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Hair Cuts! Lol


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I can't grow my hair any longer than a slightly messy length because it goes curly at the back and around the ears. I used to have it short but my girlfriend showed me the light, so now I have it curt to a longish length, let it grow until it gets curly and have it cut back to short but messy again.

I'll post pictures later, university and work beckons...

Thats exactly the problem I have!! I think ill get it done 4 side and backs and get it thinned out...

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get some thinning scissors.. if you gonna do it yourself you only need some cheap ones.. the scissors are dead easy to use.. dont buy thinning razor though can get dangerous and make yourself look silly using one of them on your own:S

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Been busy. Art exam, plus riding for 6 hours straight tonight, then get home, bleed new Magura, put on bike, find hole in the hose, cry, get in here to see if the £100 has got to Travistrials, turns out it has, but I hadn't put enough postage on it, felt like a dick (no doubt that'll be quoted and edited to "Felt a dick"), came on here, saw that pic, thought "He's got clothes on, shock shock shock", posted, got up, went and got sticky toffee pudding Mr. Kipling cake bar, unwrapped it, felt tired, waiting for your reply :o

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But of course, the wanker sign must be made with your left hand, as "We Satanists are our own Gods, and we are the explorers of the Left-Hand Path. We do not bow down before the myths and fictions of the desiccated spiritual followers of the Right-Hand Path." :o :P

EDIT: How the f**k did you find that site?!?

Edited by MonsterJ
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