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Tired Of Boring Frame Designs?

Mark W

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Well, you need to check the site and see the other pics. You can run a 113mm length BB, which'll be stiffer, and the chain tensioners are totally different to usual. Stuff like that (Y)

Just a prototype, fair play to 'em for trying something different :(


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Looks to me as though that design will concentrate stress on that bottom weld at the front end of the chain stays. Right where it's likely to get hit on rocks and walls. Sure it looks different. Whoop de doo. To me, it looks like it's different for the sake of being different, which will please some people. At least it will please the "oh my god that lookz like a vinco" crowd (Y)

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i thunk that'd be a mont frame but maybe without the chainstay thing but it shows onza are daring to put radical designs into reality.

without the whole chainstay thing it would look like a mini Butler frame (eventhough it's not his but that's how everyone will recognise it as)

edit: what freewheel is that. it's blue (Y)

Edited by trialsking 55
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well nice frame.. welll thought it was.... would of definatly of got 1 but then i seen the chainstay.... it is lower then the basy !!!!!

na seriously nice frame but i think that we can all agree that the chainstay lets it donw.. nice job though onza... better then alll the zoo python replica's he he

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so you can't land on yer chain....just land on the ter chainstay instead? :lol: this could become a BIU revolution...who needs a pedal to sidehop to when...you can sidehop to frame! :lol:

I can't really see much advantage...someone care to "plug" me up with the pro's? :lol:

go onza!


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