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St Patricks Day


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Just wondering if anyone has any plans for celebrating St paddys day tommorow?

I myself am going into a lecture at 11am which finishes at the same time the Irish pub called the Lectern opens which is just down the road. So out of the lecture into the pub where i will be staying as long as i can stay conscious for.

I couldnt give two shits that its a commercialised day exploited by Guniess to boost sales. Its an excuse to get very merry with your mates! Where are you? where are you? Come on lets be 'aving ya!

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thats more like it! Lucky i scrolled down before i was about to call you a miserable git :P Dont have to be Irish to celebrate it anyway.

Ha I love the way we Senior members / moderators blatently promoting under age drinking :)"

Anyway (Y) i'm not going to get rat assed but I may have a couple JD's (Y)

Edited by Xdream
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Ah but im not. If you are under 18 you can still celebrate down the pub, with a pint of coke, sprite, or any other non alcoholic beverage of your choice (Y) If you are under 16 then get an adult to take you in!

*Unsure of legal age to enter the pub in the UK these days. Could be wrong!

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Ah but im not. If you are under 18 you can still celebrate down the pub, with a pint of coke, sprite, or any other non alcoholic beverage of your choice (Y) If you are under 16 then get an adult to take you in! 

*Unsure of legal age to enter the pub in the UK these days. Could be wrong!

"When it comes to alcohol, the legal age to drink or purchase beverages is 18. Children under the age of 14 aren't allowed in pubs or bars except in designated 'family rooms'.

However, there are some exceptions to this. For example, if an accompanied child over the age of 16 is seated in a licensed restaurant they can sometimes be allowed limited quantities of alcohol with their meal. The law is very complicated in this area, so it is probably best to check with the proprietor of a restaurant or hotel to see what they allow."

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I will be doing absolutely nothing. I don't celebrate St Georges day so I'm certainly not going to celebrate the Irish patron saints day. It's just a stupid excuse for people to get drunk, but surely as we're all big boys and girls we can drink when we want.

Oh by the way Xdream, I really hope you're not one of those people who actually believe in being 1/8th Irish... it's not a problem, but I do kind of think that if we're going to be stupid, then I'm 1/1000th Viking, 17/1000th Anglo Saxon etc etc. Lets face it if we go back far enough then we're all related and from the same race.

I've noticed that the American's seem very proud of their Irish roots, not sure why. Anyway, I've no problem with the Irish, but I'm about as interested in St Patrick's day as I'm sure they are about St Georges day. It's just consumerism gone mad, mad I tell you.

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It's just a stupid excuse for people to get drunk, but surely as we're all big boys and girls we can drink when we want.

It's just consumerism gone mad, mad I tell you.

I couldnt give two shits that its a commercialised day exploited by Guniess to boost sales. Its an excuse to get very merry with your mates!

So what if its consumerism gone mad? so is christmas, so is valentines day etc etc etc- in fact pretty much everything in the whole world ever is these days, so should everyone boycott everything?

Of course you can get drunk anyday but its not everyday you'll get a happy, fun, green (as in the irish national colour!), party ampnosphere. Its a little bit different to any friday or saturday night. Guniess hats, bands in the pub, all day barbeque and more sounds good fun to me. Who says you have to get really pissed anyway? could just have a few!

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Oh by the way Xdream, I really hope you're not one of those people who actually believe in being 1/8th Irish... it's not a problem, but I do kind of think that if we're going to be stupid, then I'm 1/1000th Viking, 17/1000th Anglo Saxon etc etc. Lets face it if we go back far enough then we're all related and from the same race.

Nah mate I was only joking (Y) I don't even drink

I shall be doing Digital Photodraphy coursework (Y)

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I don't drink, I think drinking is unnecessary. As for the party atmosphere, I don't like parties so it sounds like a bit of a nightmare to me. I guess I can understand why people will be partying and using St Patrick's day as an excuse, but sadly I wont be one of them.

Yes it's fair to say that Christmas and Valentine's day are very consumer based nowadays, but to me it feels like St Patrick's day is a holiday for the Irish. It's like us getting drunk on Independence day or Ramadam, obviously it's a bad example but you see my point.

To me, St Patrick's day is an Irish version of an English holiday (St George's day) that I also don't celebrate. So it really seems like a silly thing for us in this country to recognise as a holiday. I'd imagine that there are far more Indian families in this country than the Irish, but there'll be more people celebrating St Patrick's day than Diwali which seems a bit wrong - people just jump on the bandwaggon.

Anyway, that's what I think. I know it's not very fun, but I'm a boring old man.

Stephen Morris.

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I'm off t'pub when i get out of my seminar at 11 (Y) gona be a looong day! Bangor has loads of Irish students and i just happen to live exactly 48 paces (bed to bar) away from the wonders of paddies bar (Y)" I want my guiness hat damnit!! lol


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I don't drink, I think drinking is unnecessary. As for the party atmosphere, I don't like parties so it sounds like a bit of a nightmare to me. I guess I can understand why people will be partying and using St Patrick's day as an excuse, but sadly I wont be one of them.

