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Got An Idea For Trials-shack?


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Before i start, i'm not changing the way the download system works. I've not fully looked into the Bit Torrent area, and using a Cache i dislike. Nice ideas Dan, but i'm stuborn and like to use my own system :ermm:

So basically, suggest any features you think could benefit trials-shack. Of any kind, whether it be a different review system, a different way to download a video or what ever. I'm all ears, however crazy you think it is, i want to hear it.

A few of my own to kick start us.

To download a video, you HAVE to sign up. There is no daily download limits, except the file only based ones (read on to read my suggestion on that). For every 3 (ball park figure) videos you download, you have to review one of them. As in, you can't download another video until you review one of the ones you downloaded. Spam reviews that are simply added to get around the system will be deleted, and the user warned, then banned on the second offense.

My second is file download limits. Figures are purely for example purposes, and are not final. A file thats between 30mb and 50mb may only be downloaded 100 times an hour, a file between 50 and 80 only 60 times, and so on. Obviously figures will be higher, but just using them as an example.

Theres two of mine, discuss and suggest more, however crazy.

For any that hadn't guessed, i am currently coding the new version. The layout is done, and looks rather good if i do say so myself. Just needs the code and working bits, and what ever new features come of this thread.

Get discussing, but not argueing.

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  Simon said:
To download a video, you HAVE to sign up. There is no daily download limits, except the file only based ones (read on to read my suggestion on that). For every 3 (ball park figure) videos you download, you have to review one of them. 

My second is file download limits. Figures are purely for example purposes, and are not final. A file thats between 30mb and 50mb may only be downloaded 100 times an hour, a file between 50 and 80 only 60 times, and so on. Obviously figures will be higher, but just using them as an example.

I think you may be onto a winner with those two. Will the signing up bit have a charge on it? I think maybe a very small charge could be a good idea, like £2 per quarter or something. Small enough to mean a lot of people will be up for it maybe? Review bit's cool too :)

D/ling limits sounds cool. Is there anyway to tell how many d/l's per hour there is on files at the mo? One of the popular ones?

Anyway, I'd be up for those ideas of yours :(

Can't think of any others though :">


Edit: Doesn't make sense, its late :ermm:"

Edited by Dave Gill
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  Dave Gill said:
I think you may be onto a winner with those two. Will the signing up bit have a charge on it? I think maybe a very small charge could be a good idea, like £2 per quarter or something. Small enough to mean a lot of people will be up for it maybe? Review bit's cool too :(

D/ling limits sounds cool. Is there anyway to tell how many d/l's per hour there is on files at the mo? One of the popular ones?

Anyway, I'd be up for those ideas of yours :P

Can't think of any others though :">


Edit: Doesn't make sense, its late :)"

No charge, however, i may put a charge up for expanded accounts, such as they can download 10 videos before having to review a file, and they can get past the hourly limits. Using the two examples i've put as an example, in this example, if that makes sense :ermm:

No way to tell how much is downloaded per hour im afraid, as its another huge bit of new code. May add it to current version though, just to see heh :)

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  trialsboy560 said:
Have a paypal donations thingy so we can contribute to your bills :P

There is a 'donate a $' paypal thing, but thats no good.

Wouldn't the bittorent thing be any good? My computer is always on all night and all day. Could put the bandwidth to use, it would be nice to contribute in that way.

If you start charging people in any way shape or form, they will use other means of hosting.

The review thing is also a bit :( as reviews are always on the thred on here. So that would mean reviewing the same vid twice, unless TF were to make a way where people vids were in like a closed topic, and if we were forced to give a review, some people wouldn't just put the effort in.

As for the download limitations, it dosn't seem to solve/achive anything. if you can't download a vid as it has been downloaded too many times, people will go back to download it later, and the total number of downloads will be the same in the end.

The current system at the moment is fine realy apart from exceeding at the end of the month, stopping people from uploading vids defeats the object realy, Haha i've just realised theres no easy answer to this is there. :)

I have a feeling i have missed or understood something, so sorry in advanced. :ermm:

Edited by JT!
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  trialsking 55 said:
this isnt an idea but would the people who sign up be able to upload vids?

No, i was at that for ages when i first started up trials-shack, and i'm not going to bother with all that hastle again.

Good ideas so far. Would like to hear new ones. Remember, anything, however crazy you think it might be. Maybe a new feature or a suggestion on how to improve current ones.

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Why not charge people to use the FTP as hosting of videos is the costly part and thats ultimately what contributes to your high bandwidth (no shit sherlock :ermm:)

But, I suppose if people are paying for the hosting space... you cant really set a download limit like per hour of whatever you were suggesting 'cause thats not really fair.

Bit of a catch 22 there... But I personally don't see why you can't charge for the service - if people aren't willing to pay then thats their hard luck.

It's a great service and you shouldn't be expected to foot the bill!

