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Crm's Or Brown Bloxx?

Mr Motivator

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Dont want rim-jams, heatsinks, montys, pxs, maguras, zoo!, viz.

I have Plaz CRMs atm but I could do with some more. I love them but am considering brown koxx bloxx as an alternitave. When iv had a go on peeps bikes with bloxx they seem to lock and bite pretty nice. Where as my plazzies have less bite and a good lock.

What are your views on the browns? Or have you gone from koxx to plaz? Or perhaps the other way?

Sam, I got 4 days to decide as im gonna pick something up at the bikeshow.

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i went from bloxx on a koxx rim (cheese) to crm's on a dx32 (non cheese) and the change improved my riding loads, alot mre confidence because of un faultabe braking :lol:

i think it was slightly due to me running a koxx rim firstly then a dx 32, but it was mainly down the the pads, crm's rule!!!!


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Koxx Bloxx, Big grind = Super Duper

Listen to the man Sam, grind the fook out of your rim and run some bloxx (Y) My brothers running them and when I go on his bike (when he doesn't know) they stick lick a mother! I'd go for the red ones, endorsed by TRA and look damn sexy!

James :unsure:

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I use CRM's on the front with a grind, and browns on the rear with a grind. Probably the best brake set up I have ever used, bar the horrible noise the front brake makes (have to jump off the bike to stop cause its so dam loud)

I was thinking of putting the CRM's on the back since they work well on the front

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I use CRM's on the front with a grind, and browns on the rear with a grind. Probably the best brake set up I have ever used, bar the horrible noise the front brake makes (have to jump off the bike to stop cause its so dam loud)

I was thinking of putting the CRM's on the back since they work well on the front

No joke - this man speaketh the truth.

I've got a pair of CRM's up front with a dead grind, and it's stupid how well they hold. When you just gently roll the bike back and forward, and squeeze the brake, you can hear the "shumpy" sorta sticky sound they made. It's crazy. They really are super good pads. Only problem seems to be reliability; Jon sent me the current pads I'm using plus 6 other ones that aren't in backings any more, due to them coming apart. Still, if I find a bank I can rob, I might buy a new set for the front. They worked super well in the wet too, which was surprising for me given the amount of criticism they received over their wet weather performance. It's still 'sink Batch Bs or X-Hydras on the back for me though.

(This is all on mod, with Alex/Onza rims and now a Megamo rim on the rear)

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Sorry to steal your post Sam, this question doesn't deserve it's own topic:

Can someone tell me what colour the SOFTEST Koxx Bloxx are?

I know they come in Brown, Green, Red and Yellow, i'm fairly sure Brown is the hardest.

Anyone know for sure?

Cheers (Y)

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but i found bloxx quite unreliable as they have on and off days. (Y) but super power and hold on good days  :)

The most true statement that can be made about bloxx. Somedays amazing power, otherdays hardly any. Its really hit or miss with them. When i run them they would start out ok power wise, by the end of the day they would be immense.. then without changing anything id go out the next day and it would be back to square one or even further back than that.

Im running some on the front at the moment (brown ones) which i had butchered with a hacksaw to make the surface a little more grippy. Three large X's cut across the face then between them downward cuts.. kinda like this X|X|X its made them more consistent but still never quite has the power i want.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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Bloxx when the grind is fresh, than switch to CRM when the grind is dead to get many more hours riding out of every grind.

Bloxx have been very odd for me. Sometimes they work super well, with loads of bite and hold, while other days they hardly grab at all, but still hold well. Other days, they squeak loads and bite really well, but don't hold well at all.

CRM pads have been more 'consistent' to me.. Same performance at all times, but a little softer to the touch. Worse wet and mud performance than the bloxx.

Right now I'm using one CRM and one brown bloxx. One of my bloxx is too thin to be used with my frame and rim, so I have to use a CRM there while I wait 'til I get new pads.

I'd personally get bloxx.

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Your best bet is to have a look through the pad reviews... That should help (Y)

Just because I have no friends to play with - I decided to save you some time :)

PADS: Plazmatic crms

TIME USED: a few days of riding.... 12 hrs of hard use... natural riding

RIM USED: Rear---try-all/ koxx rim

GRIND?: no

BRAKE USED: rear 4 bolt magura '04, with an echo 4-bolt booster

WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF GOOD WORKING BRAKE: something with bite that can hold under my weight pressure

OTHER PADS USED: koolstops, black magura pads

REVIEW: they held better than my koolstops without any tar, but when i did apply tar to the rim it didnt have any effect that was noticable. at £16 a go, iwont be investing my money in these.

BUT they do work better on a koxx rim on the front.

they have more bite and grip. also used with a 04 magura

And for the koxx bloxx....

Pads: Koxx Bloxx

Time used: 1.5-2 months

Rim used: PLANET X BMF  plus Onza/Alex 20"

Grind: Yes

Brake used:

Used on 2 standard magura set ups, one on my Zebdi Mk5 with V booster and Mag steel booster, the other on my TMAG 2001 mod with NO booster.

What is your opinion of a working brake:

A working trials brake, for me, for the rear especially is a brake which locks and holds under stress/ locks up quickly.

How do they compare to previous pads you have used:

Similar stopping power to all pads i have used on a ground rear rim, Monty Clears, Magura Black, OLD version ORANGE plaz pads, Megamo agent orange.

However, they wear 4x slower than mag blacks and double that for the rest. e.g. 1:4:8 pad wear ratio, 1 being koxx bloxx, 4 being mag black, 8 being the other aforementioned.


Koxx bloxx:

Lock and hold under most levels of stress encountered from my amateur level trials riding.

Lock up reasonably quickly, but not as quick/responsive as softer pads e.g. Monty Clear.

Wear at a slow rate on my ground rims, both a BMF and Onza/Alex, plus the grinds were harsh.

(Onzaboymark, n.b. addition to pad review format)

Recommended (if yes/no, why?):



They hold well even under high amounts of breaking stress, they wear slowly over a period of months, they lock up reasonably quickly.

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I have tried both CRM plaz, yella Bloxx and brown Bloxx. Personally i prefer the Plazmatic CRM pads, being a comp rider i always want to know when my brake is working, this is shown by the squeeky noise given off with a grind. The Koxx Bloxx did not create this noise and seemed not to grip as much as the CRM pads.


You cant go wrong with them and they look better too. Bloxx look like POO.


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