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Ride it! Its only about 11 miles I think, with all your camping gear!!

It has been ridden before though :P

In 2003 Granger rode to Castle Carey and back to go to an off licence, him and MikeC loaded themselves up with as much McBeer as they could possibly carry and rode back. After all the effort they put in for beer it was all gone within an hour or two.

If they had rode the other direction they would have found a Tesco's about 2 miles up the road :)

In 2004 Iain Plumb and Rich Pearson rode back on the Sunday, stopped off in the pub half way for a few beers, then we met them at the station with their bags which we had taken in the car for them (We had room for bags but no more people or bikes)


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Yeah, me and Adam rode from the station to the event (and then back again on Sunday). To say it's fcuking LONG is an understatement. I had two awkward bags to carry, and Adam had some weird fkin picnic food bag, which has no shoulder straps, in addition to his other camping bag. It's also in the middle of nowhere so you haven't a clue where you're heading (although the numerous cars bezzing past with the horn tooting away was kinda an indication of the correct way to go), and there's all these g-hey hills to climb... basically it's a fkin mission.

But do-able, nonetheless.

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By Train

Travelling by train is now supported by the NASS event bus which stops at the Castle Cary station every 35mins and then travels on to the event. Commencing 10am Friday to last trains and then again from 9am Saturday 9th July until 8pm and then 9am Sunday 10th July until 6pm ( please contact British rail 08457 48 49 50 for up to date train information)

Wait for the bus at the station... They have taken bikes in the past, but if they feel like being arsey I guess they could make you ride. It's worse on the way there. About a 40 minute ride uphill with all your camping shit. The ride back to the station is a doddle though, you can just roll all the way back down and it takes nearer 20 mins.

The event is piss-easy to find. Go out of the station and turn right. Then ride along that road until you see the event.

It's a good idea to book your bikes on the train (shock horror!) as about 29 kids with BMXs try and get on the train when it stops at Reading. It's gonna be a complete b*****d getting from Leeds to Castle Cary by train... I'm imagine the fastest way is Leeds - King's Cross - Paddington (circle line takes bikes) - Castle Cary. You can save some money there by booking the train tickets a 2-3 weeks before the event. Travelling any time before half 9 on the circle line is carnage so avoid that if possible.

Do it. NASS is awesome.

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