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What Scares You?

mrs dj

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I'm scared of being trapped, knowing something bad's going to happen ,but can't get away :(

Scared of going in lifts,always use the stairs .

im scared of being trapped too and it might be your last few minutes of life haha, also scared, well not scared of lifts, but prefer not to use them - watched too many films....

very scared of walking through pitch blacks woods at 3am in the morning where someone was murdered and on the entrance it says do not enter or you will die or something :P

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Me too.

swans. :P"  :(  :(  :P  :P  :">

I was cyacking (sp) down a lock, and we went past a swans nest, and they come at you with there massive wings :) . Shit my load.

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I'm scared of death, I don't know why but it just really scares the sh!t out of me!

Yeh thats prob the only thing im really scared of...just trying to grasp the concept of no longer existing :P eventually forgotten by everyone and just become a bit of dirt in the ground, its just the fact you will never get to see or speak to anyone ever again and the worse thing about it is that its inevitable, everyone dies it will happen to us all eventually and theres no escaping it, maybe thats what freaks me out the most just thinking as everyday goes by im just one day closer to being dead :P hmmm anyway.....

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Chlostrophobia is my main scare... I hate not being able to get out from somewhere, or move if i want to move or whatever.

That's about it i think...

I hate being sick, but i'm not THAT scared of it.. More disgusted.

Thats about it i think :P

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I'm scared of being trapped, knowing something bad's going to happen ,but can't get away :S

Scared of going in lifts,always use the stairs .

im exactly the same, i only ever use a lift if its one of those open window ones duno why, probably because if i was stuck the window could be smashed or you knew that people can see you are trapped. i don't know im probaby just strange. only thing im scared of really that i can think of.

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I'm scared of death, I don't know why but it just really scares the sh!t out of me!  :">  I hate the feeling of being sick too, I know i'm not scared of it, but I hate it!  :)

looks like your not the only one.. including me :D i hate the fact that it just end's.. if your a religous person you may think differently, but really if we was all put on this earth then there must be something after death.. ,i suppose though. you cant think how it was before you were born. you just feel like you appered here :) arggg gets me all wound up thinking about the mystery of life :S

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Being burnt to death, beaten to death, or any form of painfull death scares me, death should be peacefull and pain free.

Also im terified(sp?) of riding threw a crack needle and it flying up and hitting me, and me getting aids of HIV, im terrified of anything like that. Also my mums driving scares me :S

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Yeh thats prob the only thing im really scared of...just trying to grasp the concept of no longer existing  :D eventually forgotten by everyone and just become a bit of dirt in the ground, its just the fact you will never get to see or speak to anyone ever again and the worse thing about it is that its inevitable, everyone dies it will happen to us all eventually and theres no escaping it, maybe thats what freaks me out the most just thinking as everyday goes by im just one day closer to being dead  :D hmmm anyway.....

Well........If I wasn't scared of death ,I definatly am now! :S


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I'm utterly terrified at the thought of developing a mental disorder . Or at least my psychiatric state worsening . It can happen , that a persons's mind just "snaps" instantly , and they are left in a state of permament psychosis . Even with no history of mental disturbance in the family , this can just occur , causing schizophrenia , manic depression or intermittent psychotic episodes .

Worse still , we know so little about the mind , and psychotherapy is still in it's infancy , so there would be little help , except for supressive drugs .

Even thinking / writing about this creeps me out . Frankly , I'm surprised that I dare admit to this , but perhaps the anonnimity of a forum makes this easier . In fact , discussing my fears is in some way therapeutic . Damn , talk about sharing secrets . (Waits for replies calling me nutter...)

On a lighter note , I'm haunted by the fear of mid - gap chain snap .

That sucks .


Edited by Endohopper
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Reading some of these is scaring me. Im scared of being beaten up, I hate being hert and people inflicting pain on to you for no reason; apart from the fact you look different to them.I usually go riding by my self and find it really difficult to do stuff properly and practise things because everywhere you go theres a crowd of teggers. I dont want my bike to be stolen, and whenever i see them my heart rate doubles and I get really frightened. Writting this now is making me feel nervios, beacuse Im letting my feelings come out and I havent told anyone this before.

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