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I know it's not too closely connected but ESP get a good review from anyone I know who has one. The necks on the Kirk Hammet sig series are rather nice :P Mr. Carpenter probably has a different profile though, though you can ignore that most likely.

Neck through is the best way to build a guitar by far, sounds so much better, so that's always good to see.

Not much help but i just like to feel included :lol:

What guitars do all you guitarists on here play anyhoo?

Loving my Maverick F-1 :P

ben (Y)

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Yeah ive read the reviews on harmony-central.com and it all seems good. Neck is supposedly quite nice, and neck-through's have great sustain, i dont think id buy a guitar now that wasnt a neck-through.

I need to find somewhere to try one out properly before i order it from the US :sleeping:"

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if its down to votes....gibson..

epiphone if your on a budget.

or...PRS are rather tasty


Don't remember sseing a Gibbo 7 string...

I would vote Ibanez also, because every neck I have tryed on guitar and bass has been appsolutly lush.

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After a while i've decided against gibson. I dont like parker fly's, eurgh. PRS are wank, they cost alot and look nice, but theyre bollocks. And no, im not on a budget really, i've got a couple of grand to play with but dont want to go much over a grand, im not paying you see, its a present.

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the esp's he's linked are 6string  :ermm:


Meh, I only looked at the first link and payed attention to the 7 string...

Anyway, Gibsons suck. :) Way too chunky. Having said that, the digital guitar is the coolest thing around! You can link each string to an individual amp. :) Imagine the possibilities!

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