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05 Hs33 Lever's


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Hi All,

I hate making topic's but hey. Could anyone tell me if the '05 Lever's are available by themselve's? Ifso, where's best to get them from and how much? I've used the search function and looked on all the website's I can think of. But i may be stupid? :)

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks mate. Shitting hell. 6 weeks :angry: I don't mind paying £35 but is there anyone else that has them in stock? I'd just like to have a decent TPA :angry: I have a CNC lever, beautiful things but TPA's are shit and I thought the newer one's may be better? I know I should be careful when adjusting, i normally am. Meh.

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Just do the TPA bodge?  Or do you have the new '05 levers already, so can't bodge it?

TPA Bodge? And no, i have old style with beautiful CNC lever :)

Good idea, off to Wiggle I go :)

EDIT: Can't find them on Wiggle either :angry:

Edited by CH!P
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Right, here's the deal.

Undo the lever bolt.

Take the lever out.

You'll have the little flappy bit that pushes into the piston dangling off. Twist that off, and the little bit that it was attached to (and basically anything else that's loose :)).

Next, get a 5 or 6mm allen key (I can't remember which) and use it to push out the metal sleeve from inside the lever pivot bit.

Once that's come out, the rest of the 'interal' bits will come off; a plate which the little piston bit attaches to, the sorta block with a U-shaped groove in it, and the little square box which the TPA screws into. It sounds complicated, but when you take it apart it's all straight forward :)

Now, the reason your TPA was raped was because the bolt had sheared, meaning you couldn't actually adjust the movement of the piston at all. Therefore, you need to remove the sheared bit of bolt from the square bit. You might need a pliars to undo it if it's tight.

Having done this, simply use an M5 bolt and screw that into the TPA bit with the allen head so it'll be sticking out of the lever.

Reassemble the lever, and push in the metal bushing.

Put the lever back on the bike.

It's as simple as that; takes about 1 minute to do when you know what you're doing. I got a second-hand Magura from someone, and I just changed it to the bolt TPA method as soon as I got it, 'cos even though the TPA worked I knew it would shear, plus you can get a greater range of movement from the bolt.

So yeah, just do that :angry: If you want more detailed help or anything, let me know and I'll PM you some pics or something.


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Dude, you could be wearing a leopard-skin thong and totally drunk and still be able to do it; it's a clean job, and it's easy enough to do no matter what state :) Add me to MSN if you want and I'll take you through it step-by-step...

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