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Little Wheels?

The Dude

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Or. Buy a Leeson 609.

Best of both worlds!

Plus they look like the sexiest bikes in the world. ever. I love you leeson. :D

EDIT: Ah....you ride a 24"......I will get my coat

i was thinking that, but after snapping an ET, and making a 24" PX the style is getting a little dull.

i do agree that they are one of the sexiest going, beaten only by the curtis T24.

monty 221ti. the only mod to be backflipped  :D

that would be the rider, not the bike, yet i do like the ride, but find it a little too snappy on the back wheel.

Woah, Si going mod, no way  ;)

just a thaught at the moment, but it could be interesting to see how far i can fly on a cheaters bike.

im liking the look of the python. any got a short python with monty bar and stem?

can you bunny hop it?

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Monty 221 ti definately. Ive just got one, did have a tpro (similar chainstay length and wheelbase to an echo team short), which I put a stock stem on to make it more bmxy/streety, and I have to say, even with the longest and lowest bar and stem I could get, it manuals really really nicely, and 360s have become a thing of the past.lol. Although it is a comp-orientated frame, it does ride street rather nice.

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just a thaught at the moment, but it could be interesting to see how far i can fly on a cheaters bike.

im liking the look of the python. any got a short python with monty bar and stem?

can you bunny hop it?

Your just trying to be like me arent you ;)

Get yourself a Team or Short Python then Monty Bars and Either Zoo Stem or something. Team forks are ok, Fall Guys could be more your kinda thing though?

P.S. Going to mod wont make you fly any higher, you'll still land like a sack of sh*t :D Deal with it.


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I freakin' love my T-Pro for street. I used to hate street, but then I suddenly got well into it.

For fufanus and tyre taps, it's really nice for kinda landing it then scooping it up; for tyre taps up walls (so you like do the 180 spin up the wall, touch the back tyre on the wall then 180 spin off the top of the wall back to the floor), it's super nice; bunnyhops ultra well (got 50" to back wheel); manuals pretty damn nice with a higher rise bar and stem. It's a super nice frame for everything, really. Plus it's only about £170 for the frame only, which isn't really bad, to be fair. If you're riding street you're going to be putting a lot of strain through it, so it'll be around £80 for the crash replacement, which isn't too shabby ;)


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i was thinking that, but after snapping an ET, and making a 24" PX the style is getting a little dull.

OT: What frame did you use for that?

I'd say the Python would do it, that's the best option I can think of. Or maybe the Revell? I only rode it briefly, and am unsure on the geom, but it just sprung to mind. Feel free to shout me down for it :">

Blasphemous suggestion; Considered maybe keeping a stock bike and purchasing a BMX for your little wheeled street fantasies? I wouldn't say mod makes it any easier to hop far, so that may be a wasted venture, and BMX is about as 20" street as I can think of if you leave out the gappage.

Edited by Twilite
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For all street apart from grinds (which I hate and haven't really learnt on street anyway), I feel way happier on my T-Pro than my Federal, for some reason. Especially with hops to manual; I think it's just the reassurance of a slightly grabbier back brake. As soon as we go to trails or a skatepark though, there's no question (N)

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You found the T-Pro long? (N) Bloody hell! Mine's only 1000mm! That's the only side-on pic I could find of my bike, but you can see I've got straight-blade forks on, so I guess that might have something to do with it...
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If I had the cash I would be tempted to try a to build streety mod. It would be interesting. Have been thinking about it this week...

around 1000 - 1010 wheelbase, It needs to be short and flicky.

Standard mod back end

tightish head angle, maybe even a bmx inspired 74.5 :)

lower rise stem, with standard risers (EA70s, etc)

and one thing I have been thinking of is 20" rear wheel, with a more 'normal' sized tyre in it

would be interesting


Steve-A's videos. But haven't we gone over this tediously before?

yes we have gone over this before (N) good video too though (Y)

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Steve-A's videos.  But haven't we gone over this tediously before?  If I had a decent video camera I'd happily take pics of it, but frankly, whether you "believe it" or not doesn't really mean dick all.

Dude, whats with the attitude problem? I'm not being shitty!

I'll try and get my hands on the Steve-A videos and have a wee look to see then... Just chill though yeah?

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lower rise stem, with standard risers (EA70s, etc)

Erm, I wouldn't, if I were you. I've got a T-Master stem and a ZOO! stem; the ZOO! being significantly lower. Good bye manuals, good bye bunnyhops, good bye everything. As soon as I put the T-Master back on everything's sexy (N) Saying that, I prefer higher rise bars on my BMX too, so maybe that's just me... But yeah, super low front end would ride like a dog for street.

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