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Yaabaa Frame


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Well from what i gathered, and from what it looks like in the pics, it is a standard koxx Cheat code frame for the 26inch, and what looks like a djnn mod frame, with different colour schemes and a new name.


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ditto, not a bad price compared to the koxx, koxx making a new name to sell off the remaining frames? then making room for a better one? i quite like it only if there was a better coulour combination :lol:

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http://www.section7co.uk -> "Yaabaa" in the News headlines, then scroll down.

No-one's opinions are going to be more than "looks cool/shit <delete where applicable>" though, just 'cos no-one's ridden them. I know they look similar to their other frames, but the tubing type and thickness will be another matter, as it how long they last.

Meh, it'll be interesting anyway...


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They look a bit boring though. I know it's hard to tell from just a pic, but they look to have low bb, long (ish) stays, high seat etc. I suppose they might be ok, but I don't think they really add anything to the market.

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The stock does look sketchy, but I really like the mod.

I like how everyone says "Boring long low and silver bikes", then we get summat different and they complain about it :lol:

Ah well, it'll be interesting so long as the frames aren't shit, really. Paint can cover over crappy paintjobs, but it can't cover over bad geometry/weak frames (<- unless it's a hella thick coat).

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Never thought they'd have to paint OVER their Koxx logos to sell their frames! A big Koxx sticker usually does wonders for getting people interested.

Look good for cheap frames, but I'm personally going to steer well clear. Look not disimilar to the 'Cuda frame I was riding when I started out. Not keen on negative progression, even if it is badged and tripled in price!

Edited by Twilite
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I think people are missing the point here. It's not that Yaabaa frames are the next big thing, it's that they're possibly good frames at a good price. Yes, they're not alone in being that, but surely more choice is a good thing?

Obviously more choice is better, but it's pretty obvious that these are very basic frames. In other words, Koxx have intentionally given them less-than-amazing geometry, in order that the higher end bikes (Levelboss/XTP etc) don't get usurped by something half the price. Which I don't like. I'm aware that you pay for geometry, but it's so frustrating knowing that good geometry is available, but they make cheap frames with outdated geo. If someone just came along and introduced cheap frames with good angles, then everyone would be happy. Bah, I guess it's just business.

Not keen on negative progression, even if it is badged and tripled in price!

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I think the paint jobs are pretty good. I need a bike for next summer for when i go to France for a month or two. A summer of trials!!!! :unsure:

I'd quite like to see the mod built up, yes i know it looks identical to other named frames.

It's nice to see their doing different things with them, as the brushed alu effect is boring me now.

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The stock does look sketchy, but I really like the mod.

I like how everyone says "Boring long low and silver bikes", then we get summat different and they complain about it :unsure:

Ah well, it'll be interesting so long as the frames aren't shit, really.  Paint  can cover over crappy paintjobs, but it can't cover over bad geometry/weak frames (<- unless it's a hella thick coat).

Agreed to a tee mark-ws, i'm liking the mod frame actually! 'tis kinda funky, and its a nice colour, a colour i could see my self using!!

As for the stock frame, that colour is kinda poop, it actually looks like baby poo colour!

Would be nicer in an Apricot colour or Pink or Orange.

Heres a pic for lazy people like me:



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A mod with v-brake mounts (Y) that was a while ago, wasnt it?

And a seat! I know beginners mods still have got them, but this frame doesnt look too cheap/bad...

Some of you comp people might remember ROTOR? Anyway, the yaabaa 20" looks very similar to, ehm, most mod frames, but especially the Rotor...

might just be the sadle and the paintjob though...


btw,the stock looks boring.

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I'm aware that you pay for geometry, but it's so frustrating knowing that good geometry is available, but they make cheap frames with outdated geo.  If someone just came along and introduced cheap frames with good angles, then everyone would be happy.  Bah, I guess it's just business.

I presume you can't copyright geometry?

Why don't other companies just outright steal Koxx/Echo/Coust geometry and copy their designs?

THey sort of do already, but I'm talking no alterations whatsoever. :-

Not in the best spirit, but it sure would slow brand name markup.

I don't mind paying for good quality frames, or good warantees or whatever, but like you said, deliberately making poor shaped frames just because they are going to be a cheaper model doesn't seem all so fair to me.

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That guy uses his brake levers very weirdly indeed!

My bmx mates say its way easier, i dont see how, and just feels plain dodgy.

I like the colour of the mod, but i agree, why do you have to pay so much just for a bike to feel nice, yet be exactly the same quality as a cheap one :-

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