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What Do You Want To Be?

Dai the Socket

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I want to be a succesful entrepreneur. Its not the money that drives me, but the thought of how empowering starting a Business up from scratch and building it up would be. Being succesful and proving people wrong is all the motivation i need.

Thats something I would like to get out of bed every day for, which probably couldnt be said for most of the dull office jobs I'd end up in otherwise (Y) Whatever i do i just dont want to end up working 9-5, hating every moment of work, living for the weekend and before i know it 40 boring years have gone by with nothing to show for- and im retired!

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I, like Todge, haven't got a clue what to do what so ever. I'm not sure if I'm about the money+boring job to get it or great job+crap pay. I could try and be clever and find somewhere/a job thats really needed in the UK e.g. electrician, plumber, those sort of people except I'm not that sort of a person. For the moment just wanting to pass my GCSEs this year, do well at College then go to Uni. I'll be pretty poor by then though, I'm gonna be at college from 9-4 every day so no chance for a part time job unless it's from 4pm onwards or at weekends, no time for riding :- :angry:


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What's the difference between a MSci and a BSc?

Right now, I'm doing medicine at uni.  Kinda shoehorns me into one profession, but I don't mind at all.  It's great.  I'm sure I'll be happy doing that :-  (Although I need to fight that feeling that is saying give up uni and go and live in France being a snowboard bum  :- )

It's a Bsc combined with a Masters. I'm trying to work out what to do with my life, being in my 2nd year of uni i need at least a vague idea of what to do. At the moment my housemates are finding anyway they can to stay in Bangor and keep the student lifestyle. My latest ideas have included law conversion courses (History degrees more valued by law firms apparently), Masters or even join the forces :angry: hehe crazyness in my head lol


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I want a job where I make lots of money so I don't have to depend on other people..... I got an interview on Tuesday as an Investment reviewer which makes quite a bit of money after the exams..... failing that I've already been offered a job in a science DNA place, which will be ok. :-

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Right now I'm doing my damndest to get a first in my MEng (masters) mechanical engineering degree.

As for what I plan to do after, getting a job is pretty high on the list, but where I'm not yet decided. Engineering is such a broad industry that you could find your ideal job doing something that you'd never considered before (though that could be said about the world or work in general). The automotive industry seems to be a favourite amongst would-be engineers, but I have to warn having worked in the industry last year (for a Tier 3 supplier to Ford's commercial vehicle department) that only a minority will ever get to design cars. Thats not to say none of us are capable, but because it is so popular you really need to stand out acedemically in order to get the job.

At the moment I'm really enjoying the FEA (stress analysis) and Rapid Manufacturing aspects of my degree (so much so that my third year project is based on both these areas), so if my job has similar content I will be happy :-

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I want to be happy.

On a side note, some of your aspirations... :- I know you're only young but I promise you, there's more to life than bicycles.

But for some people (myself included) bikes and cycling in general is one of the only things that keeps us going... I know that without cycling i don't know what I'd do - it truly is the only thing that brings me happiness.

Sad I know, but true.

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A bike shop sounds like a pretty easy job, and you get paid quite a bit. My LBS quoted me 60 for 3 hours work. Even my dad who is a vacuum engineer (he doesnt do hoovers :-" the other kind of vacuum) said he would like to earn that much.

But i suppose, might as well aim a little higher, seeing as i doubt you need many qualifications to run a bike shop.

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already in the security trade

Have applyed for MI5 but havn't had a drivin lisence for 3 years, so will apply again in a couple of years

Would like to finished me mechanics course and get on a pit crew or get into the specialised side of mechanics and tuning. racing team pit crew would be a fav.

Security trade!? you'd be great in MI5 telling everyone you've appiled.

Me , My ideas are a bit more humble ,a couple of Bike shops, offering quality products with quality service. Hopefully start distributing some parts in the not to near future aswell.

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I want to be a succesful entrepreneur. Its not the money that drives me, but the thought of how empowering starting a Business up from scratch and building it up would be. Being succesful and proving people wrong is all the motivation i need.

Thats something I would like to get out of bed every day for, which probably couldnt be said for most of the dull office jobs I'd end up in otherwise :- Whatever i do i just dont want to end up working 9-5, hating every moment of work, living for the weekend and before i know it 40 boring years have gone by with nothing to show for- and im retired!

