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sir trial a lot

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SquiT-man and butcha87,

This is the most informative explanation of how to manual that i've ever read,Thanks guys,while reading the posts i could almost feel the technique that you guys were explaining,i'm gonna adopt all of the above this weekend and i'll let you know how i got on next week.I'm sure that i'll be able to pratice manualing properly now!



Glad to be a help >_<

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Something which I found really helped me was to purposely manual the bike with the front wheel either too low (so it drops) or too high (so that I start falling off the back) and then trying to rescue it from that position. If you do this instead of always trying to just manual with a central balanced postition then next time you do find the bike dropping, or you going off the back, you will have a much better chance of correcting yourself. It definately worked for me.....


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