Yes it's fair to say that Christmas and Valentine's day are very consumer based nowadays, but to me it feels like St Patrick's day is a holiday for the Irish. It's like us getting drunk on Independence day or Ramadam, obviously it's a bad example but you see my point.

To me, St Patrick's day is an Irish version of an English holiday (St George's day) that I also don't celebrate. So it really seems like a silly thing for us in this country to recognise as a holiday. I'd imagine that there are far more Indian families in this country than the Irish, but there'll be more people celebrating St Patrick's day than Diwali which seems a bit wrong - people just jump on the bandwaggon.

Anyway, that's what I think. I know it's not very fun, but I'm a boring old man.

Stephen Morris.

Snap, I'll be doing nothing. Quite a big thing over here but not my scene.

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I've noticed that the American's seem very proud of their Irish roots, not sure why.

The further from ireland people get, the more irish they become...

People at my college are into the whole "my great grandad met a man with an irish wolfhound once, therefore im 1/20 irish"

And theres a certain group of dicks who seem to think they have to hate england, and reject the idea that they area at all english, despite being born here, and living here all there life. (Icould carry on ranting all day, but i wont)

Because of these losers, i wont be celebrating, purely because they piss me off so much.

(no offence meant to anyone)

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why do people jump on the bandwagon of paddy's day celebrations???

there are 2 types of people n this world.

people who are irish, and people who want to be irish.

if you can tell me where that was said i'll give you....an arse pube.


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why do people jump on the bandwagon of paddy's day celebrations???

there are 2 types of people n this world.

people who are irish, and people who want to be irish.

if you can tell me where that was said i'll give you....an arse pube.


Why the hell would you want to be Irish? Ask 'em about crop rotation or concentrated gene pools...

I hate the whole jolly Irish theme, up for 'the craik' and that sh@t. I hate Irish themed bars and their 'lovely' accents. You get loads of the the loud mouthed drunken buggers all over Liverpool. If 'Old Ireland' is so damn good, it's only £10 ONEWAY on the frikkin SeaCat ferry.


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To me, St Patrick's day is an Irish version of an English holiday (St George's day) that I also don't celebrate. So it really seems like a silly thing for us in this country to recognise as a holiday

I agree with this! I don't think I am boring I like a party as much as the next guy, I don't need to use St' Patricks day as an excuse to get wasted. I am perfectly capable of doing that by myself (and not being able to come riding the next day :"> :"> (Y))


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well i'll probs be in the pub drinking anyway (£1 a pint in brizzol on tursdays) so does that count? half an excuse to get bladdered is enough for me cos i'm a silly billy :)

i was in said pub last night (i'm a hardman (Y)) and i was looking at the guiness promo. and it said "warning..consumptuion of large amounts of alcohol may cause you to act like an idiot" - pure comedy.

i understand why they have to big it up so much...cos no one drinks guiness cos it's (Y)

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i won't be celbrating st. patrick's day as such. i will be celebrating ON st. Patrick's day though, my gf will have just handed in her dissertation, and i've just handed 2assignments, so we're going straight to the pub after lectures. I will be drinking guinness, but that's a) because i like it and (Y) because it's cheap today.

i wonder how many of the english people on here go out to celebrate st. george's day? it seems hypocritical of people to get so excited about an irish holiday which has very little/nothing to do with them, whereas next to noone gets nearly as excited about their OWN patron st's day...when i'm in the pub, i won't be talking drunkenly about the 'craic' or any other irish related stuff...why celebrate irishness when i'm english and don't celebrate englishness?

I've noticed that the American's seem very proud of their Irish roots, not sure why

(i think) its because as little as 1 or 2 generations ago, hundreds of irish people emigrated to america looking for work. they were massively discriminated against and therefore stuck together and their irish 'ness' became their solidarity...a lot opf americans are actually descended from these irish immigrants, and do have irish roots. but they're still american. i guess its because irish people are often seen as 'fun' etc. that they cling to whatmeagre irish heritage they have. i'm sure half of them are lying about it anyway....also, i'm quite possibly wrong. but that's my estimation of it.

Edited by BenS
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it seems hypocritical of people to get so excited about an irish holiday which has very little/nothing to do with them, whereas next to noone gets nearly as excited about their OWN patron st's day...

I know what you mean. But St. Patrick's day is all about the alcohol. For some reason, the Irish seem to be intrinsicly linked with alcohol. If St. George's day was about drinking, I'm sure people would "celebrate being english" more (Y)

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Yeah its the same with St.Davids day here in Wales, nobody get's alco-sloshed because of it, they just wear silly out fits eat Cawl and wear daffodils!!!

I wont be drinking in aid of St.patricks day, but on the weekend when Wales beat Ireland

in the Six Nations Grand Slam, I'll be having more than a few!!!! :P

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