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Echo Pure


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first of all does anybody run a rear ronnie in a echo pure

second of all if i am using the 2 bolt mount elbow bolts (cut down) to use for my 4 bolt bolts will it make the clamps not go as far up/down in the frame making my pad sit off the rim or onto the tyre?

and 3 if you are using the right bolts and a ronnie and have pad problems please can you tell me what you did



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Dan i told you last night, your guna have to file your brake mounts down!

putting 2bolt adapters on it wont help, because they sit much higher away from the frame.......cant be arsed to try and explain it, go and imagine the brake sittin higher up....

(for people that dont understand what he means, the brake mounts are welded on to high)

Dave :)

edit : had a re-think, you COULD try, puttin 2 bolt adapters on, then, run the maggie mounts pointing towards the dropout, i havent really put much thought into this, so it might be way too overkill, but worth a try.

also your guna need a rock'ard booster other wise ull have muchos flexos

Edited by Mr Dave
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If the 4 bolt mounts don't work, get a new frame.  Surely that would count as a manufacturing defect?

It's the same on all (older models, i'm not sure about the 2005) pures. (Y)

Matt Burrow's way of solving it was to neatly file the drop outs upwards about 1/2" Seems to have done the job. (Y)

Mike. :)

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I just sold the guy that frame and I had a ronnie on it no problems, just had to have the calipers as far down as possible.

Just buy the proper 4 bolt mounts with the proper 4 bolt bolts! Otherwise you'll shag it.

Edited by JonPace
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