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Assault Well Sort Of


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This is rediculous!

Alex (the guy who started this topic and got assaulted) is a mate of mine. He got jumped on completely out of the blue. He didnt see it coming - put yourself in his situation, you get kicked in completely randomly and suddenly cant see out of one eye. How likely are you, Mr Luke 'Hardman' Edwards, to beat the crap out of him in this situation. Not very I can guarantee. Maybe you're a complete thug born and bred on da ill streets blad, but I know that Alex couldnt have just jumped up and killed the guy! Some people just arent strong in a fighting sense, im not saying Alex is weak or cant fight for himself, but in that situation he certainly couldnt and didnt.

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Step 1 in thinking like a thug: Get violent revenge. Almost all fights can be avoided, the police method is best, stick up for yourself if it happens again, but damaging someone's property or some of the other crackpot suggestions (I appreciate most are jokes) aren't quite manly and hard, just weak and childish.


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Cheers for that comment Ben and the reason i didn't fight back is because he ran off somewhere and i don't really want to fight back due to me just being offered a place in 6th form and don't really want to screw up what i've got going at school, and no i'm not really violent i've never been in a fight in my life due to just turning my back and walking away, guessing thats rather puffish or whatever. His older brother would be 18.


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If he starts something again then give him a good punch, might scare him because he don't think you'll fight back. Best bet is to just go to the police and see what they have to say, but then don't go and hit him or anything if they don't do anything because then he can file a complaint and get off while you get done. Just turn leave it and get on with your life (N)

Also, don't risk your education over some wanker because you'll regret it in the long run

Edited by merlin_rider
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This is rediculous!

Alex (the guy who started this topic and got assaulted) is a mate of mine.  He got jumped on completely out of the blue.  He didnt see it coming - put yourself in his situation, you get kicked in completely randomly and suddenly cant see out of one eye.  How likely are you, Mr Luke 'Hardman' Edwards, to beat the crap out of him in this situation.  Not very I can guarantee.  Maybe you're a complete thug born and bred on da ill streets blad, but I know that Alex couldnt have just jumped up and killed the guy!  Some people just arent strong in a fighting sense, im not saying Alex is weak or cant fight for himself, but in that situation he certainly couldnt and didnt.

Ben i'll chat to you on msn.

But you're forgetting how easy it is to be hard on the internet...

You mean like the people on here. That like to do snidy name calling then say violence is bad?

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Ben i'll chat to you on msn.

Why would I wanna do that? Im bothered about what happened to Alex, not settling a petty squabble with you... I couldnt care how you deal with whatever you do, its irrelevant for the situation, cant you see that? I guess you wanna talk to me on msn so you dont lose the hardman face on the public forum?

I want the situation with Alex to get resolved, thats why I contributed, dont think yourself as so important that I really care about a snidey argument with you.

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Why would I wanna do that? Im bothered about what happened to Alex, not settling a petty squabble with you... I couldnt care how you deal with whatever you do, its irrelevant for the situation, cant you see that?  I guess you wanna talk to me on msn so you dont lose the hardman face on the public forum?

I want the situation with Alex to get resolved, thats why I contributed, dont think yourself as so important that I really care about a snidey argument with you.

My face will all ways be the same :D

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Why would I wanna do that? Im bothered about what happened to Alex, not settling a petty squabble with you... I couldnt care how you deal with whatever you do, its irrelevant for the situation, cant you see that?  I guess you wanna talk to me on msn so you dont lose the hardman face on the public forum?

I want the situation with Alex to get resolved, thats why I contributed, dont think yourself as so important that I really care about a snidey argument with you.

I just didn't wanna fill up the topic with even more crap.

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Just because he didn't fight back there and then, what's to say revenge in future tense isn't much at hand?!

Don't just go and find him and twat him one, think of something better than that!

Joe's idea is a good 'un, but there is better (N)

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This is rediculous!

Alex (the guy who started this topic and got assaulted) is a mate of mine.  He got jumped on completely out of the blue.  He didnt see it coming - put yourself in his situation, you get kicked in completely randomly and suddenly cant see out of one eye.  How likely are you, Mr Luke 'Hardman' Edwards, to beat the crap out of him in this situation.  Not very I can guarantee.  Maybe you're a complete thug born and bred on da ill streets blad, but I know that Alex couldnt have just jumped up and killed the guy!  Some people just arent strong in a fighting sense, im not saying Alex is weak or cant fight for himself, but in that situation he certainly couldnt and didnt.


has happened to me twice , whats to be done? nothing either roll over and get a kicking or lower yourself to their level

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If everyone did sort there problems there wouldn't be any violence. Would 'bullys' hit people if they knew they were gonna get the same treatment back? Extreme cases would still happen but this kind or Rubbish would stop.

Or take the other extreme where everyone walks away from a fight.. I think the 'bullys' would get pretty bored if no matter how many people they hit, every one of them went away without argument. Then they'd have to resort to fighting amongst themselves to get some sort of rise out of hitting people. .. not gonna happen though.

If its really bothered you, go to the police, if not.. leave it (N)

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