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Near Death Experience


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As for the Tarty ones - haven't got time to make any :P Hoping to look into better production methods, like Steve... we're about half way there at a guess...

Unlucky about the pads, my first rim jams (blue) weared quickly and broke first day i got them :ermm: .

Shame about the pads adam, mine are still going strong :P , beautiful bite, had a bit of a quick wear rate but slowed down after a couple of days.



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Seems nobody really knows then... I was told theyre all the same hardness  :P

Weren't yellows meant to be the softest?

Or are they getting hardness/softness and wear resistance mixed up?

Edit: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ndpost&p=548334

dont know which koxx ones are which but ive had reds and browns on a koxx rim with a grind. the reds seem to have the edge in preformance althought the browns arnt far behind. The wear rate of the reds seems to be alot faster though. this may begin to slow down however. all in all id say they are both good pads what ever they are made from :P

anyway im going off topic so im going to shut it :ermm:

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right i was out riding yesterday and almost as soon as i got out i tried back wheeling a small wall. it was about the 3rd move of the day, i didn't qquite make it because my brake slipped and i fell off hard.  i thought it was just me being a fanny and pulling the lever hard enough until i noticed my lever pulling all the way to the bar, shit i've popped a hose i thought but no...

my bloody rimjam pad had ripped itself off the backing, it wasn't even a big or harsh move and the crappy pad had come clean off.  all i can say is i'm bloody glad i wasn't doing a gap/drop because it could have been alot worse. as it is the rimjams are going in the bin, i'm running standard black maggura pads (which work very well on a good grind) and i'll be ordering some heatsinks as soon as steve has the next batch out.

Haha I beat you with the whole ripping it off the backing. Bought mine at the bike show on friday, put them on on saturday morning. Went for a ride and my pad was off and lost somewhere in a pile of leaves within about an hour. I would have tried glueing it back together if i'd found the other half. I e-mailed them at the address on the rim jam site but no response yet. only mailed them earlier today though.

i think mine must have torn off partially when i slipped back from trying a back wheel as well. i thought the pads had just stuck to the rim because the wheel locked up but when i pushed forwards it unstuck itself (very poor explanation). kinda the same as when using excessive amounts of tar.

Next time i went to back wheel there was no pad and i only had my balance keeping me on my back wheel. Scared me shitless i tell you.

It's a good job i can't backwheel any higher than my wheel or it could have been nasty.

I'm running the other rim jam pad on one side and a black pad with tar on the other side and it's doin the job at the minute i just hate tar.

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I e-mailed them at the address on the rim jam site but no response yet. only mailed them earlier today though.

I'm running the other rim jam pad on one side and a black pad

i've had no reply either, i'm guessing wally on here is the guy who runs rimjam because he said he'd like to see the pad so if it is him i'm going to post them back to him and see what happens.

i don't trust the other one anymore either and i've gone back to black pads on a grind which works nearly as well and far more trustworthy atm...

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i've had no reply either, i'm guessing wally on here is the guy who runs rimjam because he said he'd like to see the pad so if it is him i'm going to post them back to him and see what happens. 

i don't trust the other one anymore either and i've gone back to black pads on a grind which works nearly as well and far more trustworthy atm...

I have emailed you both, about sending them back so i can have a look, and sending out replacement ones.


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I have emailed you both, about sending them back so i can have a look, and sending out replacement ones.


got your e-mail and i've sent another one off with a picture of my pad and a picture of my receipt from the bike show, that receipt was just ready to go through the wash in my trouser pocket. :"> :P

I would still run the pads but i'm a very trusting person. and they did work well for a few minutes.

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can i have replacmetnts as my grenens were 2mm away from backings after just 2 rides :-

Don't be silly, you can't get a replacement because your pads have worn down... everybody would then wont a replacement after their pads had died... they can't last forever you know (Y)

Might be due to the fact that you have a super dooper deep grind on your rim??


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I have emailed you both, about sending them back so i can have a look, and sending out replacement ones.

Do i have to send mine off as well or will the photo's do because i don't see why i should have the hassle of sending them off and paying postal charges for you to say... hmmm...... the pad definately has come off the backing.

sorry if that's a bit harsh but i payed for a brake pad and it's broken because it peeled off. In an hour. There really isn't anything else the photo doesn't show.

And there's still no reply to the e-mail i sent you this morning. (Could be down to ISP's though)

Edited by Krisboats
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Do i have to send mine off as well or will the photo's do because i don't see why i should have the hassle of sending them off and paying postal charges for you to say... hmmm...... the pad definately has come off the backing.

sorry if that's a bit harsh but i payed for a brake pad and it's broken because it peeled off. In an hour. There really isn't anything else the photo doesn't show.

And there's still no reply to the e-mail i sent you this morning. (Could be down to ISP's though)

Maybe he wants the pad to test it in his lab. and whats to stop you gluing it back on and using it? and having a free set of pads?

It's only 28p to send them back, I think he would probably want them to have a close look to why they have ripped off, as anal said, the guy could end up wit a free set of pads quite easilly.

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Well i would glue the pad back on but the rubber bit came off whilst i was riding and we couldn't find it anywhwere. I've been back to have a look but i still can't see it.

The only bit he can test is the plastic backing and thats completely normal. there is no pad left on the thing look.


It's dirty because i wrapped it in my cleaning rag so i didn't lose it on the way home.

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Don't be silly, you can't get a replacement because your pads have worn down... everybody would then wont a replacement after their pads had died... they can't last forever you know ;)

Oh come on. Even with the harshest grind, pads should last more than 2 days! If Koxx can make brake pads that last months and work pretty damn well, then 2 days is completely unacceptable.

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True, but I guess what you do with it comes into play too. But yeah, I see what you mean.

It does seem a little shady that they're flying off the backings though. They do look properly shallow. Is there no way they could be made deeper so the pad had more foundation in the backing?

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Try setting you brake up properly. There is quite a few things that can contribute to a working brake. Pad choice if only one of them.

Other things to consider are:

Actual brake set-up

Is it bled properly

Flex in the frame (using a booster ?)

Rim choice, as a koxx/viz rim will work SHIT with a pad that will work well on an echo/onza ronnie/alex rim.

Is the grind done properly? Depending on grinding discs and techniques you can make a right 'henry halls' of it then blame the pads.

Heatinks/Koxx bloxx get shit reviews from a lot of people who use koxx/viz rims. This is because as originally stated these pads are quite hard and really do need a rim with harder material.

Yes, I know how to set-up a brake properly.

It is bled properly

I am/was using a booster (RB)

Running a ronnie rim

Yes grind is done properly.

They have quite a bit of bite to them, but absoultly no hold what so ever!

So I have no confidence in my brake, meaning I can't go too big.

Oh well, rimjam greens it it (Y)


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Oh come on.  Even with the harshest grind, pads should last more than 2 days!  If Koxx can make brake pads that last months and work pretty damn well, then 2 days is completely unacceptable.

Well I have a really harsh grind and I'm using RimJam Greens and they have lasted me about 2 week so far... fair enough they have worn down pretty rapid but like I said in previous posts Chris is making new designs to resolve that problem (Y)

I totally agree though, 2 days is completely unacceptable... but he must be dragging the brake a hell of alot to make them wear down that quick. There's no way in hell I could get them to wear down that quick just riding 'trials' (Y)


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my grind wasnt eveh harsh was about a month old... i dont drag brake at all th one day they woore down most on was the first proper day of riding with a little group ask any of them i did nopt drag my brake at all just used it when nedded it and they weere getting smaller and smaller every minute ;)

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