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Who Are You Going To Vote For?


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To all those people who are eligable to vote (and those who are not) just wanted to know your thoughts on who you are going to vote for in the Genral election.

I have come to a conclusion that I am not going to vote for anyone, I know some people are going to whinge for not using the vote my ancestors won the right for.

First of all; Labour were out of the picture, can’t stand TB; I really don’t care about the whole Iraq thing now but he’s reneged on so many things from hospitals to schools and just seems to be using the commons majority to force items through. I’m particularly pissed about the whole tuition fees and Rover and State pensions… there have been some good policies they’ve brought in, though they don’t spring to mind just at the moment.

The only party that don’t support tuition fees are the Liberal Democrats, I like their transparent policies and their ‘We’ll tax you, but you’ll get stuff back’ method. I was all set for placing my ‘x’ in the spot until I saw this programme about this guy who got nearly £400 a month in benefits, which he immediately spent on buying a football shirt rather than the electric bill. To say I was annoyed was an understatement, he had no physical reason for not getting a job and just came up with a crock o’ sh*t excuses for not getting a job. I could only envisage this situation getting worse under the Lib Dems and no doubt this fella would need treatment for his 40-a-day smoking habit later in life too. I couldn’t stand the money I had worked damn hard for going to bums like this.

At this point I want to just say I don’t mind genuine claimants of benefit for injury etc. Same as I don’t mind genuine immigrants, in fact after WWII we wouldn’t be a G8 country if it weren’t for the migrant’s sequested to help rebuild Britain. It’s just the scum that take advantage of our system.

So this Tories it is: More money for hospitals, some tax cuts, controlled immigration. Apart from, well I’ve developed apathy plus MH isn’t someone I’d like to see running the country, even TB is better.

Ahh, I don’t know, just like to hear a few thoughts.

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I'll probably be grudgingly voting for Labour. They've had some stick over the years, from basically the opposition, but they've been OK. Conservatives I would never vote for, and the Lib Dems are just populists who seem to jump on any bandwagon if it'll get them some votes. Their whole party political broadcast (if you've seen it) is about dissing Labour and the Conservatives, without actually talking about any of their policies. Having said that, they're definitely way cooler than the tories. I'd definitely consider tactical voting to keep the tories out. So Labour probably, but Lib Dem if I need to.

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Each party is going to f**k up in some way whether you like it or not.

Politics is a headache, you're never going to get what you want.

How the f**k are we supposed to make an informed decision when all they do is tit-for-tat?

"The tories did this" and "Labour are going to destroy the world" or "The Lib Dems are going to make bum sex compulsory on Mondays"

It's bullshit. It's like a childish argument only with suits.

I'm voting for the Monster Raving Loony party. 99p coin? Sure fire winner!


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Hmm. Funny though the MLP are, it'd be worrying if they came into power...

Anyway, I think I'm going down the "Would never vote for Conservatives 'cos I can't stand them/Michael Howard; wouldn't vote Lib Dem 'cos I don't really think they could run the country too well; wouldn't vote Green 'cos I don't really like 'em" leaving only Labour :P

To be fair, from where I am, the world hasn't gotten noticeably worse in the last 4-5 years. If you don't bother reading the tabloid headlines of how you're never more than 1.5 inches away from an AID's carrying, illegal immigrant worker who's stealing YOUR job, YOUR house, YOUR wife and YOUR car, it hasn't really gotten a lot worse in fairness. As someone once said "The main thing people want to have happen is for tomorrow to be pretty much like today." I just want to live and not have to worry about peripheral shit, which is pretty much why we have a government. I don't really think the alleged rise in 'violent crime' is their fault - there are simply more chav scum around now, so it's inevitable.

Anyhoo, yeah, when I just thought of it like that, I think I might go Labour. Then you get the fun of "Blair or Brown?" Choices choices :D


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If I was old enough to vote (just missed out this time), I'd vote Lib Dem. Just for the fact that they're the underdogs. Well, more than that, just that they have had the seat where I live for ages and things locally arn't bad at all.

And that's as informed as I am on these things and I can't see anything that makes the big two stand out in any way.

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I agree with your reasoning.

But think of this:

GOD FORBID you are taken ill, you have a 1 in 10 chance of catching MRSA under current conditions. Labour are to blame. They've turned the NHS into a dirty doss house where foreign mingers drop in to get treated and then bugger off again, unless they've been given a job as a cleaner or a nurse.

I've always said that in this life, if I have my health I'd be a happy man all my life.

Labour are messing with my sanity - I'm extremely paranoid as it is. I am seriously becoming hospital phobic, I was going out of my nut when my sister recently had to go in for a Tonsilectomy (tonsil removal.... psh).

But on a serious note, if Veritas or UKIP got in, they'd destroy the country.

Europe might be as great as the plague, but we have to keep a foot in the door.

