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Blue Magura Hosing?

Mark W

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No its not dannie, its like saying is monty hosing better than magura you tit.

I would guess there probably the same material and made from the same materials as i guess there'll only be one main factory that manufactures magura hosing.

If you want some cheap you've probably already seen but edd potts has some the guy with all the other stuff has some in for sale (who every one wants the crossover off him lol) and i think davetrials ben slinger did cheap lengths of it for £4.

Id say go for it , i had some on the front of my megamo back int day and worked fine you can also imo get a better bleed using trial and improvement as you can see everything.

I'm waiting for some clear hosing to come out then get some deionized water in there with food dye colour of my choice lol.

Lots of love Caleb (Y)

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lol thats like saying if i get a red bike insted of a blue one will it be litter (Y)


What? If changing the colour of something makes it become carelessly discarded refuse? Hmm. Curious. *cough*clown*cough*

No its not dannie, its like saying is monty hosing better than magura you tit.

I would guess there probably the same material and made from the same materials as i guess there'll only be one main factory that manufactures magura hosing.

If you want some cheap you've probably already seen but edd potts has some the guy with all the other stuff has some in for sale (who every one wants the crossover off him lol) and i think davetrials ben slinger did cheap lengths of it for £4.

Id say go for it , i had some on the front of my megamo back int day and worked fine  you can also imo get a better bleed using trial and improvement as you can see everything.

I'm waiting for some clear hosing to come out then get some deionized water in there with food dye colour of my choice lol.

Lots of love Caleb  :P

Congratulations to Caleb for actually getting the point :P

I didn't know if the internal diameters or anything were different, or if it was just the same plastic hosing but blue, basically. So thanks for that :P


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The blue Monty stuff is a bit stiffer than the proper (black) mag stuff, making the barbs a bit of a bitch to fit. Oooh, and it's slightly see-through, so you can see all the bubbles in your system :P

But I never found any advantage using it. I'm back on black now, can't remember why exactly (Y) - They're no different really. If you want something to spice up your colour scheme, then do it, but it ain't gonna make your brake any better.

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i think he did but meant it as in someone saying that not himself,,,,i think he was going to be saying if someone said that, what you would have said would have crossed....................sort of thing...........

but the larger diameter tubing the more possible air could be in the system, the smaller it is maybe the slower the return on the oil??????????just a thort....


the top bit in short the lad was taking the mick...............

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I'm waiting for some clear hosing to come out then get some deionized water in there with food dye colour of my choice lol.

Lots of love Caleb  (Y)

You can get clear stuff caleb, just go to that hydraulics place in that industrial estate by tescos in mereside :P

Just take abit with you so they can get the right gauge of hosing

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Well, I remember when out on a ride an old riding buddy's Blue hosing just ripped/snapped apart, for no real reason, I think he turned the handle bars. Admittedly it may be because of wear and tear (but he put about as much stress on the cabling as I [or probably anyone] would, and he didn't stack very often) but I think I'd still rather stick with black.

Still though, blue hosing to match the bike? I mean, come on, it's hosing for Christ sakes (Y)

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Not sure but a friend of mine who works with similar systems for cars and obviously knows a fair bit about this kind of things told me that many brake liquids can react ( get damaged, not sure how exactly) with sunlight and that you shouldn't use transparent hosing... but wtf, this is for a bike (Y)

And it's good to be able to see if theres air in the hoses...

maybe not an useful post, but someone might have heard something about this before?

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I'd only be using water in it, so I'm guessing exposure to sunlight's not going to blow my bike up (Y)

I think I'm going to stick with black for now just 'cos I can't be bothered bleeding it again, but if I do need to bleed I might bosh some blue stuff on and see how it goes. Two birds with one stone and all that...

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Not sure but a friend of mine who works with similar systems for cars and obviously knows a fair bit about this kind of things told me that many brake liquids can react (  get damaged, not sure how exactly) with sunlight and that you shouldn't use transparent hosing...
Yeah, I think I've heard that about DOT fluids, but I'd be surprised if mineral oil had the same problems.
And it's good to be able to see if theres air in the hoses...

No matter how many times I (or anyone else, for that matter) bled the brake - there was ALWAYS some air. Cool to be able to see it though (Y)

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