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What Scares You?

mrs dj

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After reading the 'i'm scared' topic, I just wondered what everyone is really scared of?

I seem to be scared of a lot of things but the main one is frogs and toads! I run away if I see one and I remember not going outside once because I knew there was a frog sat on the path!


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I got scared the other night because i have a ET doll in my room and it fell over and made a noise crashing into everything in my room ( it was like dominos ) And then i saw its face! Scared me rather bad i ended up throwing it in the wardrobe,


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I'm scared of flying over the sea because I can't swim... :(

Apart from that there's nothing in particular that scares me, I can name a few things that I don't like very much though...

The feeling just before you have an operation,

Getting your exam results in the summer,

Sitting on top of a big drop/gap, waiting to for the wind to die down so you can try it.

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I was actually gonna write a topic called ' Should we have to live in fear ' Ref. the situation thats becoming increasingly more out of control and unbelivable.

** Before you say 'there's a topic for this' well this is what im scared of!!*

CHAVS (just a quick thing)

There are some people out there who genralise chavs as being anybody who wears trendie clothes (nike or das) i just wanna point out i know loads of trendie people as do allot of you and you may even be trendie you selves and they are all cool with the fact other people are diff. Chav's are the narrow minded 'scum bags' who deside they hate anybody who doesn't dress the same, listen to the same music and genraly wants to be diff. They think they are the worlds best think since sliced bread and as long as there in there gangs they think they can take on the whole damn world. Chav is an attitude a mind set and a life style.

Before i explain why they scare me i'd like to set you a question;

1) Should we have to live in fear of walkin the streets of what or who lerks behind the next wall or round the next street corner. Should we have to put our selves out and walk the longest way home to avoid gettin into trouble with chavs.

::What scares me::

About a week ago i was in my town standing in the bus station at about 8:45 pm mindin my own buisness waitin for the bus and drinkin my drink when over from all the clubs and pubs area (plaza) comes these 3 guys, all about 23+ years old and they were all drunk and one of them starts to punch the window of a chicken shop. One of them heads my way and i stepped back to let him throu and his responce was to grab my drink outta my hand push me forcefully back in to the bus stop and shout 'F**K OFF you C**T' I walked away as if i hadn't of done i don't know if i'd of walked away from that night to see another. When the police were informed i was told that 'There were no police availible, as they have been sent on a job in north herts' North herts is all the town north/surrounding my town. It is about 5-7 diff towns which for some reason my towns police attend to. So tell me where are the 4000 police officers that we're ment to have? I'm not gonna start on the police issue because i'll go on for ages.

2 Nights ago me and my mates 4 of which were girls and 2 of which were bois, were out and about once again just out havin a larf. We walked around a street corner and are confronted by over 20 youths, I think there were more like 30 of them but there was for sure 20. We all doubled back on our selves and headed back the way we came. I was walking at the back of our lil group and i had one of the girls with me the rest were up in front. The Chavish Chanting starts ' Oi you scum bag bitches why u walkin away, Common get um bois kill um' You no the pathetic scum type! We were entering a street which one of the lads lived in and i didn't want them to find his house for obvious reasons. Also a dead end!

I turned around and faced them and that tight feelin in you chest hit me as i saw them all there. There was about 10 ft between me and them and thankfully they just stopped and shouted. I was Scared shitless because not onli do i hate fightin but if id of been in a fight not onli would i not of walked away but they would of got my mates as well. After the harrasment got boring to them they all filtered out of the street slowly and then started to smash up some massive metal wheeli bins and torment local residence.

This is exacatly what i mean, There are loads of things in life that scare me but thius is the one thing that is real to me! this is one thing that intimidates and scares the shit outta me. My mate was attacked in a nearby town by a moped chav who desided my mate looked like a scum bag and then clubbed him with a motorcycle helmet.

Sorry to go on so much.

Take care all.

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i totally terrified of having to go in for an operation all because of a program i watched on channel 4 about a month ago,

it was explaining how 3 differnt drugs are used in differnt ways to knock you out when u have an operation.

if it is done wrong you could be totally paralyised during the op but be totally awake, be able to hear and feel EVERYTHING but do nothin about it, not even open you eyes.

it shit me up big style

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drowning does it for me. especially getting swept away by the tide.

Also shit scared of Crevasses, those f**k off holes on glaciers, ever since my dad went too close to the edge one, when we were on holiday when I was younger. scared me shitless. All for a cheap hat that had blown right to the edge, such a responsible father thing to do. Thankfully don’t come to close to them on a normal day :(

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i totally terrified of having to go in for an operation all because of a program i watched on channel 4 about a month ago,

it was explaining how 3 differnt drugs are used in differnt ways to knock you out when u have an operation.

if it is done wrong you could be totally paralyised during the op but be totally awake, be able to hear and feel EVERYTHING but do nothin about it, not even open you eyes.

it shit me up big style

i watched that and it seems f**king scary to think that you COULD wake up in the middle of being opened up and prodded around inside and not being aboutto do f**k all about it

I'm scared of death, I don't know why but it just really scares the sh!t out of me!  :">  I hate the feeling of being sick too, I know i'm not scared of it, but I hate it!  :P

i also hate being sick /seeing people being sick or even seing sick to be honest it makes me gag seing sick r seeing someone being sick

i know people that cwhen they feel theyre going to be sick :(


Edited by FAT~DAN
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