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Should Smokers Get Free Health Care On The Nhs?


Should smokers get free health care on the NHS?  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Should smokers get free health care on the NHS?

    • Yes, they're entitled to it.
    • No, they bring it upon themselves.

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If somebody is smoking in my face: outside the door of a shop I'm exiting, under the bus shelter when it's raining etc, then I usually ask them to put it out because it's making me sick. They often do, but sometimes don't.

People who can't sit on a bus for 15mins, and have to get their cigarettes ready as they're getting off the bus, that's what makes me laugh.

thank christ im not like that .... i know i have a disgusting habit and I am addicted but not to that extent. If someone told me to go somewhere else because they didnt like it, I would.. I like to think im considerate but I guess with the views that some people share I cant be 100%.

I'm totally for a ban on smoking in public areas... I think it should be banned in and out of pubs/bars etc AND walking down the road. I belive this ban should be vigourously enforced too. No 2 ways about it.. if you were caught smoking where you shouldnt be you should be fined on the spot.

oh as for the guy who mentioned about lighting the spliff up causing a conflict... it would because its illegal! :huh:

as a society we shouldnt have to accept that there are going to be people smoking everywhere as it is a health issue for non-smokers..

i say keep everything the way it is ie. prices of cigarettes, current healthcare procedures etc ... just ban it in public areas !!!


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thank christ im not like that .... i know i have a disgusting habit and I am addicted but not to that extent.  If someone told me to go somewhere else because they didnt like it, I would.. I like to think im considerate but I guess with the views that some people share I cant be 100%.

I'm totally for a ban on smoking in public areas... I think it should be banned in and out of pubs/bars etc AND walking down the road.  I belive this ban should be vigourously enforced too.  No 2 ways about it.. if you were caught smoking where you shouldnt be you should be fined on the spot.

oh as for the guy who mentioned about lighting the spliff up causing a conflict... it would because its illegal!  :huh: 

as a society we shouldnt have to accept that there are going to be people smoking everywhere as it is a health issue for non-smokers..

i say keep everything the way it is ie. prices of cigarettes, current healthcare procedures etc ... just ban it in public areas !!!


yes i know lighting up a spliff is illegal but thats not what bothers most people. i'm very impressed that there are any considerate smokers because i don't know any, well done for not being an ignorant twat like all the smokers i know :)

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  However unlike people with diabetes, astma or anything like that which is an ongoing medical condition, i have to pay for all my prescriptions and so am massively worse off through no fault of my own. 

i have asthma and have to pay for my prescriptions should i get em free??

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I don't smoke and I see it as a pointless habit, but i think that they should get free healthcare (for everybody). Its one thing I believe in, I hate the American system of having to have health insurance!

If we were to ban smokers from getting free healthcare, it would then be people who drink, etc, etc!

I don't have a problem with whatever people want to put into/do to there body, its just the fact that some guy/gal lights up a cigerette and it directly affects and harms me. Its like me cutting my arm with a knife (not that I do) and then running around everyone in a 3 metre vacinity and cutting them a small bit :huh:

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Personly I believe that anyone who has started smoking needs help because it is damaging other peoples life around them. For example in effect both my parents are killing me as they both smoke. Every time a cigarete is smoked it increases the chance of cancer by 6. When people are smoking say 20 cigarets a day the chances of this are very high. Smoking and alchol are the biggest killers in england and I think both should be band in oublic places as it is killing inocent people due to passive smoking.

On the subject which was brought up on "Should Smokers Get Free Health Care On The Nhs?" I think yes as the people who do it need help and should get all the support they can!

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Every time a cigarete is smoked it increases the chance of cancer by 6.

Therefore if you take up smoking one day, and smoke 20 fags through the day, you are 3656158440062976 times more likely to get cancer than you were that morning... did you get that statistic from the Daily Mail?

Anyway, the day the government take cigarettes of the shelves is the day they should stop paying for the harm that they do (well, maybe once the generation of smokers who were around before the ban have all died). But that aint gonna happen cos they make more money off tobacco than they do from treating the effects of smoking. It would be a pretty messed up country if the government knowingly taxed the public for something that they know will harm them, and not pay for the effects. Bring on a public ban though :P

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I think smoking should be banned.


That solved the problem.

good plan...easier said than done.

crack is illegal, and theres still crackwhores!

anyways....for the first god knows how many years all the oldies would have to have health care still as there was no anti-smoking stuff back in the day, so it would only be fair

and id give some one £20 if they can stop my grandmar smoking wihout killing her...shes on 20 a day and loves it.

its never going to happen....just like stopping people dropping litter, drinking, smoking, anything else.....

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I got it from my pse teacher but when I asked him about it today he clamed  he said cannabis.  Although I am sure he said normal smoking before.

Perhaps he is right and perhaps not. Im not entiroly sure anymore.

He's still wrong, even if he did say cannabis :P

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I think smokers should recive the same ammount of health care as anyone.

BUT, if they have a problem that is caused by smoking, they should have to pay for it.

ie breathing, cancer ect.

Like a car warrenty, it will cover anything, but if you mod the car, and the mod causes it to break, you pay.

They should ban smoking, we all know all that tax just goes in someones pocket.

yeah defoantly, they chose too smoke... its their problem not ours! (Y)"


PS: Never start you never stop :lol:

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I think they should, everyone else does, and to be honest doctors blame a hell of alot on smoking, If an overweight person goes in with something wrong they dont go, oh its because your overweight, wheras if a smoker goes in they automatically blame it on smoking! ''Oh if you didn't smoke it would reduce the chances of....'' They ban smoking in alot of places now and think that if everyone is so bothered they should ban smoking, the only reason they won't do that is because the government wants all the money! If they were truely that worried they would stop seeling cigarettes? No? Just my view though.

Kerrie(And mum)

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(Y) For the last time, the government does NOT make money out of smoking. It costs them billions, even taking into account the taxation on fags. In America, they think that obesity will actually overtake smoking as the major cause of death, by about 2020 (If it carries on as it is). And we all laugh at americans being fat. Haha, they're gonna die earlier. Well so are you little miss smokeyfish.

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