What he said :lol: . Lifes to short to live for the weekend and the holiday, you've got to live for everyday and enjoy it all because its all you've got and you've not got long really.

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I'll be pretty poor by then though, I'm gonna be at college from 9-4 every day so no chance for a part time job unless it's from 4pm onwards or at weekends, no time for riding :lol:  :-


That's something your going to have to sacrifice then. Luckily for me, I don't have college on mondays so i'm going to start working on that day.

Life isn't always about riding your bike you know, i'd rather have a decent career than go out and ride my bike all the time

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Not everyone who works for MI5 is a James Bond type spy, I'm sure.

True, but you are supposed to show discretion when you apply for a job with MI5, regardless of the type of field you're in. I believe you're meant to tell immediately family only, and anyone else who aks you're supposed to say you work for the civil service or something like that.

The point being that, with the exception of the Director General the names and addresses of all other employees are meant to be secret so as to avoid any personal threats being directed at them.

With regards to what I want to do with my life, it's a question I've been asking myself for the past two or three years! I'm in my fourth year of a five year engineering degree at the moment, but in reality the further I get through the course, the less inclined I feel to pursue it as a career.

I have every intention of completing the course, and hopefully getting a first, but whether I use it to apply for engineering jobs I'm not so sure. The beauty of a engineering degree though is such that the majoirty of careers are still open to you, owing to it being held in such high regard by employers.

I've been contemplating going into teaching, probably maths, but I'd only really be interested in college level or above. I have very little interest in teaching below that, as I don't want to teach kids who are only there because the law tells them they have to be. At least at college level the people there are doing it because they genuinely want to.

Edited by Fuse
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Not everyone who works for MI5 is a James Bond type spy, I'm sure.

No your right dickhead , However after my mrs was applying there last summer. I know that they don't like you talking about your work outside of the office. So they lay on a range of faciltys all inside the MI5 building, it has its own bar , Gym etc. etc.

Edited by Luke_londontrials.co.uk
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But they'd tell you to say that though if you had got it :lol:

Anyhoo, I've properly crashed and/or burned out of the UCAS system this year (at least I know now so I don't have to worry my way through the summer :S), so I think I might be moving to Windsor to live with my brother, and try and get a job at a bike shop somewhere. I work at one at the moment, and I actually enjoy it. When it gets to 3pm and it's a bit quiet it can get a bit sorta tetchy, but in general I do actually sort of look forward to doing it.

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I can almost guarantee you won't do what you first think of. At school I thought i'd be a big computer guy, now i'm an office slave doing computers on the side.

I'm not complaining, but things don't go as planned!

Just don't aim TOO high, it hurts more the further you fall. If you aim for something fairly easy and over acheive the feeling is better than aiming for your dream and totally failing.

Words of wisdom from the forum weirdo.....

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But they'd tell you to say that though if you had got it  :ermm:

Anyhoo, I've properly crashed and/or burned out of the UCAS system this year (at least I know now so I don't have to worry my way through the summer :P), so I think I might be moving to Windsor to live with my brother, and try and get a job at a bike shop somewhere.  I work at one at the moment, and I actually enjoy it.  When it gets to 3pm and it's a bit quiet it can get a bit sorta tetchy, but in general I do actually sort of look forward to doing it.

Don't give up on uni just cos you've made a mess of UCAS. You've always seemed like a fairly intelligent sort, what with the discussions with Joel and suchlike, and it'd be a waste to not get a degree under your belt, as it's always useful for something to show future employers that you're capable of being analytical, especially something like a degree in English, which for some reason i believe is quite highly valued in any kind of consultancy where people have already shown that they have the ability to extract meaning from a situation.

Wandered off the topic, anyway - i'm doing engineering at Loughborough. Currently want to be a technician somewhere for a couple of years cos i've met too many snotty nosed graduates who wouldn't understand the difference between a spanner and a grease gun yet think they're God's gift to the world. Always good to get some practical experience under your belt in my view before heading up the ladder.


P.S. Phil you are going to become an engineer. I'm not going to let you not be :D :P"

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