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Crook Trials Park


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hey peeps, here in county durham which is up in the north east of the country, we are hoping to get a trials park, we have some contacts with the council have funding, and have made some brief designs of the track, hopefully if it gets built it will be one of the biggest in the country it will include

-arena style indoor sections



-street sections

-begginer bit

-picnic area :)

-and loads of make your own up stuff

-and it should be free entry (Y) (not sure yet though)

all we need now is support really, im pretty convinced we can get this park with a bit of help from you guys on here, all i need you to do is copy and paste this into your post and fill in nessasry details



How long riding trials-

Would you be prepared to travel to the park-

email adress-

i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook YOUR NAME HERE

thanks for that, do you think this could be made a sticky? :)

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Name- Nick Crook

Town- Stamford

How long riding trials- 6 Months

Would you be prepared to travel to the park- If it gets built

E-mail adress- Cornholio_mtv@hotmail.com

I am signing this form on my behalf to support the trials park in Crook

Nick Crook

And i agree with David, if you make it free, it'll become a chav infestation :( About £5 per person for a day should scare the chavs away.

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Name- daniel burton

Town- hull

How long riding trials- about 1 and half

Would you be prepared to travel to the park- yes

email adress- burton_modrider@msn.com

i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

Daniel Burton.

like the people said, itll be a chav infestation... so make an entry fee of a copule of quid :(

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the problem will be though as it will be outside, it will mean some one to look after the admissions, and i dont think the council will be prepared to pay that. any ideas for that ? thanks colly

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Name-Rich Pearson


How long riding trials-5 years

Would you be prepared to travel to the park- Yes (eventually...)

email adress-karsonlevoret@hotmail.com

i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook Rich Pearson

the problem will be though as it will be outside, it will mean some one to look after the admissions, and i dont think the council will be prepared to pay that. any ideas for that ? thanks colly

Why not just only let in people with ACU or BIU licences (or any other kind of license)? You could work it out with the council that people only get let in with a license, or in the company of a license holder, and any one else in there is tresspassing, so if you see someone in there who so obviously isn't allowed and is making a nuisence of themselves (tell me you're not going to care if a couple of kids stop by to watch..) you call the police who come and chuck 'em out for not having a license. If the coppers have got time to kick us off the streets, then they have time to police a trials-park. Plus it will create an incentive for more people to get licenses and compete once they have them, helping the sport expand.

Thats the best idea I've got, good luck fellas...


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  colly said:
the problem will be though as it will be outside, it will mean some one to look after the admissions, and i dont think the council will be prepared to pay that. any ideas for that ?    thanks colly

Hmm, why not some kind of turnstile (sp) you know like you get at the underground etc. :(

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  colly said:
come on it should be the biggest one and the best in the country!! blink.gif

The only one in the country. Not much competition for the best then is there wub.gif Good luck with it though erm.gif

Name: Simon Fryer

Town: Worthing, West Sussex

How long riding trials: 3.5 Years

Would you be prepared to travel to the park: Yes

I am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

Simon Fryer.

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Name: Ross Watson

Town: Grangemouth, Stirlingshire, Scotland

How long riding trials: 2 Years

Would you be prepared to travel to the park: Yes

Email Address: watson69er@hotmail.com

I am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

Ross Watson.

Edited by Biker_Watson
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Name- Ben cox

Town- Chelmsford

How long riding trials 3 months-

Would you be prepared to travel to the park- yes

email adress- Alchemy_gothic_kid_2003@hotmail.om

i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

ben cox

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Name- Jonathan Ian MacKinnon

Town-Weston super Mare

How long riding trials-1yr

Would you be prepared to travel to the park-Yeah

email adress- jonmackinnon@gmail.com

i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

Jon MacKinnon

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Name- Joe Baxter

Town- Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

How long riding trials- 2 years

Would you be prepared to travel to the park- Definately, i think its about time the councils of england start recognising our sport!

email adress- forest_bigsy@hotmail.com

i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

Joe Baxter

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Name: Keiron Evans

Town: Mansfield, Notts

How long riding trials: 3 Months

Would you be prepared to travel to the park: Yes

Email Address: Trials_K_B20@hotmail.co.uk

I am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

Keiron Evbans

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Name-tom johnstone


How long riding trials-10 years

Would you be prepared to travel to the park- Yes

email adress-spunkey_monkey_boy@yahoo.com

i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook tom johnstone

Why not just only let in people with ACU or BIU licences? because there are probably hundereds of street riders who dont want to enter natural comps and therefor have no licnece or need for one. north wales bike trials club members wont have licences...

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Riiiight, so people are gonna travel from Bath/Chelmsford/elsewhere to go to a trials park in Co Durham? Are they bollocks! Sorry to sound negative, but there's no point people signing this for something they aren't gonna visit.

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Name- Alastair Clarkson

Town- Hebden Bridge

How long riding trials- 6 years

Would you be prepared to travel to the park- yes (when I get a car)

email adress- dvclarkson@yahoo.co.uk

i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

Alastair Clarkson

I think you should ask for lots of rocks, they can provide hundreds of lines and no two rocks are ever the same (and they are hard to nick and cant be set on fire)

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Riiiight, so people are gonna travel from Bath/Chelmsford/elsewhere to go to a trials park in Co Durham? Are they bollocks! Sorry to sound negative, but there's no point people signing this for something they aren't gonna visit.

it dosnt really matter aslong as we get the park its the main thing :( ali that is a good idea, we have a section planned in the course where rocks are going to be, it will be rocks of all sizes, and different types put there, to build your oqn sections up with, and there will also will be some set out sections :(

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