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Transparent Computer Screens!


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1st- with a tripod take a picture of your desk without the computer on it.

2nd- take a picture now with the computer on the desk.

3rd - open both pictures in photoshop and paste one of the pictures over the other as a new layer.

4th- make a selection of the area of the computer desktop and copy it from the image that has no computer.

5th- the image might be skewed due to screen positioning. Use the free transform funtion and drag all corners of the selection to match the picture canvas.

6th- use this image as the desktop in the computer.

7th with camera still in position, take a picture and the illusion will be created.



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Theres a much easyer way,

The way that is described just makes sure that the image of "behind" is exactly the right size. If you don't do some editing, then the screen is gonna look out of place. Your way wouldn't really work...

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