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New Style Xtp With A Profile,

joe b

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I know that a lot of XTP frames have broken because of profile hubs. But i haven't heard of the new style frames breaking.

This is what the new style dropouts look like...

I am wondering what you guys think, would a profile be alright in these frames? Or would it just be a disaster like with the old XTP's. Bear in mind the frame width (drop-out to drop-out) is 110mm and the profile hub length is also 110mm.



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yes the 2005 frames are ok with profile hubs.

lee buchanan has a 2005 one and when he uses his normal wheel it pulls the frame together quite a bit and it does look as if the rear end HAS been widend particularly for using more standard type hubs.


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it opened out the back end..................

so it put more pressure on the actual dropout which then caused ONLY a couple to crack.


its not a problem?its just the odd 1 or 2 that were not wide enough

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Putting the profiles in them......is 110 already then you but the snail cams in which teks it out a couple of extra mm.....Get a white industries joe,they alot better.......And will run alot smoother. :S


Wait... i don't quite understand what lee said then, haha. Please coulds someone translate into proper english for me, as i believe lee boy's been banned :o .



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Profiles are way more reliable IMO :o

Those white industries freewheel are abit iffy, mate has one and it likes to skip alot. Must be bad since he wants a profile already and hes only had it bout 3 weeks

Need I say more? (Y)"

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Putting the profiles in them......is 110 already then you but the snail cams in which teks it out a couple of extra mm.....Get a white industries joe,they alot better.......And will run alot smoother. (Y)


thats why people with brains put the snail cams on the outside. not too complicated solution really is it??

Also, a white industries certainly isn't as good is it. Well, lets see if its still running perfect with no skips in 4 years time like my profile.


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Profile are the shizzzzz maaaaaaaan.

£135 IS A BARGAIN for what you get with a profile. A reliable hub that will last for years, never let you down and great after sales service... with lifetime warrenty.. I think...

Where as.... £70? £80? Whatever, is a rip off for what you get in a White Indust-wank thing.

Profile (Y)

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