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Worst Jokes Competition


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  RicH_87 said:
what do you call a man with a buket on his head?.....


Why did the man fall of his bike?.....

Cos' someone threw a fridge at him.

There, that pretty much sums up bad jokes.


So random and simple, but sooooo funny.


Edited by wally
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  Tom Booth said:

The fbi did a search of micheal jacksons house, in the kitchen the found class b drugs, in the living room they found class c and in the bedroom they found class 5c.

Whats the difference bettwen jacko and acne?

One dosent come on yor face till you 14

Whats the differences between jacko and a plastic bag?

Ones white and harmful to kids, the others a bag.

What did the man on the beach say to Michael Jackson?

Get out of my sun!

What's brown and often found in children's underpants?

Michael Jackson's hand.

What is blonde, has six legs, and roams Michael Jackson's dreams every night?


I see you like Michael Jackson, how old are you then? (Y)


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dead babies? :)

watch the difference between a ferrari and 100 dead babies?

i don't have a ferrari in my garage

wats the difference between a truck full of sand and a truck full of dead babies?

you can't unload sand with a pitch fork


Edited by the boon
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  kells said:
Whats white and can't climb trees?

A fridge

  RicH_87 said:
Whats the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson?....

One was the first man on the moon, The other f**ks little boys in the ass.

  RicH_87 said:
what do you call a man with a buket on his head?.....



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What is white, heavy, falls from the sky and kills people?

A Fridge.

What is green, heavy, falls from trees and kills people?

A snooker table.

How do you get to wales in a mini?

Get in, and drive.

Father Christmas didn't call in South East Asia, all they got was a wave.

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i have a few i herd today in school:


Q. Did you hear about the Viagra robbery at the drug store?

A. The police are looking for a hardened criminal! (Y)


Q. What's the national bird of Iraq?

A. Duck! :)


Q. What do you call a deer in the woods with no eyes?

A. No Ideer! :) :)


Q. What do you call the same dear with no eyes and no legs?

A. Still No Ideer! :D :D (Y)


there you all go just a few my m8s said :lol:

cheers nadine

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Rightio People

We need a winner for this damn comp and i had never heard this joke before, it made me groan and is about farts (so childish :D )

so therefore we have a winner

  MrMonkey said:
Bill and Ben are sitting in a bath Bill says "Flobbadobbadob" Ben says "Fart again and you can get out"

Well done, mars bar and badge will be winging its way to you soon :)


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Why did the bicycle fall over?

Because it was two-tyred!

(Courtesy of Dave Gill)

This is the worst joke I ever heard. It's not even funny, really. It was in a cracker.

Knock knock

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock

Who's there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad I didn't say banana.

You have to say it out loud for it to work even slightly. But like I said it's just shit. It's not even groan-worthy. But there we go, this is a worst joke competition :P

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