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Remeber My Home Made Booster Hehehe


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ok well im getting a woodstock :P so i wanted a booster just to stiffen it up a bit and didnt want it to weight a ton so riped of my old one and got given this one by a very kind mate :) butchered it up bodged some spacers AND WERE AWAY!!!!!! funny thing is thought i dont notice any diffrence beetween this one over my other one :lol: even though my home jobby was twice the weight and size. ohh well it works and seetin up the brake now is a dream. just thought i would share...

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I had to run flat-head screw bolts once.

It felt like the world was against me.

I don't know how you can do 'em up enough, mine were wholesale wank. Was immensely relieved to get some allen bolts back. As long as you keep enough pressure going down the allen key into the head of the bolt whilst applying turny-turny pressure you're pretty much sorted.

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i find it easy enought to get preasure i have a weirdo ratcherty screw driver tool that i can turn the handel at 90degree to give more leveradge well i did but left it on the train today :lol: but a normal screwdriver seems to work fine. brakes have never moved int the 3 weeks i been using these bolts.

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Get some allen key bolts :lol: not titanium ones either. I used to run flat head (and phillips) bolts when I had no allen key bolts, they were a bloody nuisance. Just couldnt do them up tight enough. Get some steel allen bolts, do yourself a favour.

Other than the bolts :P good job. At least you're happy.


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I have one of those booster on my rear vee at the moment, its so old skool :P

got it on while my xtr booster is off doing other things :lol: actually was suprised at the prformance, working realling well and as good as my xtr :)


p.s maybe if you can't be arsed getting allen key bolts, get some ones with the hex head so you can use a spanner. But if they are working, why bother changing

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Get some allen key bolts  :)  not titanium ones either. I used to run flat head (and phillips) bolts when I had no allen key bolts, they were a bloody nuisance. Just couldnt do them up tight enough. Get some steel allen bolts, do yourself a favour.

I fitted an Onza carbon booster at the weekend and foolishly used the titanium bolts that came with it. They were absolutely shockingly terrible, they flexed like devils when I applied any rotational pressure (err, like when I tried to do them up) and then two ended up being cross-threaded within minimal thread depth. There is no way on earth that I've have trusted them, so out they came into the bin.

In their place went four, stainless steel, socket capped shouldered bolts.

(Deep socketted allen key fittings). Whilst they may have be three times the weight, they have more then redeemed themselves as they virtually jumped into the frame of their own accord, and slid all the way to being tight, absoultely perfectly.

Well worth the couple of English pounds I spent on them, and that supplier does them in 5mm increments too, so getting a decent fit was easy-peasy.

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to be honest the colour isn't my cup of tea but i do like the shape etc of it, i would definately agree with some of these other people, in my experience i have rounded more straight blade and philips/pozi drive bolts when tightening them up, this is becasue when doing them as tight as poss as the screwdriver slips out.if i was you id get some stainless steel allens. :)

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