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Gps Problems


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I've got an ipaq 3360 with a Fortuna Clip On

Bluetooth GPS which works very nicely with TomTom Navigator 3.

At low speeds, the speed readout is pretty accurate - it ties up with the car speedo. At higher speeds it reads lower than the real speed - more than 10% out at 70mph. I've checked it in several cars so it's not that the speedo's are off.

Has anyone else got a GPS system? How accurate is the speed reading?


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my gps is on average 3-5mph less than what the speedo says im doing.

Ta. Any ideas why?

My only thoughts are it doesn't account for height so being around 150m higher than sea level which should make a difference of 2.5%. I'm sure the M6 is lower than this anyway which is where I noticed it.


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Ta. Any ideas why?

My only thoughts are it doesn't account for height so being around 150m higher than sea level which should make a difference of 2.5%. I'm sure the M6 is lower than this anyway which is where I noticed it.


but, speedos are out by a few mph anyway, so the gps could even be correct. guess we shall never know

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but, speedos are out by a few mph anyway, so the gps could even be correct. guess we shall never know

Yeah I thought that, so I checked it out in 4 other cars (All different ages/makes/models)

At least I know the whole thing is crap for speed and it's not just mine.


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well, gps is for giving you directions to where you want to go not speed, so if it give directions correctly then i guess its doing its job :( anyway, its a pain in the ass to even read the speed on my gps as its in tiny writing at the bottom of the screen, easier to look at the speedo :S

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There not really designed for giving speed, you want a gps speedo for that. They're great fun for direction though :( My dad has one for when he's flying, we had a great time using it to navigate and mess about whenever i had to/from uni/home.


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Have dug about a bit more. Seems like GPS is accurate to 0.1mph if you're driving at the same speed in the same direction for a few seconds.

It's illegal for a car speedo to underestimate the speed, it has to be within 0-10% over. Fords are apparently particularly shite for this.

I think the software has a function to display the speed in large letters (not that I need it) when you exceed the 'safety speed' The default is 124mph :(

What's a GPS Speedo when it's at home? I can't see it giving any different readings to a normal GPS system.


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