. So i went to change the tyre but then realised that the stud lengths are different as i have oz titan alloy wheels. Longer studs etc... so i couldn't put the spare on as it would strip the threads of the bolts and possibly snap therefore, potential damage to the car.

So i gave the AA a ring as i am a member and they said " ok mr bonney, not a problem, someone will be with you within 1 hr" so i sat and waited for them to arrive. 1 hr passed and a "local agent" ( in other words, they sent a garage out) to help me. he arrived in a van and jacked my car up, he took the alloy off and went to put spare on and started screwing the studs back in. I then sed "what are you doing", he then replied " putting your spare on". i said "but it wont fit, thats the whole reason your here, im not stupid i can change a spare wheel, the studs dont fit." he hadn't been told this by the AA even though i specificly told them to mention it.

So about now im getting pissed off and he rings the garage to arrange for me to get picked up by a transporter. They rang the AA to clarify but they refused as i should have equipment to change a spare wheel. I had a jack, locking wheel nut key and spare wheel all in the car! and then they said becuase you dont have every thing i need they weren't going to cover for me to get towed home. now im absoluetly fuming. I pay £40 per year to be covered if i break down so i can be towed home. they said it would cost me £300 to be taken home on a lorry, to which i replied quite nicely, "f**k off you lot are taking the piss". The garage man said, im sorry sir theres nothing i can do and drove off!

The AA themselfs then rang me to give me a quote to be towed home. i asked to speak to the manager and really let rip as they weren't going to help me. i asked, if my fuel pump died would i be expected to carry a spare in the boot or what about an oil pressure switch?! I then cancelled my membership there and then! luckily i got hold of a friend and he took me home. turned my garage inside out and managed to find the locking wheel nuts off my old wheels. so i popped the spare on and home i went. But what if i didn't have the bolts, ABSOLUTE JOKE!! RAC all the way

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ha, quite a funny story really, bit of an essay though! lol. I dont know why im replying, cos theres not much to say apart from.......

i live in guernsey, whereby even if i break down at the furthest away part on the island it will only take me either 45mins to walk home.... or 50p to catch a bus!

te he he and we dont have MOT either so there! just be pleased for the few of us that have it easy!! :) :) :) :)"

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"but it wont fit, thats the whole reason your here, im not stupid i can change a spare wheel, the studs dont fit." he hadn't been told this by the AA even though i specificly told them to mention it.

So about now im getting pissed off and he rings the garage to arrange for me to get picked up by a transporter. They rang the AA to clarify but they refused as i should have equipment to change a spare wheel. I had a jack, locking wheel nut key and spare wheel all in the car! and then they said becuase you dont have every thing i need they weren't going to cover for me to get towed home.

But you didn't have the required tools to change it, otherwise you could've done? So if you've altered your car, then surely you'd have to take that into account, so basically they're in the right? Or have I misunderstood?

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But you didn't have the required tools to change it, otherwise you could've done?  So if you've altered your car, then surely you'd have to take that into account, so basically they're in the right?  Or have I misunderstood?

but, if i break down, i pay a subsription to either repair or take me home. not to leave me stranded. i had all the tools to change a wheel, just stud lengths are different. so they should have taken me home. take the piss really does

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But you didn't have the required tools to change it, otherwise you could've done?  So if you've altered your car, then surely you'd have to take that into account, so basically they're in the right?  Or have I misunderstood?

I have to agree with Mark you didn't have all the equipment to change the wheel, so the AA wont cover you, I know it's a piss take over a few bolts but the AA are right. So moral is.... don't forget your nuts... or bolts

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I agree with bonney.

Your paying THEM to cover YOU. What if it was my mum :) Do they seriously expect her to have all the stuff to change her wheel / know how to do it? If they're ment to fix your car by the roadside and can't, they shouldn't just leave you stranded.

It wouldn't have been much to them to take it home, and keep him as a member.


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I've had countless problems with the AA... I hate them so very very much.

My cover was for the AA courtesy car if mine couldnt be fixed by the road... turned out that the EMS completely fused itself so it wasnt driveable til i could get to a rover garage. They said I'd obviously driven the car faster than it was capable of going and couldnt help me... I gave them a similar reply to you as I had been driving no faster than 80 that day. I had to blag a tow from the AA man and even then it was only to the nearest town... which was 120 effing miles from home.



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I know f**k all about cars don't realy know what alloys are. :)

But for what i read, it sounded like you were f**ked, and they didn't help.

If you signed something where it said that you needed all the tools in your car to replace the wheel, and you didn't. Then its your own falt. But if that isn't the case, then they should have helped you.

Edited by JT!
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sorry mark your wrong on this one, he shouldnt have to have any parts with him for his car to be fixed or towed, if went out and my car got a flat and i didnt have a spare i would expect to be towed home because i pay money to have a recovery service.

if they then said to me no you dont have a spare gimme £300 and ill take you home i'd f**king break their legs thats just not on.

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Agreed AA are in the wrong on this one....

Its not on to say you need certain parts to be covered or whatever.... as long as your car was in full working order at the start of your journey shurely wahtever happens after that tthey should fix/get you home if there is a problem.....

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Bonney did you ask the RAC if they would pick you up in that situation? It really would've been better for them just to pick you up as from this they've now lost you as a customer and also from this topic alone I am now thinking about not getting cover from the AA, as a soon to be driver! Meh daft ass companys!

James >_< glad you got home ok!

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Let me get this straight (I'm too impatient to read and decipher)

The AA won't cover you because YOU don't have the right tools?

So what are we all supposed to do, carry a mechanics qualification and a full set of spares and tools for every component in the car just to be covered?

Therefore, you're giving the AA money for free.

I'd get all of my money back, and make sure someone got a slap.

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