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My Poor Bike :(


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Came back from uni yesterday, and my mum picked me up and we ut all the stuff inthe car then the bike on a rack onthe back.

Then some dick had parked on double yellow behind my mums car in her blind spot and she reversed straight into it...

Both cars were damaged but my bike seemed fine. Today though went for a ride and my front ceramic rim had a rather big dent in one side wall, also my bottom bracket was loose. On further inspection:



:S :S

its a koxx levelboss by the way... how long do you think it will last?

We can claim it on the insurance but my parents dont want to loose their no claims bonus and have said could i just ride it till it dies then theyll just get me a new frame which in the long run will be cheaper than loosing the no claims bonus. As for the car damage we arent bothered about just leaving our car as it is and the other guys, will cost £200 to repair and we'd have to pay £150 excess anyway.

Seb :o

Edited by SebJT
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Unlucky Seb,

If your riding as smooth as you usually do it could last a life time :S

Seriously no one can really predict how long it will last before it snaps, but you can be sure of saying it is going to break. You dont really want to be riding it when it snaps as you could get hurt.

Explain this to your parents and try to get a new frame now :o"

But I suspect you could have a few months out of it yet :S .

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We did almost exactly that, but it was some silly bint that caused the accident. She just reversed into our bike rack full of bikes, and then paused for a bit and... Carried on reversing, sqashing the bikes. The rack was a big f**k-off Pendle rack, so it was fine, but the bikes weren't so lucky. A few bent cranks and wheels - All of which were replaced on her insurance :o

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Yeah just ride it mate... when I found a crack at my bottom bracket on my Zebdi I just kept riding it... lasted another 3-4 months... was rather impressed. So yeah, ride it untill you get worried or feel it will die soon, then get your parents to replace it for you before you kill yourself... sorted! (Y) (Y)


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Then some dick had parked on double yellow behind my mums car in her blind spot and she reversed straight into it...

Is it just me, or does that sound like it was his mums fault anyway?

just cos someones on your blind spot (which ISNT behind you anyway really) it doesnt mean its their fault if you decide to just whack your car in reverse without looking

Sounds like a case of woman driver if you ask me.... (Y)"

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If you do want to get it welded, go to WeldTec in Smalldole (just over the hills from you, other side of Devil's Dyke) and they'll charge a couple of quid to put some weld over it. Ideally you want to open the crack up a bit and fill it, but even without repairing it the frame will last a while longer.

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I've decided to ride it hard till she goes :o" first snapped levelboss???

As with the accident, i know it was my mum's fault, how the hell do you reverse into a car, theyre quite big :lol:

Only reason i called him a dick is cos he is, he lives below me and always parks there on double yellow even though theres a big car park about 100m away, lazy little bugger. The best bit, he didnt even have insurance so he was sweating a bit (Y)

Will be getting a new front rim and bottom bracket at the bikeshow though, theyre a bit buggered.


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If the f**king fanny dont have insurance go though the insurance and get that f**king car removed! I hate it that the people who dont have insurance can get away with it because when other people crash into them/the other way around the people with insurance have to pay for it!! damn no claims bonus/the way insurance companies work.

Pull your finger out and ring the f**king police, people who dont insure themselfs are the reason our insurance is so damned f**king high!!!

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If the f**king fanny dont have insurance go though the insurance and get that f**king car removed! I hate it that the people who dont have insurance can get away with it because when other people crash into them/the other way around the people with insurance have to pay for it!! damn no claims bonus/the way insurance companies work.

Pull your finger out and ring the f**king police, people who dont insure themselfs are the reason our insurance is so damned f**king high!!!

jon said it :lol:

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Two words:



Take marks advice. Its worth it, just think of the pleasure you'll get from watching that car get taken away. With him crying. If he dosn't have insurance, he probablly dosn't have tax, or an mot, car un roadworthy. Kill someone maybe, thats how things can go with people like that.

If I were you i'd ride it for a bit until it does get scary, then replace it. Get some use out of it.

Edited by Trials Punk
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yeh but i think he'll twig... person finds out he has no insurance, suddnly car being taken away

He's go an L reg 2.0li honda accord, can see why he doesnt want to pay fro insurance :lol:"

as for my bike gonna ride her to the ground after all shesnearly 2 years old


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If tax came with the car it would be ok but he couldn't tax himself unless he had insurance (at least that is the way it is here).

You should report him mate, and the accord thing. If he can afford to insure it make the b*****d get rid of it. I'd love an accord but I cant afford the insurance so wont have one. Why should he?

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