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Worst Jokes Competition


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Right me and a certain member of this board who shall remained un-named for his own safety :) thought it might be a good idea to have a worst jokes competition on here.

I'll start us off with: what do you call a crippled NAZI?

A vegetablearian. :S


My un-named colleague and I have decided that this competition will close at 10:11pm, on monday the 18th.

The prize will be a badge saying "I'm special, my jokes suck" and a mars bar.

The winner will be announced on tuesday some time.

We have also decided that any joke may be submitted, and will be judged accordingly. However we have decided that the meaning of a "bad" joke is that it makes you groan when you read it.


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Two blondes walk into a bar, the brunette ducks.

A bear walks into a bar, places his paw on the bar and pauses for a bit. On the bear placing his order, the barman asks "why the long pawse".

That ^^^ one is better when its actually said.

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hm im gonna have to go for the best joke n hope it wins on u thinking its the worst

When is it time for bed in Neverland?

When the big hand touches the little hand.

michael jackson n janet jackson were at home one evening

Janet says "shall we get a pizza and a video"

to which michael replies

"yeah can we get Alladin"

janet then says

"no micheal, lets just stick to a pizza n a video"

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A panda walks into a cafe.

The panda orders a sandwich, eats it and then fires a gun into the air. On his way out, he tosses a badly punctuated wildlife manual at the confused bartender and directs him to the entry marked "Panda."

Whereupon the bartender reads "Panda. Large black-and-white bearlike mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."


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Oh here come the Jackson jokes:

Why did michale jackson get food poisioning?

Because he ate some 9 year old pork

David Beckham rings up michale jackson and says, michale after you trial, do you want to come on our new yauht? Michale replys, Thanks david, i'd love to come on your Cruz!

Michale Jackson swore on the popes life he didn't molestor any kids....

Tom :S"

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What's brown and half eaten?

The pope's easter egg.


The fbi did a search of micheal jacksons house, in the kitchen the found class b drugs, in the living room they found class c and in the bedroom they found class 5c.

Whats the difference bettwen jacko and acne?

One dosent come on yor face till you 14

Whats the differences between jacko and a plastic bag?

Ones white and harmful to kids, the others a bag.

What did the man on the beach say to Michael Jackson?

Get out of my sun!

What's brown and often found in children's underpants?

Michael Jackson's hand.

What is blonde, has six legs, and roams Michael Jackson's dreams every night?


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Two men are playing golf and one asks the other for a light..

He pulls out this rather large lighter from his golf bag and the other man asks where he got that... He points to his golf bag and says he has a genie.

So the genie comes out and the his friend asks, can I have one wish because i'm your masters best friend? The genie says sure.

The man asks for 1 million bucks... sure enough the genie grants it, the sky darkens the clouds open and .... 1 million ducks fall from the sky.

The man says no, I asked for a million BUCKS.. his friend buts in and goes, do you think I asked for a 12" bic.


Hideously sad

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1. What do you call a sleeping bull?


2. What squeaks when you pour milk on it?

....................Mice crispies.

3. Whats yellow and smelly?

.....................Monkey sick.

4. Knock knock..... Whos there?

isabella....................isabella who?

Isabella not working. ;)

5. Doctor doctor, i keep thinking i am a pair of curtains.

....... Pull yourself together.

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