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Crank Trouble


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I did that, and they don't have any spare crank arms lying around, and because they are machined in pairs, you will only be able to get a whole new set for £47 instead of getting just a non-drive crank for £20....

Surely if your taper is rounded you can tell just by looking at it?

My crank was always comming loose because the taper was rounding. Everytime I tightened it it got a little bit worse until it was totally buggered. If yours is rounding phone middleburn and see if you can get a cheap replacement, they're usually pretty good with things like that.

Other then that try giving the bolts and threads a really good clean and then locktiting them in.

What lengh BB is it your running? Perhaps the taper is too steep so your crank isnt holding it properly and you need a longer one? (This used to be the problem with mine)

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