Or as I like to say, "keep a finger in all the pies"

Edited by Shaun
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Conservatives all the way for me. Its really strange though if you take a look at the way the voting is going. War on iraq i may have only been one of the few that liked good ole tony for sticking his foot in. But everything else has been a complete cock up from start to finish. I mean its not just taxes, nhs and all this but there have been so absolutely stupid ideas.. millenium dome for one.. somone please close the thing.

The sooner the illegal immigrants are pushed out the better.

oh and JT one vote will make a difference.. at first i wasn't going to like you but then had a think about it. The only worth while parties to vote for are labour or conservatives so you mase well just use it on one of them, all the other parties are just so small and have the most random ideas on how to run a country that they will never ever ever ever get close to. All though if you do want to sit on the fence, vote lib dem they seem to be good at doing that.

oh and chav culture has really boomed under labour.. i suppose we shouldn't blame them though.. actually.. sod that they should. No body can be arsed to work nowadays since you can get enough money by gettin yourself knocked up with 3 kids living off the state. Who pays for it? the people who are actually working and trying to earn a living. Thats why all the illegal sods want to come over here cos our country is a feckin joke at the minute.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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I could never vote conservative, not after the state the country was in before labour got into power. Labour ok haven't done a great job, but have been alright and there mistakes have been huge ones.

But i don't think Conservative would have done any better, they would have gone to war too...they did last time :D

And they always claim to reduce taxes but increase spending! How?

Plus i hate some of there ads too, in fact I hate all the main three party election adverts, all dissing eachother!

I voted labour last time, but never really got what I voted for, which kinda puts them out the picture, wheres my referendum on europe?

so that leaves either lib dem or one of the fringe parties, which most of the fringe parties being either stupid, too small or twats.

Lib Dem well they have some decent policies, plus i dunno give them a chance see what they can do...


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im swaying towards Lib-dems at the moment purely because my local area is a tight race between conservatives and Libs dems (labour have never been in power in my area i dont think, and never come close) Lib dems have been in power here since the last election and have done a good job in my eyes so thats good enough for me. I cant stand the conservatives so i really dont want them in- and as our area has the oldest average age in the country they always do well with the older voters :D so i need to make my vote count locally.

Nationally i would like to see Labour back in power again. I really dont think that anyone can say our living standards have gone down since they came in? in fact the opposite i would say- which is important to me. As someone else said remember what the conservatives did to us last time they were in! compare that to labour and its ten times worse.

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I still undecided, the campaigning so far has been super rubbish. no ones even attempting to have an honest debate about the other parties policies, everytime theres a politition on the news they're trying to spread lies and give a false impression of the other parties and that really dosn't appeal to me at all.

The only thing I do know is that I wont be voting Labour, honesty is an important factor so im not going to vote a group of proven liers into power. Not to mention the vast array of truely shocking policies they've been comming up with (ID Cards, House Arrest, Casino's, reforming the house of lords, EU constitution, postal voting, regional assemblies)

The only thing the Conservatives really have to their credit is that they, and the Lib Dems, forced Blair to give us a vote on the EU constitution. I'm not really impressed by the way they're ranting on about immigration at the moment or the way they seem to think they can reduce tax and spent more(which is possible, but i highly doubt they will manage to do it).

I will be voting Conservative or LibDem, but its hard to decide at the moment, im definatly voting though.

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What we need to see is all parties agreeing on the key fundamentals.

An example being the growing reliance on the car, for the past 80 years transport policy has reovled around a predict and provide appraoch. Build more roads basically but by the time new roads are built the figures are out of date. If it continues this country will ground to a halt permantly and the so called state of do everything we can to help ecomoiny goes tits up. So basically to solve the problem yo need radical policies but only the crazy parties do this. It would mean making driving stupidly expensive and public transport cheaper. It will never happen becasue parties dont want to suggest these sorts of policies as there not popular. The key is for every party to agree they will make cars expensive and public transport cheap then whatever happens its a win win situation.

Of course this will never happen.

Politics is grown men having arguements, bullying, dissing each other, hardly f**king grown up.

This country doesnt have a democarcy if it did parties would stick to their promises.

I will vote maybe for green party if not i will defazce my voting slip with a rather distasteful message of how shit this countries policitcal system is.

Excuss my spellin its a long rant of a post for me.

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  Jimbo Limbo (Trials Chimp) said:
I still undecided, the campaigning so far has been super rubbish. no ones even attempting to have an honest debate about the other parties policies, everytime theres a politition on the news they're trying to spread lies and give a false impression of the other parties and that really dosn't appeal to me at all.

The only thing I do know is that I wont be voting Labour, honesty is an important factor so im not going to vote a group of proven liers into power. Not to mention the vast array of truely shocking policies they've been comming up with (ID Cards, House Arrest, Casino's, reforming the house of lords, EU constitution, postal voting, regional assemblies)

The only thing the Conservatives really have to their credit is that they, and the Lib Dems, forced Blair to give us a vote on the EU constitution. I'm not really impressed by the way they're ranting on about immigration at the moment or the way they seem to think they can reduce tax and spent more(which is possible, but i highly doubt they will manage to do it).

I will be voting Conservative or LibDem, but its hard to decide at the moment, im definatly voting though.