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  tank_rider said:
would they  :ermm:

i would happily pay up to a fiver a month for the service si provides, its much better than anything else on the net.

Well, eengo....(what ever it is) does give you decent bandwidth. I'm happy to use either, if TS starts charging, i wouldn't use it.

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Thats fine if you want to suffer low download speed and 3 downloads a day. Some of us were here before TS and know how much of a b*****d it is using eengoodidee (sp?).

Simon does us a favour and I think your attitude stinks JT. Simon from posts does not want to make people pay. Its the forum members such as myself suggesting it.

Trials Shack comes out of his own pocket. How much would you miss say, £2 a month?

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  Brisa said:
How much would you miss say, £2 a month?

Sounds a lot like an advert for oxfam to me!

Seriously though, I agree with Brisa... When I'm sorted out on broadband and can actually download videos at quicker than 1kb or summit ;) I'll certainly be using and donating to Trials-Shack.

Personally I feel that a subscription is the only way forward... It's a service and for it to remain a top quality service we should have to pay.

Maybe you should make a little poll Simon? To get everyones views on whether they would be willing to pay... and the maximum willing to part with.

(It would however be a good idea to keep the donations system I think)

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  Brisa said:
Thats fine if you want to suffer low download speed and 3 downloads a day. Some of us were here before TS and know how much of a b*****d it is using eengoodidee (sp?).

Simon does us a favour and I think your attitude stinks JT. Simon from posts does not want to make people pay. Its the forum members such as myself suggesting it.

Trials Shack comes out of his own pocket. How much would you miss say, £2 a month?

First of all i dont download more than 3 vids a day, not many people do, and 80% of the time i get faster download speed from eengoodidee.

I am very greatful for what Simon doing as it cost a hell of alot of money, and he isn't charging. The best thing to do is put these ideas into practise, its the only way your going to see if they work or not.

It's not that i would miss £2 a month, its just that there would be a free alternative.

Edited by JT!
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  div said:
I think you should give the zoo riders an account so we don't need to wait for 22 hours to download their videos. :)"  :D  :(

If i get a new server with no bandwidth restrictions, its around 2nd on the list of people to offer hosting to :) However, doubt that will be happening now.

Basically, i've decided im going to code everything into trials-shack 3, but add settings so i can turn them on and off. This saves me coding something in later. JT!, the charge would only be for people who want to upload a video.

I've said all i along, that if it does come the last resort of charging, i will by any means possible avoid charging people to download a video. This will always remain free if it kills me. Thanks for all the suggestions, even if it was only discussing the ones i suggested :P. You un-imaganitive lot. :blink:

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Observedtrials.net has a 'supporter' system going on, they pay an annual fee and get a few goodies. I have already contributed to trials-shack in the past, and donated to bikeguernsey.net back when that was running aswell. People on here are always after something for nothing.

Fiver for 6 months... Not much is it? Seeing how nearly all of the world's trials vids seem to be on trials-shack nowadays. How many users will there be do you think?

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  Royaltrials said:
Fiver for 6 months... Not much is it? Seeing how nearly all of the world's trials vids seem to be on trials-shack nowadays. How many users will there be do you think?

Im sure lots of people would be willing to pay that or £2 a month or so. Trouble is then theres always some people that wont and complain when they have to. The only other option is to charge uploaders but then you would have to watch out for account sharing and maybe enforce some kind of limits to stop people taking the piss :blink:

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trials-shack has only worked this well because its free.

Webhosting isnt very expensive in retrospect - for example i pay £12 a year for 15gb space and 15gb monthly bandwith & a .com domain.

If you were paying for trials-shack i think you would need to change a lot of things simon.

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  trialsmad said:
trials-shack has only worked this well because its free.

Webhosting isnt very expensive in retrospect - for example i pay £12 a year for 15gb space and 15gb monthly bandwith & a .com domain.

If you were paying for trials-shack i think you would need to change a lot of things simon.

The bike05 vid was 300mb. I think it was downloaded over 3000 times before being removed. 300 x 3000 = 900 Gb of bandwidth. (Assuming that is the way you work out bandwidth usage?)

15 Gb = £12

900 Gb = £720

That's on one video. I would hope Si isn't paying that much for his hosting.

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£72 a month? That's over £800 a year for Trials-Shack - Fook.

I say get people to pay for a membership, your costs are far too high and I think that £5 from members is a hell of a small amount of the value of all the videos us cheeky beggars are getting for free.

I think Trials-Shack is absolutely fine the way it is, except for the reviewy bits, I just don't think they're necessary, but I can't say I've ever found a problem with the site and how to use it. Edit: Just read your idea about reviewing, is this a review of Trials-Shack or the Video? Either way I still don't quite see the point of it?

P.S. If people complain at having to pay £5 - it's their loss, and it certainly keeps your costs down as they won't be downloading and raping as much of your bandwidth.

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