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Crank Trouble


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Well my middle burns have been coming loose for a while now (thought it was a cross threaded BB) so when I got my new bb on my new bike I thought the problem was solved, now my crank bolt is undoing itself all the time and so my crank is coming looser, and I fear rounding itself because of this, if my crank is rounded, what can I do about it (bodge/warrenty)? Any help would be really good (N)


James >_<

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As said above, smack the living daylights out of it with a malet! And keep tightening the bolt as often as you can, untill it stops comming loose.

Or get ISIS as you dont have the problem of rounding. (N) >_<

Edited by JT!
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Is that all the way round my taper? And should it be 4 metal squares or 1 long rectangular one? And whats a spring washer?


James (N)

All around the taper (rectangle), maybe even a little extra square on the side where it is most fooked.

This is a spring washer


It has a sort of split in it, ask your local hardware store, they'll probably give you one for free >_<

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hey whoever said use a spring washer on ur crank bolt! why the hell would u do this, surely there is no reason for this what so ever, why does this guy need a space in between his bolt and his crank.

please enlighten me, because i would have thought if a spacer were to be put in between crank and bolt it would already be on the bolt or with his cranks.



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hey whoever said use a spring washer on ur crank bolt! why the hell would u do this, surely there is no reason for this what so ever, why does this guy need a space in between his bolt and his crank.

please enlighten me, because i would have thought if a spacer were to be put in between crank and bolt it would already be on the bolt or with his cranks.



Well said, lol.

Don't the bolts have a rubber piece on them that sts in the crank, therefore meanin that you couldnt put a washer on there anyway, as therer id no head to the screw to keep the washer on?

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Right talking to my dad about the slit washer (spring washer) when you tighten it up it opens the washer and locks it, its causing a force and not allowing the thread to turn, thus making the crank hold tight, it cant just turn freely and undo itself. Wow my dads clever!

James :unsure:

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hey whoever said use a spring washer on ur crank bolt! why the hell would u do this, surely there is no reason for this what so ever, why does this guy need a space in between his bolt and his crank.

please enlighten me, because i would have thought if a spacer were to be put in between crank and bolt it would already be on the bolt or with his cranks.

I should have explained it fully like this....

When you tighten it up it opens the washer and locks it, its causing a force and not allowing the thread to turn, thus making the crank hold tight, it cant just turn freely and undo itself.

But i know what i'm talking about cos me and my mate both had this problem and fixed it with my method posted above /\ /\ /\ :unsure:

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Dunno about the coke can , try plastic like a bag or chirps .

Little bit of locktight and screw like a lesbian. :unsure:



Cool saying trialsboyjo  (Y)

Sam no offence but what the f**k do you know.

You could just give middleburn a shout and get a new crank arm for 20 (non-drive) or for £27 (Drive side)

Although they do not have any single arms lying around at the mo, and they are machined in pairs.

Is it drive side or non? If it's drive side, i'll go halves on you for a new pair, because I have a fecked non-drive?

Give us a Pm if you do.


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It hasnt really helped though to be honest (Y) it's better but still comes undone eventually, I will try the coke can bit too tomorow night!

James :unsure:

Coke can is for if it is rounded, so the crank is done up tight but it still moves on the BB.

If it keeps coming undone then dosn't sound like rounded? Unless you mean it feels loose and the bolt is done up tight?


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Use the coke can method, and take your time about it, it sounds like the taper is dodgy. Wrap a rectangular strip around the inside of the crank and an extra square on the side where the taper is most knackered. Carefully slide it onto the BB, hit it with a ruber mallet a few times, put a spring washer around the bolt tighten it up. Job's a good 'un.

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Surely if your taper is rounded you can tell just by looking at it?

My crank was always comming loose because the taper was rounding. Everytime I tightened it it got a little bit worse until it was totally buggered. If yours is rounding phone middleburn and see if you can get a cheap replacement, they're usually pretty good with things like that.

Other then that try giving the bolts and threads a really good clean and then locktiting them in.

What lengh BB is it your running? Perhaps the taper is too steep so your crank isnt holding it properly and you need a longer one? (This used to be the problem with mine)

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