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Snapped Tensiles

Will Arnold

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Yeah, 175's rule the roost as far as I'm concerned. They're so nice for power moves and for upping. 'cos of the way the gear feels spinnier, you take off later so tapping's more consistent in a less 'scary' way. They're soooo nice :D


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Nice one :P , how big was the drop exactly?

first pair i've seen snap, i reckon you may get a free replacement from supercycles if not, then definetely half price, i bought a t-pro frame and the threads in the BB area had been stripped and the BB appeared to have never been tightened properly, i sent it back to them explaining etc they said they would take a look at it, few days later got a brand new frame off them, free postage etc, i was pretty chuffed :D considering everyone was saying to me they doubted i would get a free replacement (even though i only had the frame about 2 weeks if that long).

Torn ligaments aswell hey, nice :P i had torn ligaments in my shoulder from playing rugby, that happened on January 24th, i saw my GP and she was getting me a psyhio appointment to take a look at it better, and when have i received a letter back...hmm today and thats only to ring up and make an appointment within the next few weeks :P only 3 months late, good ol' NHS, its all healed up a bit better now anyway, i was out of riding for atleast 2months due to it though as it played up everytime i tried something on the backwheel.

Hope yours aint too bad .

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will could fit the super pro trials set up on the burns because he's got a profile :D i have mentioned to him that tart's got them at a nice price atm so dunno if he'll get burns or tensiles again. the super pro trials is a 16t too so small enough for mod :P

get well soon will mate, i know excactly how shitty it is having a fooked ankle and if you wana buy a decent ankle support my mum found somewhere that sells them for £1 (14 everywhere else!!!)

get a support on it when your using it and then take it off for rest


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i had mine on for like 16months and didnt snap them, i even ground the surface of the crank off cos it was Pi**ing me off cos it was ripping my ankle to bits and there still in one piece altho they are bent :P :D :P after a fair big 13ish ft drop at bradford uni. but they didnt snap? and mine have had some fair abuse.maybe its the luck of the draw :P :P


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Send the cranks back enclosing a correctly stamped addressed jiffy bag for return and we will replace FOC. This is not a warranty issue but our standard goodwill policy with Tensile products. The only proviso is that they must not have been modified by grinding machining etc.

Yet again Supercycles come up with the goods :D

Yet more evidense of their striving for good customer service, which can only be a good thing.

Any chance of getting a properly focussed photo of the breakage before you send them back, i'd be interested to see the failure in more detail :P

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thanks for the replies everyone, they are great :P i will get some more detailed shots of both sides of the break for you to look at.

thats great news about the replacement of the crank :D cheers supercycles! i will have to get the cog and bash ring off of the crank which could prove difficult as there is not much crank to grip :P anyone got any ideas? (its a screw on fixed cog with no notches for tool fitting :P )



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heat the crank up and put the crank in a vice then use a chain whip (park tools are best usually) this is taking into consideration that the cog will be on extremly tight!!!!! heat it up loads and the put the chain whip around it (dont touch the cog or crank it will be hot as hell!) and when you have chain whip round a time or two then try unscrewing it. its the only way to get em off. as your force has tightened the sod on and its extremly hard to get off unless you dont care about the ring and just grind two flat spots and put it in vice,extension bar on the crank (whats left of it) and try screw it off.


i did it to Lovatt's the other day god took me ages to get the fixed cog off my cranks onto his!!!!!

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heat the crank up and put the crank in a vice then use a chain whip (park tools are best usually) this is taking into consideration that the cog will be on extremly tight!!!!! heat it up loads and the put the chain whip around it (dont touch the cog or crank it will be hot as hell!) and when you have chain whip round a time or two then try unscrewing it. its the only way to get em off. as your force has tightened the sod on and its extremly hard to get off unless you dont care about the ring and just grind two flat spots and put it in vice,extension bar on the crank (whats left of it) and try screw it off.


i did it to Lovatt's the other day god took me ages to get the fixed cog off my cranks onto his!!!!!

the only thing is that ive bent two chainwhips already :P and i dont have access to a park one :D

what i was thinking was to borrow a fixed back wheel, and assemble the bike as normal so there is no kind of ratchet on the bike, then turn the intact crank backwards whilst holding the back brake?

reccon that would work?


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if you have an old piece of KMC kool chain you can wrap it round and clamp it in a vice, snap at it hard with a leverage abr and it should go, but trust me these things are :P :P :P tight!!!!


the fixed cog wouldnt work as the chain would sag kind of thing.

if you had a left hand drive bike you'd be ok :D ................hehe

if you struggle if as a last resort you wanted it sorting send it to me and il do it for you.

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i had mine on for like 16months and didnt snap them, i even ground the surface of the crank off cos it was Pi**ing me off cos it was ripping my ankle to bits and there still in one piece altho they are bent  :P  :D  :P  after a fair big 13ish ft drop at bradford uni. but they didnt snap? and mine have had some fair abuse.maybe its the luck of the draw  :P  :D


Just out of curiosity, is it the BB spindle that twisted, or the crank arm itself?

Thats the problem I had :P First it ripped up my new shoes then bits off my ankle when balancing  :P


When I used to run some Club Roost 2D copies, that happened a lot, but now I've got my X-Pedals on with my new Tensiles I haven't had any trouble, which is nice :)

In fairness too, kudos to Mike for the FOC replacement.


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if you have an old piece of KMC kool chain you can wrap it round and clamp it in a vice, snap at it hard with a leverage abr and it should go, but trust me these things are  :D  :P  :P  tight!!!!


the fixed cog wouldnt work as the chain would sag kind of thing.

if you had a left hand drive bike you'd be ok  :D ................hehe

if you struggle if as a last resort you wanted it sorting send it to me and il do it for you.

id rather do it myself, otherwise id be forever getting other people do stuff for me :) cheers anyway :P

im gunna bung it i the freezer for a while then do the hot water thing....

here are some more pics for whoever is interested :P






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i cant get this thing apart! its a complete bugger!

i was thinking of hacksawing out a section of metal between the spline of the cranks and the cog thread so that the cog can then be screwed off with ease?

anyone think this will work?


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Unlucky :P

I've been riding with my tensiles for 3'n'half months and i've put them to the test and they seem to be fine

I can remember a while back on the phone to supercycles they said that tensiles had been made so they are unbrakeable HAHAHA :D liers!

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