Just one point there i dont agree with, regional assemblies/governments whatever you want to call them. They are important or they would be if they were structured properly.

This countrys political structure is governed by a hierachy - top down infact, central government controls policies and how they are implemented by local councils. What is needed is a more grassroots, bootom to top approach. Every regiona is different and national policies cannot and will not solve regional problems fact.

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  Onzaboymark said:
Hmm.  Funny though the MLP are, it'd be worrying if they came into power...

Anyway, I think I'm going down the "Would never vote for Conservatives 'cos I can't stand them/Michael Howard;  wouldn't vote Lib Dem 'cos I don't really think they could run the country too well; wouldn't vote Green 'cos I don't really like 'em" leaving only Labour :P

To be fair, from where I am, the world hasn't gotten noticeably worse in the last 4-5 years.  If you don't bother reading the tabloid headlines of how you're never more than 1.5 inches away from an AID's carrying, illegal immigrant worker who's stealing YOUR job, YOUR house, YOUR wife and YOUR car, it hasn't really gotten a lot worse in fairness.  As someone once said "The main thing people want to have happen is for tomorrow to be pretty much like today."  I just want to live and not have to worry about peripheral shit, which is pretty much why we have a government.  I don't really think the alleged rise in 'violent crime' is their fault - there are simply more chav scum around now, so it's inevitable.

Anyhoo, yeah, when I just thought of it like that, I think I might go Labour.  Then you get the fun of "Blair or Brown?"  Choices choices  :D


At the current rate that isnt happening, everyday this country is contributing to destroying the world. Many pratcies are not sustainable which is what that statement is immpling. We are a nation only concerned with our life time and no one elses. I no exception I would change if policies forced me to recycled, actually I think thats happening in places. May sound like a tree hugging hippy but we do need to do something about the state of our country and the world as we are shorening the lifespan of the inhabitants of this planet.

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Labour for me. I am not a fan of all the immigrant bashing that is going on elsewhere, plus I would never even consider a Conservative vote, and the LibDems will never win in my area.

This year has been interesting: the Conservatives switching their focus from the wealthy to the working class through Blair bashing and playing to peoples’ fear of immigrants. Unfortunately tabloid readers are playing into their hands, with the comics (Sun, Mirror etc.) following the Daily Mails lead, with their shameless xenophobia. The Conservatives only saving grace is that they might steal some votes from berks in the BNP and UKIP/Veritas.

EDIT: would it be possible to turn this post into a poll with all the major parties listed?

Edited by giptown
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Locally the area in which i live has suffered massively from being under labour so they are out of the questin.

I would usually as before vot lib dem, but as i really do not want to see labour back in power i shall be voting conservative, although this could change depending on the local campaigning done.

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  Onzaboymark said:
To be fair, from where I am, the world hasn't gotten noticeably worse in the last 4-5 years.  If you don't bother reading the tabloid headlines of how you're never more than 1.5 inches away from an AID's carrying, illegal immigrant worker who's stealing YOUR job, YOUR house, YOUR wife and YOUR car, it hasn't really gotten a lot worse in fairness.

  giptown said:
This year has been interesting: the Conservatives switching their focus from the wealthy to the working class through Blair bashing and playing to peoples? fear of immigrants. Unfortunately tabloid readers are playing into their hands, with the comics (Sun, Mirror etc.) following the Daily Mails lead, with their shameless xenophobia.

Yet the Sun has officially backed Labour's bid for this election. Talk about biting the hand that feeds...

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have they said they are officially backing Labour then? thats funny i read it a few weeks ago and it had a big article on the election campaign, saying clearly that "The Sun will remain totally unbiased and seperate from ay party as always" :D typical Sun :P

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  Spacemunkee said:
oh and chav culture has really boomed under labour.. i suppose we shouldn't blame them though.. actually.. sod that they should. No body can be arsed to work nowadays since you can get enough money by gettin yourself knocked up with 3 kids living off the state. Who pays for it? the people who are actually working and trying to earn a living. Thats why all the illegal sods want to come over here cos our country is a feckin joke at the minute.

Media whore. This so-called chav 'culture' has ALWAYS been around. People only mention it now because of the press coverage it gets now. The lower working class will always have problems like this, its human nature to have a small percentage of f**k ups.

Nothing to do with Labour.

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  plainlazy84 said:
have they said they are officially backing Labour then? thats funny i read it a few weeks ago and it had a big article on the election campaign, saying clearly that "The Sun will remain totally unbiased and seperate from ay party as always"  :D typical Sun :P

Yup, Linky.

  UrbanPoet said:
Media whore. This so-called chav 'culture' has ALWAYS been around. People only mention it now because of the press coverage it gets now. The lower working class will always have problems like this, its human nature to have a small percentage of f**k ups.

Nothing to do with Labour.

If anything you should blame the tory-funded rise of the non-working classes :P

But "chavs" aren't just poor people. They're just rebels without a cause. Kinda like Goths/Sk8r bois are middle class rebels.

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